Title: The Rainbow Senshi Author: Usa (moon.senshi@gmail.com) Disclaimers in Part 1 Luna and Artemis watched as the parents of their Senshi filed into one of the many rooms at Hikawa Shrine. Rei's grandfather had no idea what to expect, but he was kind enough to have refreshments available for the worried parents. They all spoke quietly amongst themselves, wondering what could have happened to their children. Luna felt the Queen's presence soon enough. "Artemis, Luna, I will return you to your human forms. Tell them your names, but let them draw their own conclusions about the two of you. I shall appear to them after you've explained what you can." The cats nodded. "Hai, Serenity-sama." "What's going on?" Aino Hisako wanted to know. "Where is my daughter!" "Ladies, gentlemen," Luna said, now in her human form. "Please have a seat. All of your questions will be answered in due course." Ikuko stared at her. "Kenji, doesn't she look familiar?" He nodded in agreement. After everyone had taken their seats, Luna introduced herself and Artemis. "Wait! Are you saying--" "Shingo, don't be rude," Ikuko said. Although deep down, she was wondering the same thing about these two. Luna smiled. "It's all right, Ikuko-san. We are who you think. Your daughters are very special. They are the Sailor Senshi and we," she said, looking at Artemis, "are their guardians." "This is some kind of joke, ne?" Ami's mother, Ayaka said. "Cats cannot talk and they certainly cannot turn into humans." In a shimmer of light, Serenity, Queen of the Moon, appeared before them. Luna and Artemis bowed before her. "Watashi wa Serenity desu. What these two have said is true." "Aino Hisako and Marina," she said stepping in front of the first couple. "Your daughter, Minako, is Venus. She is the Senshi of Love." "Mizuno Ayaka. Your daughter, Ami, is Mercury. She is the Senshi of Water and Intelligence." "Hino Ichiro. Your granddaughter, Rei, is Mars. She is the Senshi of Fire." He grinned. "Not surprising," he replied with a bow. "Urwa. Your friend, Makoto, is Jupiter. She is the Senshi of Wisdom and Strength." "Tsukino Kenji, Ikuko, and Shingo. Your daughter and sister, Usagi, is Moon. She is the Senshi of Love and Justice." Shingo's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe it. The Senshi he idolized was his own sister! "Are you sure about this?" he asked Serenity. She smiled. "It is hard to believe at times, ne?" "Serenity-sama," Ikuko said. "Where are they? They've been missing for a day and half. We're worried sick." Serenity nodded. "Luna and Artemis will explain. They will answer any questions you may have. I will return in two days time to let you know of their progress." Artemis stepped forward. "The Senshi are currently fighting Princess Oni, sister of Queen Beryl, who Luna will now tell you about." Two hours later, the shell-shocked parents, brother, and friend, left Hikawa Shrine. "Luna, are you certain there isn't anything we could do?" Ikuko asked. "I'm afraid not, Ikuko-san. Don't worry, Usagi-chan will be all right. She has her Senshi and Tuxedo Kamen who will protect her." "Tuxedo Kamen?" Shingo exclaimed. "Sugoi!" Kenji looked down at his son. "Shingo, you can't go blurting this to your friends. It could be very dangerous." "I won't," he replied. "I promise. No one would believe me anyway..."