Kunzite sat down at the top of the Shrine stairs. He never knew the Earth could look so beautiful. He heard someone walk up behind him and turned around. "Aino-san." She bowed. "Please call me Minako. May I?" "Of course," Kunzite replied, sliding over. "I know you've been healed, Kunzite-kun. I can feel it in my soul. I fell asleep and dreamed of the Silver Millennium. We were together until that fateful day when Beryl brainwashed all of you." Kunzite nodded. "Hai, I remember that day clearly. I was trying to resist, but her power was just too strong. She had the power of Metallia with her as well." He took a deep breath and continued. "It was like I had left my body and I was watching myself doing all these horrible things. I didn't want to hurt you, but I did. In more ways than one." "Kunzite!" Minako cried, launching herself into his arms. "Sumimasen, my Princess." She held onto him tighter. "I forgive you, my Prince." ************* Rei glanced at Makoto. The two had seen the exchange between Minako and Kunzite. "Ami-chan, what do you think?" Makoto asked. "I believe he's changed. Usagi-chan must have saved him. Have you noticed how protective he is of her?" "I guess so," Rei replied. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to stop being wary of him." Ami smiled. "Just take it one step at a time, Rei-chan. One doesn't earn trust in a day." "Minna..." "Usagi-chan," Makoto said, "you should be in bed." She nodded. "I-- It's just so lonely in there by myself." "Well, it is late," Ami pointed out. "Yeah. Let's go, Usagi," Rei replied, taking her friend by the hand. "Oyasumi, minna." "Oyasumi," they responded. Ami looked out the window. "I guess Minako-chan will come in when she's tired." "She's so lucky," Makoto said with a sigh. "I hope so. Come on, Mako-chan." ************* The next morning, the girls walked Usagi home. She glanced to her right. "Are you sure Mama knows I'm coming home, Ami-chan? I don't want to scare her." Ami nodded. "Hai, Usagi-chan. I talked to her myself." "Okay..." "Ne, Usagi-chan," Minako said, poking her friend. "Here's comes Mamoru-san." Usagi took a deep breath. This was not something she needed right now. As he came closer to them, she tried to think of something witty to say. Nothing came to her. "Odango, nice to see you back. Did whoever take you decide the incessant wailing was too much for them?" Makoto glared at him and no one held her back as she swung her fist to meet his face. However, she didn't hit him, she hit Usagi. "Kami!" she exclaimed, kneeling next to her friend. "Usagi-chan, gomen, but why did you do that?" Usagi sat up, shaking her head. She was going to have a nice bruise around her eye. "You don't have to hurt him. I know he's not very nice, but don't stoop down to his level." None of them had noticed that Mamoru had slipped away. He was still confused by Usagi's actions to say anything. "Usagi..." Rei began. "Nevermind," she said, helping Usagi up. "Let's just get you home."