I tried to translate the Quotebook into Japanese, then back into English using Babelfish.... see for yourself how it turned out. Quotes with a " > " next to them are actually readable, funny, or comparable to the Quotebook itself. Everything was copied exactly as it was from the 'translation', nothing has been added. The only changes made were to single out the readable/funny/comparable quotes. Really. >.< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It waits long: QUOTEBOOK! The Shinigami work it is protected > " Orange of Levitating! " - The analog Volk > " hell is not geometric word! " - Me. > " I declare it is the African queen. Ohio state and Connecticut " are my city - now." to enjoy, > " the people truth which passes one time when because it has it is pleasant it seems, - my mother. > " there is a book of the beer and coloration in me. The crayon which is ordered with the Ohio state red robin " - as for analog to be, with the pack (really). > " hypothesis: The Bunnies the thing you cannot say entirely. The thing you cannot call Seniors everything. Conclusion: Seniors everything " is the bunnies., - the Segler's sign. > Orient you look at the Korean person at the dr. room "! " - Segler Dr.. > " fudge nut of Ohio state! " - (Imitation) the kiloton OGrayT. > " we the stop which raises the glass such of many collisions in those do not have to do? do I mean the hat of the crosh? never heart of Ohio state! " - Me (* it harvests the cash *). > " the Mikio like the cheerful pirate it is visible! " - Analog (* as for the Mikio *). my mother to like me used the cuff of my ear which has been attached to the body ". the Senor Catanese The bladder of state and the Badder which she " mistakes, " you liked me who am the only woman." now and, with my pants, - the Ryoga_Hibiki3 (* the online fanfic * the story)." is bad?" - the Katie (* bad state, Badder and Baddest *). > " I always confuse the keeper and the contribution person! " - Analog. > " is the Trisk what?" - the Katie (* being dangerous... *)." it is not possible never the reliance mental leader to dance,! " - The Miyagi person. > " that was not I! That was the dwarf where your rear is not visible! " - The Katie. " do you put together the dwarf of the g or the J?" - analog."... his his him quote that! " - Me." there is no line! If " - the Stephanie Kim." it is in me, zero clothing.... If " - the Aalap. " I possess the unlimited quantity of the cheese of my hand, are two roots of the pi what?" - me." the ? it is the ? it is awe of the reaction which groaned! " - Me. > " the cracker whose flavor is good there is no good at all! " - My mother. > " like these yams macadamia nuts! " Taste does, the pen which - me." it can obtain, as for me it has. " - The Russ (* delay the pencil do *)." Africa Americans. > " Make me black." , waiting! The president who does not have already the Republic of South Africa of the nelson Mandela? the Whoa! When doing, it happens?! " - Me. > " as for you who is the shongs Christmas singing?" - Katie. > " Shaka Zulu. As for me the name which loves! " Stone Dr.. > " Cropperty! Grain! Grain! As for Cropperty! " - Me. " the Sameer and the word ' Speedo ' do not belong in the same sentence. " - In that mouth of analog ". " How it entered, it meaning that you think in doubt, because to death of the Speedo ' the sentence which suffocates ' it does not become the Sameer equal, - me African country which " is Africa. " - The Thommy. > " when the shark has been bad. The Salmon it is good! ' - Wright person. " as for no those didn't-yes! " The Ian of the egg of the Dinosaur." you must possess the model,! As for " - Russell Kornblith " no you. " - Me " As for you from thin air! " It pulls plan exactly and it is not possible to pull out, - as for the R.K " It is, my can! " - Me. > Who is bitten " from the edge of note of your allotment which is done separated the scar?" - The Stephanie Kim. > " golf is not sport! As for golf scarcity of sport! " Is, - me. > " pour the travaille of the tu of the qui American Tobu standard time que?" - the JaKe (*... *). new student very the paranoid and it doubts with the Russian accent "! " - Ian Ceicys " you with that?! What which " is meant - me. " I have remembered, but. " You had forgotten, - me." in me the this? " Why is there an analog?" you the it! Being " to continue to steal me. " Are these lightly the food which is good sense. You! " There are no times when you eat do to stuff coach the Parrish. do you take the medicine to the Ian, "? the Good. " To the Marissa the coach Parrish (* concerning her lactose intolerance pill *). > " as for you the boy of the potato namely Ireland?" You eat, - the coach Parrish (* concerning the intake of that kalium, *). " with my mother to the courthouse, me. " We do not want connecting the sorority, - the Thommy." where the blood, the blood, and the drink. " Analog and the decrease which does not have to me (* between the laboratory of dialysis of the kidney of the bio *). > " 1492 years?! That is the gate cord/code of my aunt! The story the blah of the blah of the Blah (concerning the house of the aunt) and, as for her the gate.." Analog was opened, "? what! As for you gay? " It is me candid " The Wha? the cheerfulness where is someone?" - Katie. " Being arranged these nipkins to which place you have the people live?" - The Marissa (* nickname *). > " I am very thick! " - Laura C. {there's a good one ^o^ } > To be good, as for the could've of the I the knowledge! " -Laura it applied C. > " It was not quotable quotation, as for that the quotable pint. " Was, - Segeler Dr . " NOOOOO! " - Laura C (* her quotable quotation was obtained really, you applied, *). " Are you the porker of substance. Running or something the causing ? which wants there was no you...." The Wright person " or, as for you gymnastics teacher... the thought. which can become the.just " In order the Parrish me (* concerning her body lump, { someone teaches 1-9 to the gymnastics for class, moves with all year marathon } *) to coach. " It is or something in the river of the Rosh Hashanah, with the Gentiles you.... the throwing ? whether, or the Yom Kippur that?" So, analog - me." the William Jennings Bryan Secretary of State?" Just a little, the mother, you knew that is - me " to be possible to obtain, certainty! Clinton or Reagan administration? " My mother " As for Uhhh... management of Woodrow ?????...." Me. > " My ? the ? box overturned immediately, it is! The bee which is the bee...." That it is, my mother do to do (* the bygones do to try to have the bygones *). > " must speak I to you exactly with silence, the future! " - My mother of quotation, remainder." me! > " When being brought up, I would like to be the uneducated writer, - the Maya. " soul you express healthy other countries and you start and and you are, therefore me the poultry. " As for them has known." as for you image is liked when you speak concerning the Maya! " - Analog to Katie." as for me person of strange hat! " You like, when - analog." occurring because he goes to the bathroom, it is good, we the gonna are he who continues,! " Then if -Betsy where it is possible to entrust a certain immoral characteristic behavior." you.... hit in those of the stomach, as for the chicken like the hen when you whom smell does hit to strict central those of their stomachs just, in them the fur. " There is no Katie, silence is satisfied." the side namely the side namely the side, 4 Postulate of the side of the triangle which takes part " -Stephanie with the K." wow! We thought of the same thing exactly simultaneously! As for me in Mikio ESPN! " It is, - the JaKe. > " really, is that Tuesday? as for me! " You must die, - Friday Laura C, use the logic where she is splendid. > " those image of the urine which is poured our healthy books! " It possessed, - it was the Jessie " orange juice, you as for the fool! " - Me.