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~*Zel-Lina Shrine*~

*the vortex* past updates* awards; banners; etc.* credits*
*Scenes* Pro-Opinions* Fan-Fics* Songfics* Lemons* Poems* Images* Doujinshi* Links* *Allies List* coloring contest*

have dared to tred the non-cannon alternate universe! @_@

The Shrine is slowly being moved to

This page centers on the romantic pairing of Zelgadis Graywords and Lina Inverse! If you don't like that, then run away! Flamers will be reported to their services, kicked off, MST'ed, and word spread around the internet that they are idiots!
Please send all contributions (even just links) to mysticdragon3. If you wish to contribute fan-fics, please _attach_ the story to your e-mail and provide a short synopsis of the story (including all side biases other than L/Z). AND THANKS TO ALL YOU GUYS WHO GAVE ME PERMISSION TO USE YOUR STUFF!!! ^-^ I'm sorry it takes me so long to update, but there's just so much stuff...And I thank you for that! ^.~

Zel-Lina Scenes
This page has some of my favorite scenes between Lina and Zel. You know, where she cheers him up, or he teases her.

Pro-Zel+Lina Opinions
Many times people are so passionate about Zel and Lina getting together that they just have to rattle out the entire argument for it, to get it off their chests. Well, here's the place to do so. These are (links to) voiced opinions that people have made on other webpages, but I would really like to get some new ones from people who want to contribute to this page or just blow out some steam.

Zel-Lina Fan-Fics
These will only be fics that end up as Lina/Zel. None of those "Lina/Zel couplings as a backdrop/setup for an opposing pairing". Unless of course, the alternate pairing in the end isn't serious enough to make me jealous for Lina or Zel. ^.~ This page includes fan-fics on this server as well as links to others' fan-fics. Any contributions welcome.

Zel-Lina Songfics
What's a songfic? It's a fan fiction written to the lyrics of an already-existing song. I've given them a separate section because I hear that some people try to avoid the songfics.

Zel-Lina Lemon Fan-Fics
"Lemon", "citrus", or "hentai" fics contain adult content, so please heed this warning. This stuff is not for the modest! If you dislike such material, please ignore this section. As with the normal fan-fics, contributions must _end-up_ as Lina/Zel emotionally and/or physically.

Zel-Lina Poems
Beautiful poetry about the romance of Lina and Zelgadis.

Zel-Lina Images
These are images of Lina and Zel together, from the anime, manga, and fan art.

Zel-Lina Dojinshi
Fan-created comics/manga about Lina and Zel! ^v^ If there's anyone else out there who wants to draw their own Zel/Lina biased manga, send it on in! I don't care how short it is! ...Just as long as it's Zel-Lina biased!

Zel-Lina Links
These are links to more Zel-Lina biased webpages.

List of Allies
If you're proud of your Zel-Lina bias, show it on this page! A list of people who have this obsession, as well as their homepages and e-mail addresses. If you want to reply to people's opinions or fanfics from the Shrine, this is the place to contact them. If you want to join the list, just e-mail me. ^_^

Z/L Coloring Contest
Wanna color my black-and-white fanart?


If there's someone I'm forgetting to give credit here, please e-mail me. I am in no way making money off of this stuff!

  • "The Slayers" is the product of Software Sculptors, Tokyo TV, Enoki Films Co., Ltd., Monthly Dragon Magazine, Weekly Comic Dragon, Fujimi Books, Hajime Kanzaka, Rui Araizumi, and Kadokawa Publishing Co., Ltd.
  • The background is by mysticdragon3
  • mysticdragon3's "Zel-Lina Shrine" opened in February of 1999.
  • Thanks to The Emperor's Sister from the Dragon Caves for the "This Page Takes the Cake" award! ^o^
  • Thanks to Silveria from The Black Void Called Home for the "Best Slayers Fanfiction Site" award and her "Silveria's Stamp of Approval"! ^v^


    This Lina and Zelgadis Webring site is owned by mysticdragon3.

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