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-Leviathän 03-10-01 1:18am EST
Rurouni Kenshin eps 7-8 are up!! blah blah(getting lazy)

that Ranma eps page... it final got updated a little... i am working on just getting the titles for each ep up, i'll do the synaps later. smae for dbz(that is going to be fun, not...). the PICS problem is pretty much sorted out, which is good...
-Leviathän 03-08-01 7:54pm EST
Rurouni Kenshin ep 6 is up!! same 'ol same 'ol :)
-Leviathän 03-08-01 12:40am EST
Rurouni Kenshin ep 4-5 are up!! again on briefcase, one mirror...

Oh, in case anyone did try to download parts of kenshin ep 03 they prob noticed it brang them to ep 2 parts, oops, my bad, it's fixed :)
-Leviathän 03-07-01 5:00pm EST
Rurouni Kenshin ep 2-3 are up!! also on briefcase :) only one mirror... the Kenshin pics are working too now :)
-Leviathän 03-06-01 1:38pm EST
Rurouni Kenshin ep 1 is up!! it is on Briefcase too! So you don't even need a account. not only that but their is ONLY ONE file per account, so the download limit isn't reached as quick, AND NOT ONLY THAT(hehe) there are TWO, YES! TWO!! Mirrors!!!! so if the first one has reached it's limit there is a second one to try!!

as you can see i have lost my mind, I did ALOT of work for the site this past day, though most you don't even see... basicly i cleaned some stuff, changed some stuff, and made some stuff easier to "upgrade". More pics coming soon, kenshin eps(tomorrow!), faq will get updated(thank meechoo for the upgrade), new poll(hopefully), and many i'll FINAL finnish that darn Ranma season 6 ep.. it has taken me say.... 20+ hours of continues(during the week before I gone, and the past few days) uploading to get the 16 files up, myspace uploading is imposible... no joke...

Rurouni Kenshin pics will be up soon... basicly 1 hour after i get my comp rebooted, but i can't right now cause i am downloading some important files... which is also my the ftp is down... it wil be down tomorrow starting 7pm+ for a day or two... it might be up if i feel i am doing ok but it will have a 5kbps cap on uploads... this is cause i will be hosting some VERY important things in a IRC channel (#anime-madness on dalnet) and i need all the bandwidth i have... also considering i'll prob. be uploading to the site at the same time... so the ftp is the one to go, :)
-Leviathän 03-04-01 1:07pm EST
ok, I am back, and exams stunk... but, YAY, spring break(for my school anyway)!! Anyway, I wasn''t on because of my trimester exams, couldn't, even if i wanted too they were over on friday but when i was out of town for the weekend and just got back, now that I am back expect lot's of stuff going on here, I'll be adding alot!

More Pics will be uploaded soon. I am going to get new angelfire accounts, each named for the series's name that is going to have the pic uploaded to it (like tenchi_pics) and i'll add the pics and the html pages for those pic pages(to try to keep the pics local with the html pages linked to them, and to stop any angelfire bots from deleting the accounts for having file-warehousing). this won't take to long i just need a good few hours to make the accounts, change the links on all the html file(that link to the pic pages), and upload everything. I'll prob. be uploading at the same time so you should expect Ranma season 5 to finish, PLUS season 6 eps 11-12(these eps are the ones everyone and their mothers have been missnaming, some people have been calling them season 5 eps 25-26, S6 1-2, S6 5-6, blah blah, but the japanese listings have the eps as S6 11-12, and their subbed so that is what i am having them. no, i don't have S6 1-10[I wish I did])
old news

Uploading Next/Currently
01 Rurouni Kenshin
02 Ranma Season 5 eps 24
03 Tenchi
04 who knows....

What Animes are currently uploaded.
Series Eps(eps)
A Chinese Ghost Story M
Ah Mini Goddess 1-32
Ah My Goddess 1-4
Dragon Ball Z ?-291
Ghost in the Shell M
Greenwood 1-6
Mononoke Hime(down) M
Ninja Scroll M
Patlabor: Mobile Police 1-10
Project Ako 1-4
Ranma ½ 1-110
Shamanic Princess 1-4
Tenchi Universe 1-10
Vampire Hunter D M
Vision of Escaflowne 1-26

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