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Jessie's Hair and The States

Hi! I bet you're wondering what's on this page. Well, it has come to my attention that there are some states that look like Jessie's hair. Yes, you heard me right (or rather read). Now, first of all, California, when colored red, looks exactly like Jessie's hair. Here is a picture of California colored red, so you can see:

umm, okay, so there's no picture, sorry. Actually, I can't get the picture to upload, so I guess you'll just have to take my word for it.

Also, Rhode Island looks like Jessie's hair on a very small scale. And Hawaii looks like Jessie's hair, if it was chopped up and on a barbershop floor. Unforfunately, I don't have these pictures either, but you trust me, right? It's really true!

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