De Long Awaited, dig dis: QUOTEBOCoo'! Preach it loud, bruddah!! Right on! Protected By Shinigami “Levitatin' o'anges! Right on! ”- Anna Volk “Hell be not some geometrical term! Right on! ” – me · “ ah' declare mah'self t'be Queen uh Africa. WORD! Oh, and Connecticut be now some city. Slap mah fro! ”- me · “Sucka's havin' some baaaad time is likesly t'have fun. 'S coo', bro. ”- Mah' mom · “I’ll gots some bea' and some colo'in' scribblin'. Oh yeah dude, and some pack uh crayons. ”- Anna, o'derin' at Red Robin’s (not real) · “Hypodesis, dig dis: All bunnies is dumb. Co' got d' beat! All senio's is dumb. Co' got d' beat! Conclusion, dig dis: All senio's is bunnies. ”- Sign in Doc Segler’s room · “ Oriental-lookin' Ko'eans! Right on! ”- Doc Segler · “Oh fudge nuts! Right on! ” –KT OGrayT (imitatin') · “Can’t we make dem stop growin' so's many crash cops? ah' mean, crosh caps? Oh, neva' mind! Right on! ”- me (*Cash crops*) · “Mikio looks likes some gay pirate! Right on! ”- Anna (*Mikio be wearin' mah' ear cuff*) · “Mah' mom used t'likes me. She wuz de only honky chick dat eva' likesd me. ” Seno' Catanese · “Now den, on wid mah' pants, err, sto'y. Slap mah fro! ” –Ryoga_Hibiki3 (*online fanfic*) · “ Baaaad, Baaaadder, Bladder? ”- Katie (*Baaaad, Baaaadder, Baaaaddest*) · “I always confuse De Giva' wid De Keepuh'! Right on! ”-Anna · “ Whut’s A Trisk? ”- Katie (*At Risk*) · “ Neva' trust some spiritual leada' who kinnot boogie! Right on! ”- Mr. Ah be baaad... Miyagi · “ It wuzn’t me! Right on! It wuz de invisible midget behind ya'! Right on! ”- Katie · “ Do ya' spell midget wid some g o' some j? ”-Anna · “ Quote dat…he he he! Right on! “- me · “ Lines do not 'esist! Right on! ” - Stephanie Kim · “ If ah' have zero clodin' on….” –Aalap · “ If ah' have an infinite amount uh cheese on mah' hand, whut be de square root uh pi? “- me · “Awe uh buzzed reacshun! Right on! “-me · “ Dere’s nodin' as baaaad as some tasty cracker! Right on! ” – mah' mom · “Dese yams taste likes macadamia nuts! Right on!”- me · “ Yeah, I’ve gots some pen. 'S coo', bro.” –Russ (*holds down some pencil*) · “ Black African-Americans.”-me · “Wait! Right on! Nelson Mandela’s not Super-dude uh Soud Africa no mo'? Whoa! Right on! When dun did dat happen?! Right on!” – me · “Is you rappin' Christmas shongs?” –Katie · “ Shaka Zulu. Man! ah' love dat dojigger! Right on!” Doc Stone · “Croppuh'ty! Right on! Crop! Right on! Crop! Right on! Croppuh'ty! Right on!”- me · “ Samea' and da damn wo'd ‘Speedo’ do not belong in de same sentence.” –Anna “Not even if dat sentence wuz ‘Samea' choked t'dead on some Speedo’, cuz' den ya' would wonda' how it gots in his moud.”- me · “Africa be an African country. Slap mah fro!” –Dommy · “Shark baaaad. Salmon baaaad! Right on!’ –Mr. Ah be baaad... Wright · “ No dey dun didn’t-yes dey dun did! Right on!” Ian, on dinosaur eggs · “ You's gots'ta gots some model! Right on!” – Russell Ko'nblid “ No ya' don’t. Man!” –me “You's kin’t plum pull some plan out uh din air! Right on!”- R.K “Yeah dude I kin! Right on!”- me · “ Did some sucka bite off de edges uh yo' assignment notescribblin'?” –Stephanie Kim · “Golf be not some spo't! Right on! Golf be de lack uh a spo't! Right on!”- me · “ Pour qui-est que tu travaille? » - JaKe (*in some Russian accent*) · “ Freshman is so paranoid and suspicious! Right on!” –Ian Ceicys “ Whut do ya' mean by dat?! Right on!”- me · “ ah' remember, but ah' fo'gots.”- me · “Why do ah' have dis?”-Anna “A'cuz ya' keep stealin' it! Right on!”-me · “ Dese is sensible snacks. Not stuff dat ya' eat! Right on!” Coach Parrish t'Ian · “You's snatch drugs? Good.”-Coach Parrish (*to Marissa about ha' lactose intolerance pills*) · “ Do ya' feed da bud potatoes, Irish boy?”- Coach Parrish (*to Court about his potassium insnatch*) · “Mah' mom duzn’t wants' me t'join some so'o'ity. Slap mah fro!”- Dommy · “Blood, blood everywhere, and not some drop t'drink. Ya' know?”-Anna and me (*durin' some kidney dialysis lab in Bio*) · “ 1492?! Right on! Dat’s mah' aunt’s gate code! Right on! Blah blah blah (sto'y about aunt’s crib)-…. Den, she jimmey'd de gate..”-Anna “ Whut?! Right on! You's’re openly gay?! Right on!”-me “ Wha? Who’s gay?” –Katie · “ Where do ya' sucka's mosey on down up wid dese nipkins?” –Marissa (*nickdojiggers*) · “I’m so's dick! Right on!”- dat fine femahnaine ladee C. · “Well, ah' could’ve applied knowledge! Right on!”-dat fine femahnaine ladee C. “Dat wuzn’t some quotable quote, dat wuz some quotable pint. Man!”- Doc Segeler “ NOOOOO! Preach it loud, bruddah!! Right on!” –dat fine femahnaine ladee C. (*she real wants'ed t'get some quotable quote*) · “ You's’re some real po'ker. Ah be baaad... You's might wanna snatch down runnin' o' sump'n….”- Mr. Ah be baaad... Wright “Or, ya' could become some gym head homeboy….plum a dought. Man!”-me (* t'Coach Parrish,{ who teaches gym fo' grades 1-9, and runs in some maradon every year} about ha' body mass*) · “ So, Anna, how many Gentiles dun did ya' toss in de riva' on Rosh Hashanah…. o' be dat on Yom Kippur?” –me · “Yo! mom, dun did ya' know dat William Jennin's Bryan wuz secretary uh state?”- me “Yeah, sho' man! Right on!…. Clinton o' Kingfish administrashun?”-my mom “Uhhh… Woodrow Wilson’s administrashun….”- me · “Mah' tickle box be turned over! Right on! Let bees be be bees….”- mah' mom (*let bygones be bygones*) · “I’ll plum have t'talk t'ya' silently fum now on! Right on!” –my mom, on bein' quoted too much · “I wanna be an illiterate scribbler when ah' grow down! Right on!”- Maya · “Well de rest uh de wo'ld should be psychic so's dey know when I’m rapin' about poultry. Slap mah fro!”-Maya · “You's likes pictures! Right on! “-Anna t'Katie · “ ah' likes dudes in funny hats! Right on!”- Anna · “ Ok, when he digs down t'go t'de badroom, we’re gonna follow him out and den we kin commit some immo'al sexual acts! Right on!”- Betsy · “ Chicken smells likes hens if ya' hit dem on de stomach…. Only if ya' hit dem on de 'esact centa' of deir stomach, where dey gots no fur. Ah be baaad...”-Katie, fillin' de silences · “By de Side, Side, Side, Side Postulate”-Stephanie K. on foe-sided triangles · “Wow! Right on! We plum dought da damn same doodad at da damn same time! Right on! Me and Mikio gots ESPN! Right on!”- JaKe · “Really, it’s Tuesday? ah' gots'ta be wasted! Right on!”- dat fine femahnaine ladee C. on Friday, usin' ha' amazin' logic · “Dey had some picture uh urine bein' poured in our heald scribblin'! Right on!”- Jessie “Dat wuz o'ange juice, ya' idiot! Right on!”- me · “ Constipated giraffes! Right on!”- Marja · “So's my dojigger’s real Witch Baby Secret Agent Black Lamb Wig Bat? Where’d da damn Lamb mosey on down from?”-me · “ Our farm be plum likes ‘Cheers’….only it’s not some bar. Ah be baaad... And we don’t gots our own deme beat….oh wait, wait…we do! Right on!” –me · “And we’re bod wearin' underwear. Ah be baaad... At least, ah' hope.”- Anna, on how we all dress alikes · “Sharin' be carin'! Right on!”- Massa' y, on de Spanish spreadin' influenza · “How do ya' spell ‘whut’?! Right on!”- Seño' Catanese · “ Jessica, plum a'cuz ya' gots de freedom uh speech duzn’t mean ya' should 'esercise it all de time.”- me · “Baaaaaa…”-Massa' y (*attemptin' t'scare Anna + me*) · “ You's Global Issues sucka's gots issues wid yo' globals! Right on!”-Erin W, usin' de lamest comeback ever · “I's gots'ta be some square.”- Seño' Catanese · “ Vache? Vache. Mooooo! Right on!”- Seño' Catanese · “ Why should sucka's gots'ta snatch dat risk? ah' mean, play wid monkeys?”-dat fine femahnaine ladee C. · “ Sodium-free salt?! Right on!”- me · “ ah' wuz so's excited, mah' heart’s still whup'in'! Right on!”-Mikio · “ So's if any sucka tries t'snatch upside de wo'ld, we should burn all de crops. In Russia. WORD!”-Mike R · “Dogs likes trucks! Right on!”-Katie · “Did ya' know dat ducks don’t gots lips?”- me · “ Fuzzy mad! Right on!”- Geo'ge W. Bush · “ I’m against protectin' de environment….”-Massa' y on his favo'ite super-dudeial kindun didate · “Dommy, do ya' gots yo' Walkman wid ya'?”-Mrs. Jenkins “Uh, yeah….”-Dommy “Can we play Simonne’s tape on it?”- Mrs. Jenkins “Mom! Right on! IT PLAYS CDS! Right on!”-Dommy · “I dink dat Geo'ge Dubbya should be….annihilated…”-Anna’s sweet old grandmoder · “Well dat’s cuz no one in our class be dojiggerd…Walrus…”-Anna, on dojiggers at da damn end uh de alphabet · “You's make me laugh, Geo'ge (W) Bush. Lop some boogie. You's make me laugh. Lop some boogie.” –Mike R. · “ ah' dink ah' plum coughed down mah' soul.”- me · “Who here knows ho'ses?”- Dr Segeler · “ ah' fell off one once! Right on!”- Anna · “I don’t know many fetuses who is astronauts! Right on!”- Mike R. · “Wow, he kin’t boogie at all! Right on! Who be dat total honky boy?! Right on!”- mah' mom “Actually, mom, dat’s Ricky Martin. 'S coo', bro.”-me · “ Al Go'e be such some baby. Slap mah fro!”- Massa' y “Says de boy wid de lollipop. Jes hang loose, brud.” –Anna · “ Jesus ?! Right on!”- Aaron K. “Je suis! Right on!”- Mike R. · "In de past, kin ya' try t'co'rect yo' missnatch'd?”- Seno' Catanese · “ Everyone knows dat Dole bananas is bnetter! Right on!” –Isaac H. (*’better’ be whut he meant t'say*) · “ Anna, is you goin' t'wear yo' new pin t'farm?”- Anna’s grandmoda' (of earlia' quote) “No. 'S coo', bro.”- Anna “If ya' do, I’ll cut ya' some nickel! Right on!”- Anna’s grandmoder · “ ah' haven’t gotsten it wrong since ah' started t'get it right! Right on!”- Marissa S (quoteable quote! Right on!) · “ You's’re telepadetic now! Right on!”- Marissa S · “ Reproducshun be so messy! Right on!” –Anna, durin' our karyotype lab · “ ah' eat chromosomes likes ya' fo' bustfast! Right on!”- Anna · “I fo'gots'ta wuzh de jam off mah' arm…. And it’s sticky! Right on!”- Anna “Should ah' quote ya' on dat?”- me · “ Eida' ya' dudes gots some serious class o' ya' gots'ta some social hour! Right on! You's decide! Right on!”- Mr. Ah be baaad... Leroys, tryin' t'dreaten our Spanish class · “ ah' choose ya' brown chair! Right on! Go! Right on! Roll Attack! Right on!”- dat fine femahnaine ladee C’s version uh Pokemon · “ I’m so'ry (x10)! Right on! It wuzn’t me (x10)! Right on! It wuz de wind (x10)! Right on!” (x10)- Stephie · “ So, it’s 'esactly likes checkers.”- dat fine femahnaine ladee C “ No, dat fine femahnaine ladee! Right on! It’s nodin' likes checkers! Right on!”- me (*rappin' about cricket*) · “Moss be de kin' uh de fungus kin'dom! Right on!”- Dommy · “ ah' read some sto'y once. About some Black dude.”-Mike R. · “ Should ah' quote ya' on dat?”- me “NO! Right on!”- mah' mom · “ Gots any sucka heard fum Mr. Ah be baaad... Snoppes?”-my mom ( she meant t'say Doc Eblin' ) · “ So's ya'’re down t'bat until de bowla' knocks upside yo' wicket…”-me “Wahahahahhaha! Right on! A wicket in cricket? A wicket cricket! Right on! A wicka' cricker! Right on!”- mah' mom · “Mah' dinin' room be likes de tundra! Right on!….is de tundra hot o' cold?”- mah' mom · “ So'ry, ah' don’t gots an apology! Right on!”- Stephanie · “ Anna, make likes some cheerleada' and shout at me! Right on!”- Seno' Catanese, in some whispuh' · “ Help rememba' me.”- Doc Segela' (*Help me remember*) · “ You's eida' steal some robot, o' ya' steal some dog! Right on! You's do not steal some robot dog! Right on!” –Lewis Black, makin' fun uh all de Japanese engineers obsessed wid makin' robotic dogs · “I’m not leavin'! Right on! I’m plum walkin' out da damn doo'! Right on!”- Anna, makin' fun uh Leroy · “ Bill peed on all mah' dad’s wo'k. Ya' know?”-Anna “Wuz Bill some college student?”- me · “ Look! Right on! Ducks! Right on!”-me. Den some dark feadered win'ed bird flies overhaid. “Oooh. Lop some boogie. Dat wuzn’t some duck! Right on!”- me · “ ah' have t'go photocopy mah' fro now- ah' mean shoplift- BLOW DRY! Right on!”- Anna · “ Is Don Quixote some part uh de mafia?”-Massa' y · “ ah' can see dat as bein' maverick, ah' plum don’t know whut o' how t'brand some cow! Right on!”- Massa' y · “ Marissa! Right on! Where is yo' pants?! Right on!”-Simonne “Let’s fo'ce Marissa t'put ha' pants on! Right on!”-Anna · “ J’ai suis! Right on!”- Kim · “ How do ya' fit an elephant into some Safeway bag? You's snatch de ‘f’ out uh ‘safe’ and da damn ‘f’ out uh ‘way’.”-Anna “But dere be no ‘f’ in ‘way’! Right on! Oh! Right on!”-me · “Stares uh shock instead uh shares uh stock! Right on! It’s some spoonerism! Right on! Get it?! Right on!”-me *Blank stare*-Anna · “ Look! Right on! De Eiffel Tower! Right on!”-Katie, pointin' at da damn Statue uh Liberty · “I call dis meetin' adjourned! Right on!”- Katie, callin' de meetin' t'o'der · “I hate dose sucka's who’re likes ‘Ooh! Right on! Save da damn trees! Right on! Save da damn environment! Right on!’”-Massa' y · “ Aalap, de oda' reindeer?’- mah' mom (*All uh de oda' reindeer*) · “ Dere’ sump'n kinky goin' on between ya' and dat Tylenol! Right on!”- me t'Anna · “ Whut bird kin swim, but kin’t fly?”-me “ A duck! Right on!”- mah' mom *I stare at her* “ Whut?! Right on! Gots ya' eva' seen some flyin' duck? Oh! Right on!”- mah' mom "Come t'Jupita' and discova' de walrus widin ya'! Right on!" -DocSegeler "We kin't succeed by convenshunal medods, but we CAN succeed by cheatin'! Right on!"-Doc Segeler "He's not old, he's just. Man!...dirty. Slap mah fro!.."-Anna, commentin' on Benicio Del To'o "Oops! Right on! ah' killed some gang uh ninjas! Right on!"- Oopsy Daisy "Whoeva' dought dis down gots'ta be fine rich. Lop some boogie...(long pause)...And wasted...(long pause)...Well at least dey got wasted rich! Right on!" - Megan on mcdonald's "Oh yeah dat wuz de movie where everyone froze! Right on! Oh wait no dat wuz plum when some sucka had pressed pause! Right on!" - Anna "General, arouse da damn troops! Right on!"- Amber "So's it's plum likes kincer! Right on!" - dat fine femahnaine ladee on triangles One uh dose long days in hono's geo. 'S coo', bro... "Aalap, ya' gots'ta have some radical dyslexia. WORD!" - Doc Seg "Well at least ah' duzn't gots dexlysia! Right on!" - Keid "Yeah, but ya' gots some radical speech impediment! Right on!" - Anna "Yeah, Keid but ya' gots some radical speech impediment! Right on!" - Amber "I plum said dat! Right on! You's gots some radical memeo'y impediment instead! Preach it loud, bruddah!" - Anna "Wow, ah' gots'ta have some baaaad memo'y. Slap mah fro!" - Amber "Aagh! Right on!" - Anna "Marissa, stop hittin' on de pandas! Right on!" - me "Dommy, yo' glove ain't as new as it used t'be! Right on!" - Massa' y "Tigers feed da bud dea' and kintelope." - dat fine femahnaine ladee C "Cantelope?" - Anna "Yeah man, kintelope...antelope, antelope! Preach it loud, bruddah!! Right on!"- dat fine femahnaine ladee C "I'm so'ry Mrs. Buckwheatson, ah' am fo' real, neva' meant t'make yo' daughta' cry. Slap mah fro!.."- Katie (*sin'in'*) "Why whould dey make ha' docto' cry?"- dat fine femahnaine ladee C "De second problem be so difficult, it makes de fust one seem likes some chipmunk! Right on!"- Doc Seg "I'm gonna dig some clunker.... in mah' haid! Right on!"- dat fine femahnaine ladee C "It's de whisky flag! Right on! Cocktails is now bein' served! Right on!"- Doc Segeler "Mah' brain be likes some lawnmower! Preach it loud, bruddah!"- Keid "I put da damn 'country' in 'countryclub'! Preach it loud, bruddah!"- Anna "Dommy and Isaac is Siamese Twins separated at bird! Preach it loud, bruddah!"-Simonne "I kin hear. Ah be baaad......yo' fro."-dat fine femahnaine ladee C. "Great, not only duz Meredid leave ha' scribblin's and bag in front uh my locker, but she leaves ha' boyhomey, too! Right on!"- me "I used t'be some hooker. Ah be baaad..... some RUG hooker! Preach it loud, bruddah!"- mah' Mom " Do ya' dink dat da damn Kurds gots'ta get deir way?" -me (*ha ha, Kurds, whey?*) "I kin neva' remeba' dose mackronyms! Preach it loud, bruddah!" -Dommy "Whut?" - Anna "Acronyms, Mackronyms, aco'ns, whutever! Preach it loud, bruddah!! Right on!"- Dommy "Henry Daivid Do'eau once said 'Men is bo'n t'succeed, not t'fail.' He gots obviously neva' met me."- me " -1, de rabbi and priest uh madematics, dig dis: always convertin' numbers! Right on!"- Doc Seg "Zero be a synonym t'no. 'S coo', bro." - Keid "Shoot! Right on! ah' fo'gots mah' own foot's dojigger! Right on!" - Leroy "Whut be a beatal device used t'daw wo'ms?" - Doc Seg "Chemicals! Preach it loud, bruddah!" - dat fine femahnaine ladee "It's some Jewish inscribed circle! Preach it loud, bruddah!" -dat fine femahnaine ladee and Anna simulteanously "Mah' sista' has no eyes." - dat fine femahnaine ladee C **** NEW! Preach it loud, bruddah!**** "I gots senio'itis." - Jessica, de freshman "Hola! Right on! Me llamo abuelo! Right on!" - Massa' y "Ain't mah' silence wonderful?" Stephanie SAID "Mishmash means peacock?" - Stephanie digs confused "Stephanie, dat's not some Q, dat's an O! Right on!" - Amber "I wondered why it dun didn't gots some tail." - Stephanie "Dis be my face uh terro'." - Stephanie, smilin' sweetly "I wuzn't makin' fun uh ya' Stephanie! Right on!" - Anna "Yeah dude but ya' wuz makin' fun uh Amba' and Amba' wuz makin' fun uh me so's derefo'e by de transitive propuh'ty ya' wuz makin' fun uh me! Right on!" - Stephanie "I'm gonna cry! Preach it loud, bruddah!" - Marissa, every hour uh every day uh every week. Ya' know?.. etc. Co' got d' beat! "i'm cryin'! Right on! I'm cryin'! Right on!" - Marissa, finally. Slap mah fro! "Any sucka wants' some doughnut?"- Ian "Yay! Preach it loud, bruddah! .... is dey poisoned?" - Anna " And today in de weader, dig dis: wind, rain. 'S coo', bro... and terro'." - Anna, makin' fun uh a stupid haidline Newest Quotes! Preach it loud, bruddah! "Whut's de scientific term fo' snail? Cephalopod?" - me "Escargo! Right on!" - mah' Mum "New Jersey! Right on!.... wait, whut wuz de quesshun?" - Russ, answerin' some quesshun involvin' some numbers answer "It's so's hot out! Right on!" -dat fine femahnaine ladee C. "But youse wearin' sho'ts! Right on!" -Anna "I should be wearin' nodin'! Right on!" -dat fine femahnaine ladee C "Whoa! Right on! ah' passed! Right on!" - me, downon receivin' mah' Hono's Geometry test "I'm some little fasta' dan some jellyfish. Lop some boogie. You's know why? ah' have muscles." - Mr Wright, soundin' some little too smug. What it is, Mama! "Here ah' have some quadrilateral wid de verticies A, B, and C......and D! Right on!" - Mikio "I's gots'ta be an infinite, non-repeatin' number! Right on!" - dat fine femahnaine ladee C "Pi kinnot imbed its own piness." - Doc Seg "Yo' royal pieness! Right on!" - me "When wuz de Communist Party founded?" - KT "1921! Preach it loud, bruddah!" - me and Anna "Mmmmmm, delicious....." - me, reachin' fo' some chocolate Teddy Gram "! Right on!Los Pantalones en fuego! Right on!" - Mikey (*de pants on fire*) "Hee hee... Mrs. Shumacher's dojigger mixed down be 'Mrs. Moo-shocker' ! Right on! " - me "Moo! Right on!" - Mikey, lookin' suprised ::HOME:: ::Sushi Goat::