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Contact Info

If at anytime you wish to contact either Matrix or Jade just e-mail them:


Submission Info

Hi! Matrix here and I'm in charge of submissions. If you wish to submit a fanfiction or fanart please follow the guidelines we've set.

Please Read THROUGHLY.

Guidelines For Fanfiction Submissions

*Has to be about one of the anime featured on the page
*NO lemon (lime is ok but nothing really graphic)
*Can be spell checked (we do this anyway but please try and save us time.)

*Yaoi is exceptable as long as it is NOT graphic

Guidelines For Fan Art Submissions

*NO FULL front nudity.(You can make it as steamy as you want but nothing can be clearly seen)

As the Webmistresses of this site we hold the right to censor or not add anything we consider unexceptable. We are trying to keep this site at at least a 14A rateing. Anything over this we also hold the right to keep unless asked for it. Any other terms or conditions will be disscussed by myself and the Author/Artist. All submissions are to be sent to me at:

Send Fanart

Send Fanfiction