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 Ronime                        Webmaster/ Design

 Kiyoshi                                              Webmaster





11-28-02 Ronime
Sorry for the wait. I am now designing Ronime 6.1, and along with school, i'm really busy. Thats all, except, please help the site out by visiting the stores! Thank you!

10-05-02 Ronime
I know it's been a month, but I've been busy. Due to lack of space, the webcomic will be postponed, and not much will be added. I havn't done much, and my hit counter broke, so that really stinks. I now have to start all over. It broke around 15,000 hits, so don't get discouraged by what you see on the new one.

9-04-02 Ronime
I'm bored. Yup. Not much to do. Sorry for the lack of updates, but I've been busy. I have a webcomic coming up, by one of my friends and I, so I havn't done much with the site. I hope I can add stuff later, but I'm all full. My hit counter is broken, so that sucks, and I'm just tired. School starts in a couple of days, and I have had band camp for over a week. Yep. Not much going on here. Just tired old Ronime. Ok, enough ranting. Please help support the site. I need a new server to put up the web comic. Ok, that's all, see you all soon.

8-04-02 Ronime
14,000 visitors! Thank you everyone! I`m sorry I havn`t had an update for a while. I`m in the process of making an anime poster for this site, and I am trying to upgrade. If you could be so kind as to donate, that would be great! I need a bigger gallery, and If I get the new server, new part of the site... Final Fantasy Seet music and midi`s! Ok, fanfic contest. Winner get`s to have an rpg made of their fanfics. Details in the forums.

7-16-02 Ronime

7-15-02 Ronime
New affiliate! Check it out! It`s of the anime club I`m in at my school. It`s in Japanese tho, so just look at the pictures if you can`t read anything!

7-14-02 Ronime
I added more pictures of my trip! I just got back from Kendo practice, and I`m pretty tired. The gallery has been cut down due to space problems, and I wont be able to put them back until I get my new server. Please donate and/or buy stuff from me! I know it sounds a little persistnt, but I like my site. Oh, and go to the forums as much as you can, put your opinions and join pointles rambles, along with some other conversation. Help keep Ronime alive! Well, I`ll put more up later, bai bai!

7-6-02 Ronime
I added my trip pictures to the site. I know its not anime, but it IS Japan, so I had to add it. I will have pictures from my everyday life in Japan, different pics, my family, my city, and everything else. And if Ronime makes it`s $90 it needs before expiration. I will have alot more things to add about different anime and manga. Please help Ronime stay alive! Go the Forums to find out more. I thank all of you for coming, and for making Ronimea fun and ... interesting... Well, I have to go! I will put more updates as I go along. Bai Bai!

6-26-02 Ronime
Well, I am now in Japan, and I`m having a blast! If I could check my e-mail, I would reply to them, but you will have to wait untill I can. Everything here is incredibly different than back home, and I feel like I have been living in the dark ages. Almost all cell phones cameras and video as well as some cars built in with GPS like systems. Well, have fun, and I will be working on a Japanese version of this site, afetr all, this is the perfect place to do it! Well, jya! Oh, and don`t forget about the portraits, I will have plenty of time to get them done.

6-19-02 Ronime
Ok, New stuff, new layout, sorta... New stuff here, and I now have awards back up! My affiliate section is up, as well as alot of other things. I need hosts for episodes, music, and movies! But until I do, the best place to download this stuff is using KaZaA!! It's a really good downloader, and it will get you alot of anime! In my anime store you will find stuff cheaper than anywhere else, and also you can buy Ronime stuff, like shirts, mugs, stuff like that. The more you buy, the better this site gets. (Boy do I sound corny...). Well, have fun, behave, and keep up loving anime! One last thing. I am heading to Japan for a while, and no updates will be made until August, unless I can get online there. Keep looking, and I'll be back soon. Enjoy!!!
Ronime Anime Portraits are here!!!!! Send them in!!! This is what Ronime was made for. Check it out!!!^_^