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Ok, I should probably explain the title I guess, ne? Righty dokey, skip. I'm talking about the title in the bar right at the very top of the window, not the one just above. This is the third web site I have (started) to make. The first two got scrapped, the first because I ran out of space (There was like a 15 meg limit, or something like that - too long ago to remember such details), and the second because I couldn't be bothered going on with it, and I was having a bit of trouble working out what to put on it. However, that lazy and mentally blank phase is over, and I have begun working on this site in a foul mood. Oh yeah, I would've continued with the second site, but my hard drive broke and I got a new one (two, really). So here I am with what I hope will be a decent site.
Onto the technical gobshite. This page is best viewed in... uhh... IE 5+ or whatever (that's just what I use), in 800x600 resolution. Sorted? Fine, then we can get on with it, and you can continue to the main page by clicking below.
This is a wee tracker thingy for the stats of my site. Wanna see 'em? Click below, then
This website (c) Ralkahn McDohl (That's me) 2001
I gave up trying to find the proper copyright sign through trial-and-error with the Alt+<number> combination. Oh well.