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Face Your Fears Prologue


Usagi sighed and put the note on the kitchen table. Her parents would definitely find it in the morning. She didn’t want to have to do this, but she had to. For the sake of her family and friends. Usagi opened the note to reread it.

“Mama, Papa, and Shingo,

I am so sorry for doing this to you, but I can’t take it anymore. Things have gone horribly wrong in my life. Please don’t be upset with me for leaving. I am going to stay with Aunt Ayeka in Osaka. She knows I’m coming, but please don’t come after me. When everything is under control, I will come back home.

Gomen nasai, your daughter,

Putting the note back onto the table, usagi thought back to the night that helped to make this decision.


“Naru-chan!” Sailor Moon screamed in horror. Nephrite had turned her best friend against her.

“What do you care, Usagi? You were always running off with your new friends and forgetting about me. It’s my chance to get back at you and all the hell you put me through!”

“All the hell I put you through? Naru-chan, I would never knowingly do that to you,” she said, her voice, cracking. “I love you like a sister.”

Nephrite spoke up. “Naru, don’t listen to her, listen to the Stars. They will guide you as they guide me. Sailor Moon wants to kill the two of us.”

Beryl’s General was about to attack Sailor Moon, when a streak of lightning and a yellow beam came at him. “IYA!” Naru screamed, jumping in front of him.


Nephrite began to disappear in the form of stars. He spoke to Usagi through telepathy. *Sailor Moon, beware. I know who you are and I can easily find out where you live. I’m not dying, so watch out or your family and friends will die!*


Usagi got chills whenever she remembered how Nephrite sounded in her mind. She couldn’t let anything happen to her family and friends. This was the only way. The Senshi would get by without her, she was certain of it. “Mama, Papa, Shingo, Luna...” she whispered. “I love you all..."

Part 1
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