Title: Makoto's Lament Rating: PG-13 Authors: Usa (Usako0@aol.com) and Emiri (bunny_s_@hotmail.com) Disclaimer: All characters are property of Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha Ltd, TOEI Animations, and Bandai. ********* Makoto's Lament By: Usa and Emiri ********* Makoto looked at the calendar, her etyes welling up with tears. Two more days. In two days it'd be 9 years ago. And the hole in her heart had never shrank. Nine years ago, her parents had left her all alone in the world. Makoto curled up in bed, and let the tears flow. All night long she cried. The tears just wouldn't stop coming. Shortly before dawn, she fell asleep, exhausted. She didn't think she'd be going to school tomorrow... ********* Usagi knocked on Makoto's door. She had set a new record for herself: Leaving for school a half hour earlier. It had been quite an accomplishment but after her first year at Juuban High, she learned that it's best to be prepared for things. "Mako-chan! Time to go!" Usagi knocked again. "Mou, Mako-chan! We're going to be late if you don't come out!" Usagi continued to knock. She crossed her arms. This was definately not like Makoto. She was usually up at the crack of dawn making lunch that Usagi would scarf down herself. The teenager began to get worried about her friend. Usagi pulled a bobby pin from her hair and proceeded to pick the lock. She didn't think it would work but decided to try it anyway. Five minutes later, she was rewarded with a light click. Usagi peered into the dark apartment, but saw no signs of her friend. She did, however, hear faint sobbing... "Mako-chan?" Usagi asked, heading to Makoto's bedroom. Usagi knocked softly on the door. "Ne, Mako-chan," she said, looking at her watch. "We're going to be late!" "You're still sleeping!" Usagi screeched. "No...don't leave me alone..." Makoto sobbed quietly. Usagi inched towards the bed. She could see that Makoto was indeed, still asleep and that she was having a nightmare. She gently shook her. "Mako-chan, wake up, it's only a dream!" In her sleep, Makoto swung her arm in Usagi's direction. Usagi couldn't duck in time and Makoto smacked her in the eye. "Itaaaii!" This startled Makoto out of her sleep. She blinked groggily. "Usagi-chan?" "Hai..." Usagi replied, holding her hand over her eye. "Usagi-chan, gomen nasai!" Makoto turned to look at her clock. "Usagi, you're going to be late for school!" "I'm fine, Mako-chan. What about you? You'll be late too!" "Umm...i'm not going today, Usagi-chan. I'm sick...." Usagi gave her a wry look. "Okay... Do you need me to bring your school work?" "No, I"ll get it later. I just want to rest." Usagi nodded. "Call me on the communicator if you need anything. I'll be her as soon as possible." Makoto nodded, and shooed Usagi out. Usagi looked worriedly at her friend and left the apartment. ********** Arriving in class, Usagi noticed that she still had ten minutes before the bell rang. She ran up to Ami and Minako. "Ohayo!" "Ohayo, Usagi-chan! Where's Mako-chan?" "She said she wasn't feeling well," Usagi said with a shrug. "Usagi-chan, what happened to your eye!" Usagi had completely forgotten about it. She didn't realize it had bruised. "Mako-chan was having a nightmare and smacked me." "How did you get into her apartment if she was asleep?" Ami questioned. "I... um... I sort of picked the lock..." Ami's eyes widened. "That's breaking and entering!" "I didn't break anything! Mako-chan's the one who almost broke my nose!" "Why isn't she here, Usagi-chan?" Minako asked again. "She's sick," Usagi responded. "Ne, I think we should pick up some flowers and visit her after school." "Sounds like a good idea," Ami said with a nod. Minako nodded in agreement. The girls took their seats as soon as the teacher entered and they began their day.