The Sailor Antacida-mates

Sailor Iron Mouse:
A.k.a: Sailor Tums

Sailor Lead Crow:
A.k.a: Sailor Pepcid

Sailor Aluminum Siren:
A.k.a: Sailor Pepto Bismol

Sailor Tin Nyanko:
A.k.a: Sailor Rolaids

Sailor Galaxia:
A.k.a: Sailor Antacidia

Disclaimer: Sailor Moon is copyright 1992, Takeuchi Naoko, Toei Animation, TV Asahi, DIC, Cloverway, Bandai, and other associated companies. We are not affiliated with any restaurants mentioned on this page in any way. Any copyrighted terminology on this page was used as parody/satire under fair use laws. This is a fan page and does not earn profit in any way, shape, or form. Yeah right, like people would pay money for this. Most people wouldn't waste time on this (except us!), let alone money.

This page was copyrighted October 2000 upon creation by J & K.