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Kouji: Knock Knock! Who's there?

Miaka: YOU..had to study for an exam? Kakio..?..Whats a Kaio?

Tasuki: Tasuki was the classified name of our formal leader, which means that he's actually dead now.

Tamahome Threatens to throw Tasuki in the Water because he cant swim.

Tasuki: I am Tasuki, sorry for trickin ya like that!

Kouji: She doesnt Understand that shes a hostage, does she? Tasuki: No, i dont think so.

Nuriko: What the heck? Paper wolves and a fan that shoots fire?

Tasuki: I DIDNT ASK FOR FOOD!! Nuriko: Miaka?

Tasuki: Catch ya later!


Chichiri: No Dah!

Suzaku 7 get drunk.

Kouji: Tasuki gets thrown in the water by Tamahome.