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Chaos, Mayhem, Disorder. My job is done here!

Su-cham!: Hiya! *wave* My name is Su, and welcome to my web page!

Nako!: Yeah, the ultimate page of insanity.

Su-Cham!: Oh yeah, have you met Nako? She hangs around a lot.

Nako!: Well, there has to be at least one sane person here!

Enough rambling, here's what your here for ^^.

Welcome to insanity! We'll be your tour guides. ^^

Just to tell you about who the hell I'm talking too.

Oh God, what does she have to say now?!

This page is called Su's Ramblings, is it not?!

Anime Corner! Sit down, relax a while!

What's anime?! All of your answers will be in here, grasshopper... Ok, I'll stop now. ^^;.

Well, here I go making some more noise! Read the fics, check out the pics, and hear me roar!

Aww, these things are so kawaii!

It's the escape route!

Aww, leaving so soon? Hope you enjoyed your stay! Come back real soon!

Isabeau, Guardian of Star Trek! (yes, I am a Trekkie, and proud to be one!)

  This page has been up since July 12, 2000! Yay!   

Updated: July 21, 2000
  • Lots of updating for your pleasure. I'm happy to say that the pics section is up, and now you can go look at all the pretty pictures my friend Dana has so gratefully drawn for me (they're so good!).
  • I'm so happy! I got a third page for my Adoption Center, and now I have GW kitties! Yes, it's true! GW kitties that look soooooo kawaii! I went a little overboard, and now I have six kitties, but they're worth it ^^. (sorry Wufei fans, so Wufei-kitty yet, but if he does come out, I'll be the first to grab him ^^)
  • Um, I'm suggesting to all of you out there not to go into the Anime Corner yet. I still have a lot of work to do, and plus I want to learn how to make tables... *sweatdrop*
  • Oh yeah, I have links galore! Links links links links links! Go see some of the ones I placed in the Links! section!

Updated: July 20, 2000
  • Finally, the "Rants" section of my page is up! Go look and see who I gave the section too (I'm still kicking myself for doing that ^^;).
  • Also, the anime fics are coming (no, they aren't up yet!) and the pics... I'm still looking for them *sweatdrop*. Sorry for any inconveniences that this might provide!
  • I went on an adopting spree yesterday, and now there are two pages of kawaii little animals ^^! Lots more updating in the near future!

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

approved by heero!
approved by treize!

Tina the Troubled Teen

Email me!

Samurai pictures are courtesy of Temple Samurai Shodown!

Gundam sprites are courtesy of Ricks Rips!

Picture links can be found on the links page ^^.

Well, I don't own the Samurai Shodown characters! That means Nakoruru, Shizumaru, Rimiruru, and Cham Cham belong to their respected company. I'm using Cham Cham's pic as my own, since I have no pic on the net, and I don't want anyone to see my pic! I don't own Gundam Wing either. It's owned by another company! Please don't sue me, because I'm poor and all I have is my imagination.