"Killing Me Softly" by Jade Sage, PART DEUX!!
Warnings: 1+2, slight 3+4, so it's SHOUNEN-AI!! (gasp! the 1x2 fanclub LIVES! XD), AU, maybe slight OOCness?, and author insertion! (heh heh heh)
Disclaimers: Don't own GW, the song Killing Me Softly (Fugees version), or much of anything else. I do, however, own a really neat Panda Bakery stationery set!
Notes: /// blah blah blah /// denotes a memory.. or the musings of the mind
"blah de blah" denotes speech (duh)
*blah!* denotes an action
anything in italics is sung by Jade (whoo! ^^)
This part written with the help of Shady, and my two of my four self-appointed muses, Nyx ,my regular muse, and Calliope, my songfic muse.
Nyx: Hey.
Calliope: Hola!
"Konnichiwa!" Duo chirped, waving the bow to his bass at the audience, who responded favorably. Jade gave him a hug, then draped her arms around his shoulders.

"This song is entitled 'Killing Me Softly'. Enjoy!" she dropped her arm as the lights turned an atmospheric green.

Strumming my pain with his fingers

Singing my life with his words

Killing me softly with his song

Killing me softly with his song

Telling my whole life with his words

Killing me softly, with his song

Duo began to play a thumping plucked bass line, Heero's heart thudding in unison. My was this happening to him?

I heard he sang a good song, I heard he had a style

And so I came to see him, and listen for a while

And there he was, this young boy, a stranger to my eyes

Duo's bow sang across the strings, causing Heero's heart to tremble in time. Heero took a deep breath, calming his racing hear but unable to tear his eyes away from Duo's figure as it swayed in time with the beat. Had Deuce set this up? Heero could see him in his periphial vision, but the boy had his eyes glued to Jade. /// Why can't I focus my mind on anything but Duo?... /// Heero winced as his subconsious slapped him upside the head with the obvious. /// Because you love him, you baka. ///

Strumming my pain with his fingers (one time)

Singing my life with his words (two times)

Killing me softly with his song

Killing me softly with his song

Telling my whole life with his words

Killing me softly, with his song

Duo suddenly looked out into the crowd. He would have met Heero's eyes - if Heero hadn't ducked under the table. Deuce hauled him out again.

"Don't be a.... how do you say in it in Japanese?.... a baka, Heero. He came here just for you."

Heero slowly met Deuce's eyes in confusion. /// Came out here for me? /// Deuce smiled at him.

"He loves you, Heero."

I felt all flushed with fever, embarrassed by the crowd

I felt he found my letters, and read each one out loud

I prayed that he would finish, but he just kept right on

The lyrics of the song were becoming painfully realistic for Heero now. /// How many letters did I write, but never send? I always meant to tell him, but.... /// To Heero's intense embarrasment, he found himself blushing.

Strumming my pain with his fingers (one time)

Singing my life with his words (two times)

Killing me softly with his song

Killing me softly with his song

Telling my whole life with his words

Killing me softly, with his song

Jade swivled over to Duo, bumping his arm lightly with her hip to get his attention. She winked at him, and there was a moment when Heero could have sworn that she told him something.. without saying a word.

Oh, oh, oh... La, la, la, la...

The bass provided a perfect contrast to the high soaring notes. Heero felt the crowd melt into the background - he was only aware of those perfect violet eyes and smiling lips. Duo's braid thumped lightly on his back as the reverbarations from the pounding bass rolled across the stage.

Strumming my pain with his fingers (Yes he was singing my life)

Singing my life with his words

Killing me softly with his song

Killing me softly with his song (Yeahh)

Telling my whole life with his words (Whole life, his words)

Killing me softly, with his song

Deuce suddenly stood up from his chair. Heero eyed him, wondering what was up. Before he could voice that question, however, Deuce leaned over him, smiling as usual.

"The song's almost over. Would you like to meet Jade in person?" He turned to the rest of the former G-boys. "That goes for you guys, too, ya know." Quatre jumped up excitedly, pulling Trowa with him. Heero and Wufei walked a little behind the rest of the boys as they followed Deuce down a corridor, Jade and Duo's duet softly decresendoing behind them.

Strumming my pain (Yeah)

Singing my life with his words

Killing me softly with his song

Killing me softly with his song

Telling my whole life with his words

Killing me softly, with his song

Heero turned his head slightly as the crowd burst into cheers and applause. Soon he would meet the odd girl who had so suddenly pulled the person he'd been longing for into his life again.... but what would come of this? Heero heaved a tiny sigh. /// I guess I'll know soon enough.... ///

Eep! This was meant to be a one page thing! ^^;;.. Oh well... and I see that Ecko, my sap muse, has made an appearance as well....
Ecko: Mwah! ^_^V

Killing Me Softly part trois! NONE YET, DON'T CLICK!!!

KMS Part Une

Sushi Girl