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Usagi's New Life Part 1

"Your success and happiness lie in you." -Helen Keller

Part 1: Usagi is the winner... Or is she the loser?

Tsukino Usagi ran to Hikawa Shrine. She had just passed her final exams. There was a time when she didn't think she'd even make it through high school. Not only because she didn't study, but as Sailor Moon, she had to fight the forces of evil who threatened to take over the Earth.

Her freshman year, Usagi had barely defeated Chaos. With the belief her friends had for her, she was able to win. It had taken all that for Usagi to realize that if she wanted a bright future, before she became Queen, she'd have to study hard.

And that's what she did. Usagi brought her grades up and she received many scholarships from colleges in Japan. She knew it was going to be a tough choice. She had also received a scholarship from the University of California in Los Angeles. Usagi, however, didn't think she could bring herself to go too far from her family even if it was a good opportunity. Although, she did welcome the chance to see Haruka, Michiru, Setsuna, and Hotaru.

Suddenly, Usagi's communicator beeped. She still wore it even though there had been no reason. The girls liked to use them to talk and make plans. "Hai?"

"Usagi-chan!" It was Minako. "You won't believe it, but there's a youma off of Kakyuu Drive. Hurry! I don't know if-- KUSO! Ami-chan!" The communicator went dead.

"Minako-chan!" Usagi screamed. She didn't want to fight again, but she knew she had to. Her friends were counting on her. "Moon Eternal, Make Up!"

"Why can't these youma attack closer to me?" she muttered running off.


"Tuxedo Kamen-sama, daijobu?" Sailor Mars asked.

"Hai," he replied, holding his arm. "How is Ami-chan?"

"She's conscious, but she probably has a concussion. Minako-chan is with her."

"Quit chatting, and help me out!" Makoto shouted angrily. "Jupiter, Oak Evolution!"

"Mars, Flame Sniper!"

"Where's Usagi-chan?" Makoto asked. "Minako-chan, where was she when you called her?"

Helping Ami sit up, Minako told them that she neglected to ask Usagi. That's when the youma decided that it was bored and blasted them across the street.


Usagi arrived just in time to see her friends being attacked. "Minna!" Instead of her usual speech, Usagi went with the element of surprise. "Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss!" She yelled as the youma attacked her with its last bit of strength. Luckily, it only grazed her.

Holding her cheek, she turned to her friends, who were getting up. Well, all but Ami. "Ami-chan!" Usagi cried out, running to her.

She was stopped by Rei and Makoto. "Usagi! What the hell took you so long? Ami-chan could have been killed!" Rei growled.

"What do you mean, where was I? I was meeting you all at Hikawa Shrine. I was almost there when Minako-chan called me," Usagi told them in her defense. Mamoru walked over, holding his arm. "Mamo-chan, daijobu?"

"Usa-ko, you are becoming more irresponsible than you were two years ago!"

"N-nani? What do you mean?"

He gave her an annoyed look, then turned to the other Senshi. "Minna, get Ami-chan to the hospital. I'll meet you there later." The girls nodded and detransformed. "Usagi!" Mamoru said angrily.

*Usagi...?* the girl thought sadly.

"I think I need some time without you. When I'm ready to see you again, I'll call you."

With that, Mamoru leapt away. Usagi sank to her knees. "Mamo-chan..."


Usagi entered the hospital, looking for any sign of the girls. *This has to be a misunderstanding, ne?*

"Usagi-chan, I don't think you should be here," Minako said quietly, eyes darting back and forth.

"Minako-chan. How's Ami-chan?"

"Usagi, I can't believe you came after what happened earlier!" Rei shouted before Minako could reply. "Ami-chan is in a coma! The doctor doesn't believe she'll ever wake up again!" Minako was about to protest, but Rei gave her an evil look.

"Kami-sama..." Usagi whispered shakily. "C-can I see her?"


Usagi looked up to see Makoto. "Mako-chan..."

Makoto grabbed Usagi by the bow of her uniform. "Usagi, if you ever come back here to see Ami-chan, I will personally rip your lungs out!" She threatened.

"Mako-chan," Rei said, "Mizuno-sensei wants to see us." She looked at Usagi. "Usagi, we never want to see you again, is that clear? We don't need worthless people hampering our style. Minako-chan, Mako-chan, lets go."

"Matte!" Usagi called out. Rei and Makoto ignored Usagi, but Minako looked sadly behind her.


Coming up Part 2! What's this? Usagi in America!?!

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