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The Sailor Scout Senshi

Fighting evil by Moonlight, winnig love by Daylight. Never running from a real fight, she is the one named Sailor Moon. She will never turn her back on her friends, she is always there to defend, she is the one on whom we can depend. She is the one named Sailor...Sailor Venus...Sailor Mercury...Sailor Mars...Sailor Jupiter...With secret powers all so new to her. She is the one named Sailor Moon. (Rocking Musical Solo.) Fighting evil by Moonlight, winning love by Daylight, with her Sailor Scouts to help fight, she is the one named Sailor Moon. She is the one...Sailor Moon!!!

Welcome to Sailor Scout Senshi!!! This is a site dedicated to our beloved defenders of love and justice. Now, this is a site which is currently under major (I mean MAJOR) construction.

Please let us know what you think by E-mailing us.
You can also E-mail us if you have any information which should be added/changed. Thanks!!!

Special Notes:

Regarding pictures: Any pictures on this site were collected by searching the internet, and though some have been credited, many have not. If you would like to take credit for them, please let us know. I have no problem with anyone taking pictures off of this site, as long as you credit their rightful owners. . .

Regarding Fanfictions: This site enjoys the freedom of fanfics, and if you have one, please let us know and we will post it. If you would like to contact the author of a certain fanfic personally we can contact them and give them your e-mail address. Of course, we will forward any comments you have on the stories to them.

March 15, 2002~ Hi! I'm sick with strep (we are guessing, haven't seen a doctor yet) and so while I'm busy dying, I'll be updating a lot. We have a new link (at the bottom of the page) and it is an awesome site! Quite hilarious and so on. The banner is gray, I suggest you go visit ALL of those sites down there ('cept maybe Toonami, Comet Cursor, and Angelfire, 'cause they have nothing to do with Sailor Moon, they just deserve credit for help on this site.) Well, not much is new, sorry folks. Been busy busy busy, we do have lives, small as they are, please bear with us!To come, buttons and more profile stuff, working on those fanfics too! Thank you for coming!

Moon Love,
NA - Webmistress (1)
RR - Webmestress (2)
MA - Webmaster (1)



Email: Sailor Scout Senshi Headquarters

Thank you for visiting Sailor Scout Senshi, please come again.

Last Updated: August 24, 2001