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Fan Fictions

Chibi Trunks
First Day
By: Vegeta47->

9 Month Saga
Chibi Trunks First Day 

When the time came for Chibi Trunks to go to school, he had heard a lot of
rumors about bullies, and horrible teachers. Chibi Trunks got real worried and called
up Future Trunks, and tolled him about his problem. Future Trunks was more than
happy to help Chibi Trunks. So when the first day of school came Chibi Trunks was
ready for anything that would happen. 

When Chibi Trunks got off the school bus, a mean 3rd grader came up and stole
Chibi Trunks’ milk money. Chibi Trunks started to cry until Future Trunks flew
down from the sky, and kicked the bully across the football field and into the goal
post. Trunks then came over to Chibi Trunks and gave him back his money. Chibi
Trunks said “thank you”, and Future Trunks flew off above the school. 

In Chibi Trunks first class, P.E., they where going to play dodge ball. When the
captions where chosen to pick the teams, no one wanted to pick Chibi Trunks. Chibi
Trunks went to his team once all the players where picked. Then Game Started and
Chibi Trunks was off to a great start. Chibi Trunks was the best player on the team.
After a couple minutes everyone was out except for Chibi Trunks and 3 people on the
other team. Chibi Trunks was dodging all the shots, until he slipped and was hit in the
stomach. Chibi Trunks fell to the ground out of breath. All the kids where laughing at
Chibi Trunks. Chibi Trunks started to cry again. In a flash Future Trunks came
through the ceiling and picked up a ball. “Dodge this!” screamed Future Trunks as he
threw the ball speeding at the kid. The ball hit the kid in the face and sent him flying
into the bleachers. Future Trunks picked up Chibi Trunks stood him up, and flew
away. The P.E. teacher woke up from his nap, and sent the kids to their next class. 

After P.E. Chibi Trunks went to his math class. As a few minutes passed Chibi
Trunks knew less and less of what he was saying. After a few more minutes Chibi
Trunks stood up and screamed, “I don’t understand this shit.” The teacher instantly
picked up his hickory stick and told Chibi Trunks to bend over. Unknown to Chibi
Trunks what was going to happen, he did. After one huge thwack Chibi Trunks
started to scream. Before the teacher could hit again, Future Trunks burst through the
wall, and shot his most powerful Beam blowing the teacher and half of the school
along with him. Future Trunks took Chibi Trunks and flew off towards home, Future
Trunks dropped Chibi Trunks at the door and left.

Chibi Trunks walked through the Kitchen and Bulma asked, “How was your
first day of school?”

Trunks responded, “Well…it was…ok.”

Bulma said “Well that’s good.”

Trunks went into the living room and sat down is his chair and said, “School

Vegeta standing behind him said, “That’s my boy…”