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The Way We Weren't Part 2

Sakura looked up to see their waitress and some other girl staring at her. It was getting on her nerves. "Sakura, something wrong?" Yuuta asked.

"There's something familiar about the girl that just walked in. I can't place it," she told him.

"Maybe you knew her?" he said. "You probably lived in the area. Are you interested to see if anyone recognizes you?"

She wasn't so certain she should. "But what if they don't want me back?"

"Nonsense, why wouldn't they!"

"I don't know." Ikuko tugged on her mom's shirt. Sakura could tell why. "Oh my, guess we need to change someone's diaper." She picked up Ikuko and headed to the bathroom.

That's where she meet Minako. Minako washed her hands as Sakura finished changing Ikuko's diaper. "You're daughter is adorable!" Minako gushed.

Sakura smiled. "Arigatou...?"

"Aino Minako desu."

"Furato Sakura. This is Ikuko." Minako blinked at the child's name. It was uncanny how much she looked like Usagi's mother. "This is going to sound strange, but I can't get over how familiar you look to me," Sakura said. "Have we met before?"

"Possibly," Minako replied. "I have to go. You should visit Hikawa Shrine. It's beautiful this time of year with all the cherry blossoms."

Sakura nodded. "We'll do that, arigatou!" She set Ikuko on the floor and took her daughter's hand. "Lets go see if your applesauce is out there." Ikuko screeched in excitement.

Minako stared at the door for a full five minutes before she broke out of her trance. She looked, sounded, and acted like Usagi. Little Ikuko... how odd.


The family left Crown's after a wonderful lunch. "Sakura, I have to meet up with my squad. Did you want to go to the hotel?"

"Could you drop me off at Hikawa Shrine?" she asked.

Yuuta nodded. "That's a gorgeous shrine," he said as they got into the car.


Rei was sweeping the shrine grounds when she saw a young woman helping a child up the many stairs. The woman laughed and Rei realized how familiar that laugh was.

*Baka yo! She's been gone for two years get over it!* She shook her head and met them at the top of the stairs. The resemblance between this woman and Usagi was uncanny!

"Konichiwa," she said, picking up the little girl.

"K-konichiwa," Rei managed to sputter out.

Sakura looked at her curiously. "Daijoubu? You're awfully pale."

"Iie, I'm fine. Welcome to Hikawa Shrine. Hino Rei desu!"

"Furato Sakura and this is my daughter, Ikuko." Sakura could tell that Rei was on the verge of tears. Before she could say anything more, Rei was falling to the ground. Luckily, Makoto had arrived in time to catch her.

"Kami!" Sakura exclaimed. Makoto glanced up at the girl. She did a double take. Sakura shook her head. "Shouldn't you get her inside?"

"You're right," Makoto replied, lifting Rei up. She wasn't as heavy as she thought. "I'll be right back."

Sakura nodded and sat down on a bench. She let Ikuko run around. "Don't go to far, Iku!"

Ikuko ran up to Makoto, who was coming from Rei's room. "Kon!" she exclaimed.

"What's she saying?" Makoto asked with a laugh.

"Konichiwa," Sakura responded. She noticed that Makoto was starring at her. "Ano, is there something on my face, Makoto-san?"

"Iie... it's just that..."


Makoto debated whether or not to say anything. What could it hurt? If anything, she was wrong and it would all be a misunderstanding. "You look so much like a friend who disappeared two years ago."

"I do?" Sakura knew it was too much of a coincidence that she and Makoto's friend left Tokyo two years ago. "Well, I used to live here apparently. At least, I think I did. You remember that earthquake?" Makoto nodded. "I was knocked unconscious. Someone found me and had to take me to the nearest hospital, which happened to be in Osaka because the ones around here were filled. I couldn't remember my name, my family, or anything."

Makoto nodded, hope rising. "By any chance, was there something odd about your appearance? Your hair, maybe?"

"Hai, it was in odangos, why?" She saw tears fill Makoto's eyes. "Do... do you know me?"


Sakura smiled. "Is that my name?"

"Mama!!" Ikuko wanted to be held so Usagi picked her up.

Makoto looked at Ikuko. "How old is she?"

"Almost 2, why?"

"Are you married?"

"Hai, to the man who saved my life, Furato Yuuta. Speaking of which, here he comes now." Usagi walked over to him. "Yuuta, I know who I am!"

"You remembered?" he asked.

"Iie, Makoto-san was a friend of mine," she explained.

He gave her a hug. "That's wonderful, Tenshi!"

Makoto watched the two, wondering how she was supposed to tell the others. "Ne, Usagi-chan... I mean, should I call you that or would you rather I call you Sakura?"

Usagi shook her head. "Call me Usagi, especially if that's my real name. Could I... well see my family?"

"Of course!" Makoto replied. "Why don't I take you tomorrow? That way today I can tell them so when they do see they don't fall over in shock."

"Hai, that would proabably be best." Usagi bowed. "We're staying at the Constellation Hotel, do you know where that is?"

Makoto nodded. "I do. See you tomorrow then!" She watched as the family headed down the stairs. She could hardly believe it. "Usagi-chan..."

Part 3
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