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Disclaimer: Me? Own Dragon ball/Z/GT or any of its cool characters? You been flying in to rock faces again? I don't own it. I don't own anything. That's why I 'borrowed' Vegeta's take over the world plans. I will own everything! Mawhahahahachoke, cough. Um, yes. Read the story! Authors note: I'd love some opinions, but PLEASE keep in mind that I have only seen up to where Trunks first comes back in time because the baka's at Cartoon network keep repeating old ones! But, worry not, Vegeta has been despatched. Mawhahaha! So no comment on how incorrect it is as I've piece together the story line from episode summaries and fanfics on the internet. And no comments on how much power a power station puts out! I don't need to learn after school as well as in it!!!!!!

Body swap

By Debarrot
"Okay, just pull the helmet on to your head. Is it on Goku, Yeah?" Bulma asked. Vegeta scowled at Goku who was fussing about with the under chin strap. He kept tipping his head down, trying to see what he was doing with the straps buckle, but as soon as he did the helmet fell off. Vegeta sighed, his own helmet already in place and stomped over to Goku. He grabbed the straps, (hovering a foot in the air to do so) and did them up. "Baka." He muttered, striding back over to the seat opposite from Goku. He scowled at Bulma. "While I'm young Onna." He growled. Bulma nodded, typing commands into her keyboard. "Um, Bulma?" Goku asked, raising his hand. Bulma looked up at him. "Yes Goku?" She said, trying to keep the annoyance from her voice. "What does this, er, machiny thing do again?" Bulma sighed. "It's a subliminal communicator, if it works you and Vegeta will be able to form a telepathic link to each other in battle." "Oh…" He answered, looking even more confused. He turned to Vegeta whose head ache was getting worse. "Huh?" "It means we'll be able to hear each others thoughts, like…like brain radio." Vegeta explained. Goku nodded, brow furrowing deeper. "Oh… em, right." The pounding in his head was increasing. Vegeta pulled an aspirin bottle from his jeans pocket and swallowed four of them. "Okay, I'm ready…just try and relax." Bulma instructed. The machine began to hum and Vegeta felt the sound rattle through his skull. "Try and think to each other." Vegeta smirked at the thought, looking up at Goku. "Not going to get much from him am I?" "Just try." Bulma pleaded. Vegeta concentrated on the message 'Kakorott is a Baka.' Goku's face remained blank. Bulma sighed. "Anything?" She asked, voice nervous. She had spent weeks working on this machine. Vegeta stood up, his smirk softening and walked over to Bulma, embracing her. "No, I'm sorry Bulma. You'll get it though, don't worry." A week later they were back in the room, helmets in place, both a bit sweaty and bruised from the spar Bulma had pulled them out of. The machine began to hum. "Kaasan! Goten smashed into rock face again!" Trunks yelled from downstairs. Bulma sighed. "Don't worry guys, I'll be back in a minute." She said, walking out of the door and heading for the medical kit. Vegeta yawned, bored. "Hope Goten's okay." Goku commented, looking toward the door and shuffling nervously. "Probably another concussion." Vegeta growled, smirking. "He can't have brain damage, he hasn't got a brain." Goku glared at him. Their Saiyan blood was still hot from battle. "Take that back!" "Make me!" They both began to power up, their separate powers making the entire house shake. The hum from the machine increased in pitch. A blinding flash filled the room as the machine exploded. "How many fingers Goten?" Bulma asked, holding up three fingers in front of Goten's face while she held an ice pack against his forehead with the other. He was sitting on one of the kitchen stools, eyes a bit glazed. Trunks was holding him upright, knowing from experience that Goten's balance had been trashed. "Um," Goten mumbled, blinking in the effort of focusing his eyes. "Er, I can see six." Goten answered, reeling to one side drunkenly. "What I get in that test?" He collapsed back into Trunks' arms, passing out. An explosion from above rocked the house. "Vegeta and Goku!" Bulma yelled, turning to dash upstairs. Trunks sighed, picking up his best friend, heaving him up on to one shoulder and deposited him on the couch, then followed his mother upstairs. Bulma ran in, a fire hose in her hand and surveyed the damage. The walls were blackened, the windows shattered and the machine smashed into little metal scrapes. Goku and Vegeta, looking a bit blackened with their clothes torn sat unconscious in the testing chairs. They were okay. Vegeta opened his eyes. The room was a bit blurred but that was to be expected, mild concussions normally brought that on. Everything in the room seemed to be at the wrong angle, the pictures were too low, even the couch was to low, his knees bent to much to be comfortable. How long had he been unconscious? How had Bulma changed couches so fast? And why in the name of Kami was he wearing orange? He tried to focus. What had he been doing? He and Kakorott had been sparring. Of course, that was it, he'd been sparring. Kakorott had won again, destroyed his clothes and lent him one of his own GI's and he was at Kakorott's house recovering. Yes, that all made sense, but why did the GI fit? He found the answer again, it was one of Gohan's, he was close to Gohan's size. He nodded to himself, satisfied. It all fit. He stood up carefully, glad that his headache was only mild and promptly lost his balance. He fell flat on his face. He knew he had a concussion, but why did he feel too big, his legs too long. He stood again and more carefully took a step forward. How strange, he was totally off balance. This time he really would kill Kakorott. He walked slowly over to the mirror, ready to survey the damage. What he saw made his scream. Goku sat up on the bed, glancing at his blue GI pants. He had no shirt on. The pants were tight but fit well. He focused. He grinned. He pants had spontaneously changed colour. Momentarily he wondered if he had gone beyond Super Saiyan four to a stage that not only changed hair colour but clothes colour too. His smile faded. Chichi would be mad. She'd have to re-dye it orange so that it matched his others again. His boots had changed colour too, they were now white, rather than black. They matched the blue well. He wondered what colour his hair had changed. Glancing around, he realised he was in Vegeta's bedroom (teleportation accidents had lead him to know it quite well.) He wondered when they'd bought a bigger bed, this one seemed longer, his feet weren't even close to the edge. He stood up and wobbled. Why was he here? Why were things just the right height for him? Why wasn't he stooping? Then it clicked. He had been thrown into a parallel dimension were orange was blue, tall was short and black was white. Yep, that made sense, now all he had to do was find some wizard called Oz. He took a step forward and almost fell. Sighing, he took another step, being careful this time. Gravity must be opposite here too. "Wonder where the yellow brick road is?" He asked out loud, glad that Goten had made him watch that video to prepare him for this. He didn't even look into the mirror as he passed. Vegeta looked at his face, looked at the spiky hair, the scowl, the smirking lips and screamed again. He looked down at the too large body wearing a GI that fit so well and screamed for a third time. He… He… no his brain wouldn't accept it, but it was true. He….was…was in Kakorott's body! And that could mean only one thing, one thing that made his, no not his, Kakorott's stomach clench, that … that Kakorott was in his body! That moronic Baka was in his body! HIS! "Bulma! What did you do to me!" He roared as she ran through the door in answer to the screams. "Its okay Goku, no one's got a needle, just calm down." She said softly, her tone dropping into a soft cooing sound much like she had used when Trunks was a baby. Vegeta forced a face meant for cheerfulness into a fierce scowl. "I-AM-NOT-KAKAROTT!" He bellowed down to the woman who'd he'd once looked in the eye. This was all too much. "What did you say again?" Trunks asked, looking confused and worried again. It seemed that in this dimension Trunks was a bit deaf. Goku tried again, louder this time. "Can you tell me where the yellow brick road is?!" Trunks covered his ears at the volume of the yell. For some reason that worried look on his face increased. "Tousan, I think you should lie down." Trunks' suggested, laying a gentle hand on Goku's shoulder. "No, I'm not tired really. I just need to find this wizard guy called Oz so he can take me back home." Goku explained, pulling Vegeta's features into a wide grin. He wondered why his cheeks were hurting. Trunk's backed away a bit. "Tousan, you're scaring me." He turned to the stairs. "Kaasan, something's really wrong with Papa!" He yelled. Bulma was too busy, her hands covering her ears as Goku screamed a list of Vegeta's best obscenities at her. (Use your imagination to fill the *@!<) What in *@!<*@!< did you do to me! I'm in that *@!< Kakorott's body!" At this point words seemed to fail Vegeta because his voice cut into a loin like roar and a tick started up on Goku's scowling mouth. Bulma sighed, picked something out of the medical kit lying on a chair and shot it at him. Goku's body collapsed as the sedative took affect and Vegeta was blissfully unconscious when the real Goku walked through the door. Goku walked away from the scared looking Trunks, faltering a bit but getting used to the gravity change quickly. Such a strange place, why had Trunks called him dad? Goku wished Gohan was here, or Chichi, they'd be able to explain it all to him. Walking into Vegeta's living room, he spotted Goten lying on the couch blinking rapidly. "Head hurt?" Goku asked, seeing the black bruise on Goten's forehead and picking up an ice pack that lay discarded on the floor. "Uh huh, why'd I have to go to school today Kaasan. I don't feel well." Goten mumbled as Goku placed the ice pack on his head and smiled, sitting down beside his son, holding up two fingers. "How many?" Goten looked puzzled. "Two times six is four." He answered, humming the times table song. Sighing but smile still in place Goku stood again, patting his sons arm. "Don't worry Goten-chan, you'll be fine." Goku didn't see the surprised look on Trunks' face as he stood in the door way watching. Goku turned and walked in to one of the side rooms, used to watch TV in. Bulma turned as Goku walked into the room. She watched as Vegeta's face contorted first into a strange confusion and then into a totally foreign expression, the expression of pure, total fear, fear the like Bulma knew Vegeta had never felt. Bulma instinctively lifted both hands in what would normally have been a calming movement, but then normally Bulma wasn't holding a needle full of sedative. Vegeta's body stumbled backwards, tripping due to the unfamiliar length of limbs (and of gravity) and landed in a very undignified manner on his butt on the floor. He scrambled backwards, mouth moving in a soundless scream. Bulma carefully laid the needle down in the medical box. She'd dealt with Goku's fear of needles for years, she knew what to do. She took a few steps away from the needles, hands held above her head and looked into Vegeta's grey eyes. "Goku, shhh. It's okay, no ones going to give you a shot." She said calmly. Vegeta's body paused in its backward flight. "No shot?" Goku whimpered, looking from the needle to Bulma. "Nope." Bulma walked slowly towards the fallen Vegeta, helping him stand, wiping tears from his hard eyes. "Why are you so tall? Is that my evil twin?" Goku murmured, gesturing to his own fallen body, barely noticing that he was wearing gloves. Remembering his duty , Goku pulled away from Bulma's friendly reassuring hug and stumbled backwards. Trunk's appeared in the doorway to block his escape. "Goku, wait. I need to explain something…" She was cut off when, struggling to walk, Goku tried to hover, managed it for a brief moment, then lost all power. He plummeted downwards and landed once again on his butt. "No, I can't wait. I have to find this guy Oz so he can take me home." Bulma blinked, glancing at Trunks who grinned and sweatdropped. "Goten made him watch the Wizard of Oz, I have a feeling he thought it was an instruction film." Trunks explained, the worried expression melting into a grin as he found that his father had not lost his mind. He and Goku had simply swapped bodies, no big deal. (this really says something about Trunks' home life) Bulma stepped up behind Goku who was futilely trying to drag Trunks out of the door way. Unused to Vegeta's body, Goku could barely stand, let alone drag a Super Saiyan out of the way. Bulma caught his shoulders and steered him over to the mirror. Goku stared at Vegeta. Vegeta stared at Goku. Goku lifted his hand to tough his face. Vegeta did the same. Goku looked down at his gloved hands, his blue GI pants and his white boots. He looked down at his body and saw Vegeta's muscled, bulky chest and huge arms. "Do you understand Goku? Do you know what happened?" Bulma asked gently, seeing Vegeta's brow frown in thought. "I…I'm in Vegeta's body." He stuttered. "How?" "We'll find out Goku, why don't you sit down, have something to eat and we'll see what Vegeta says when he wakes up." Goku nodded numbly as Bulma steered him towards an easy chair. He sat down and promptly fainted. Goten sat up, dislodging the now melted ice pack and promptly felt dizzy. His head was aching, he felt like if he moved anymore he'd throw up but he was soooo hungry! His stomach growled angrily. Goten concentrated. What could he remember? There was something about school in there, yep, he'd broken his own science model and Trunks said they'd worked as a pair on his. There was something involving the principle. Yeah, a joke. Something with glue, super glue and a chair, no a toilet and two flushed cherry bombs. There had been a fire drill. He couldn't remember what had caused it. A smirking Trunks was in there too. A chase, something grey. Goten sighed, looking around the blurred and doubled up room. He was at Trunks' house, in the living room. His stomach growled again, more persistently this time. "Trunks?" Goten called softly, feeling a bit down cast that his friend wasn't there when he had woken up. There was no response. He was so hungry, but he couldn't move, he felt too dizzy. He tried anyway and felt his stomach churn, ready to dispose of whatever food it still contained. "Trunks?" He called again, louder, relaxing back onto the couch. "Bulma? Vegeta?" He tried. Even speaking made his head hurt more. Blackness ate at the edge of his vision. He closed his eyes against the pain. His pulse felt like a sledge hammer blow, even the lights were too bright. "Trunks?" He yelled, voice quivering. "Yep?" Trunks' friendly voice answered. Goten's eyes snapped open too fast, making his vision swim in a haze of pain. Trunks, seeing the look of pain on Goten's face sighed regretfully. "You okay?" "My head hurts." "You flew full speed into a rock face." "Oh, that explains the grey blur. My head really hurts." "You should talk, right now I feel sorry for the rock face." Goten's stomach roared. "I'm hungry too." Goten said, blushing a deep red and grinned hopefully up at his double friend. Trunks sighed. "Can you stand?" "The rooms spinning too much, could you tell it to stay still." Goten's eyes were glazing again, his voice getting distant. "My Kaasans gonna be mad, I forgot to do my homework…." He trailed off, mumbling something about being grounded so he couldn't come out and play. Trunks picked up the blanket sitting on one of the backs of the easy chairs and threw it over his small friend, walking away to get more ice. Vegeta, in Goku's body sat up, Goku's normally cheerful face twisted into a paradox of a scowl. Bulma sighed, looking up from her blue prints at the growl. "Why'd you sedate me onna?" He growled, twisting to look at first her at the table and then at his own normal body laid limply in an easy chair. "You were being annoying. Keep your voice down. I don't want to wake Goku up yet." Bulma ordered nodding to the small looking Vegeta who had an unnaturally happy expression on his face. Vegeta's own scowl deepened as he stood up and walked over to the desk to look over Bulma's shoulder. "Why'd this happen?" He asked, it was not bad being tall. Everyone had to look up at you. It was a great advantage. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and ignoring every rule he had, admired the reflection. Goku's face in a frown looked dangerous, deadly, his huge muscles and body going to make the impression even more threatening. "I'm going to go eat." He stated, feeling a sudden growl from Goku's… his stomach. Walking through the doorway, beginning to get his balance back, Vegeta smashed his fore head first in to the light and then into the door frame. He sighed and suddenly began to miss being short. "Hi tousan." Goten murmured as Trunk's, supporting him on one side helped Goten to his bed room. The black bruise was clear on his forehead, even through his wild fringe. Trunks forced a smirk onto his face. "That's not your tousan, its mine." He explained, watching as Goku's face twisted into one of Vegeta's best smirks. "What happened to him?" He growled. "Flew into a rock face." "Huh, that's my tousan Trunks, all two of 'em Man they look alike. I never knew tousan had a twin." Goten collapse against his best friend again, muttering. "I know who my tousan is, its one of them, I just wish they'd stop spinning." "Concussion?" "Worse than normal. Mind if he stays the night?" Vegeta thought about this, brow furrowed. "He'd better, neither me or Goku can fly right now. I'm going to call Gohan, we might need his help." Trunks nodded and looked down at his senseless friend. Bending, he pulled the smaller boy onto his shoulders and strode away. Gohan looked surprised, staring at his fathers face in he video display screen. Goku was ….Scowling? "Gohan, we need you round at Bulma's, there's been an accident." Goku's voice was different somehow, maybe it was a bad connection but it sounded as though he was growling. "Oh, hi tousan. What's up?" Goku's face twisted in to a tight lipped smirk. Was he doing his impression of Vegeta. Yeah, must be it. He was joking around. Gohan laughed. "That's a great impression of Veggie-chan tousan, you even got that stupid grumpy look there." Goku's face began to twitch. "What…what did you call me?!" Goku roared, glaring though the screen at Gohan. "Huh, tousan…what?" "How dare you call the Prince of all Saiyans stupid and grumpy!" The tick was going full out now. "Vegeta? Vegeta what the hell is going on?" "Just get here now, Bulma needs your help." The screen went blank. Surprised Gohan stared at it for a minute then turned toward the door. "Why me? Why do I have to have the freaky family?" He muttered to himself as he flew off, using Trunk's Ki as a guide. "Dare call me grumpy. I'm not grumpy, I'm just not happy all the damn time." Vegeta growled, pacing. Oh, how he wished he could access the power in this body, then he'd show Gohan why people should respect their prince. His stomach growled again and Vegeta all but doubled up in hunger. What was with Kakorott's body? Vegeta scowled down at Goku's/his stomach, sighed and strolled toward the kitchen, this time remembering to duck through the doorway. "Any ideas what could have caused it?" Gohan asked, glancing across at the still sleeping form of Vegeta or was it Goku? His head begun to ache. "I've been though everything twice. The machine was always capable of switching minds but the power involved…" She shook her head, leaning back on her chair in frustration. "You'd need a direct hook up to four nuclear power stations to do it to a normal person. Those tow, to switch them it would take eight." Bulma sipped her fourth cup of coffee and starred down at the blue prints. So what I want' to know is were eight nuclear power stations came from." Gohan grinned, looking at the plans. "Can you remake the machine?" He asked. "No problem there, but what about the power?" "You remember when I converted over approximate power readings for Super Saiyan form and changed it in to an electricity reading?" ( Why? Don't ask. It is Gohan.) "Yeah…" "And it worked out to be about equal to forty billion watts." Bulma swore. "That's more than eight power stations if both went super Saiyan together." Bulma growled, clenching her fist. "Baka's, do they think of nothing but fighting?" Gohan grinned, picking up a screwdriver from the side table and held it out to Bulma. "Lets get building." Goku sat up and tried to remember what had happened. His brow wrinkled in concentration. Now he'd woken up when Chichi had called, had eaten breakfast, come over to Bulma's to spar with Vegeta. She'd stopped them. The memories blurred again and Goku sighed. There was something like a solar flare in there and a yellow brick road. He stood up, sighing heavily again. He hated thinking, specially on an empty stomach. He wondered off toward the kitchen, surprised when he found himself already there. "Well, that's it, last part." Bulma said, standing up and stretched her legs, muscles cramped from kneeling for too long. Gohan tossed his screw driver into a tool box and grinned. "You mean it's fixed?" He asked eagerly. "Yep, lets go get the accident victims." "Hi," Goku said, smiling his normal smile, turning Vegeta's face in ways the muscles had never moved before. "You must be my evil twin. How's it going?" Vegeta sighed and looked down at the Saiyan runt. "You're a baka, Goku, a real baka." Bulma and Gohan walked in, looking at the two of them. "It's fixed, lets go." Bulma stated calmly, poured another coffee and walked away, the others following her toward her workshop. Gohan crouched down, pushing his fathers gloved hands away and did the strap up under Vegeta's strong chin. "Um, thanks Gohan-chan." His father mumbled, feeling a bit sheepish. Vegeta sighed, strapping on his own helmet under Goku's chin and relaxed back into his chair. "Let's get this over with Onna." He growled and watched as Bulma typed commands into her keyboard, then turned and left the room. Gohan grabbed the plug of the machine from the floor and power up to Super Saiyan two. There was a blinding flash and the room shook. Bulma walked back in, finding all three unconscious, lying amidst the remains of her second machine. "Damn Saiyans ruin everything." She growled and stalked away. Gohan looked up into his fathers confused black eyes and wondered, not for the first time here he had inherited his intelligence from. "Am I in the right dimension now? I don't think I saw that Oz guy, but it was really bright and…" Goku trailed off, looking even more confused than before as he pulled his son to his feet. "I'll explain when we get home." Gohan reassured him, looking over at Bulma as she pulled her dazed husband to his unsteady feet. Vegeta scowled, then rubbed his checks. "You smile too much baka." He growled. Owari.