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Why Team Rocket is Better than Team Twerp!

Reason #1 - - - They have more feelings, and they act more like real people. For example, in "A Chansey Operation", James says, "We're bad, not insensitive." And he's not kidding, either. They do a lot of nice things, such as helping the twerps in "Poke'mon Shipwreck", helping them in "Pikachu Re-Volts", and trying to get Togepi back for Meowth from Misty. And when they did that, one of the twerps made a comment- something like, "Team Rocket's acting almost human!" Well, if the brat pack would pay more attention, they'd realize that Jessie, James, and Meowth are a lot more human than they are!

Reason #2 - - - They have more depth. We know more about them than all of the other characters put together! There's just more to them. I mean, if you've seen all the episodes that they've shown so far and know all the stuff from the CD drama and the radio drama, then you know practically everything about Jessie, James, and Meowth.We always find out random facts about them, too. For example, in the Mareep episode (I forgot what it's called), you find out that James got beat up at school everyday (poor James =( ) because he had expensive Mareep wool! And we haven't heard anything about Jari-booi's life before he became a Poke'mon trainer.

Reason #3 - - - They change their clothes. Really, think about it. Jari-tachi never changes their clothes. Okay, they did once in the Poke'mon League. But they only have two pair of clothes (except Tracey; he only has one)! Jessie and James, on the other hand, are always wearing disguises and such. And I know they pretty much always wear their Team Rocket uniforms unerneath, but it would make sense that they have more than one. It's not likely that Giovanni only gives each Rocket one uniform! In the CD drama, it was revealed that there is more than one Meowth balloon; therefore, there's probably more than one uniform, too.

Reason #4 - - - They're much smarter than the twerps. They don't have to pull out a Poke'dex every time they see a Poke'mon. Wel, actually, they don't have one, but if they did they would barely have to use it once. They always know which Poke'mon are which: even the new ones! And even if they don't all know, at least one of them does. For instance, in "The Ninja Poke' Showdown, James knew what the Voltorb were. Also, Gaki-tachi always falls for TR's traps and disguises, which proves that they are smarter than Ash. They even fooled me once (hard to believe, huh?) when they dressed up as Hawaiian hula girls. I would have probably noticed it was them, but this was when I had just started watching Poke'mon. Still, in trying to prove a point, the loser patrol is apparently very stupid since *our* heroes aren't really ever that hard to see through.

Reason #5 - - - They don't cheat! They might work for Team Rocket, but they're still good people. They're definately not your typical villian. When they showed up in Viridian Forest, everyone was saying how TR was cheating and everything just because they were using more than one Poke'mon. But that was never against the rules! If it is, then half of the gym leaders should be disqualified. It's not like they said Ash couldn't use more Poke'mon, too! The head twerp is the real cheater. We all know (hopefully) that's it's mean, not right, and not fair to sic your Pikachu on people.

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