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Hello. Welcome to my resume. I am Resa, the ever tollerable voice actress. I just found out this whole thing was still going, so all I did here was a minor update (age, pic). Any new layout will have to wait until I figure out if and how Im going to reenter the AVA community.

A little about me:

Range- Deep-Low to Medium-High
Singing- Wide range, but I preffer to stay mainly alto
Age- 20
Birthday- 3/20/84
Religion- Agnostic, but a philosophical agnostic
Favorite Book- Stranger in a Strange Land- Heinlein
Favorite Band- The Who
Favorite Song- American Pie- Don McClean
Favorite Album- Abbey Road- Beatles
Favorite Movie- Good Will Hunting
Favorite Color- Black

Well, I think thats enough for now. I dont want to scare you away, now do I?

Acting and Singing Clips
Past and Current Roles
Words From My Producers *awww*