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Prdctof80s (2:46:43 PM): hi Prdctof80s (2:47:02 PM): u dont know me ...but i know that ur matt Prdctof80s (2:49:03 PM): i need to interview uis that ok Pain For Weezer (3:11:44 PM): Sure Pain For Weezer (3:11:45 PM): sorry I was away Pain For Weezer (3:13:50 PM): And so are you so I'm off to shower. Prdctof80s (3:13:56 PM): j Prdctof80s (3:13:57 PM): uhh Auto response from Pain For Weezer (3:13:57 PM): Shower. Prdctof80s (3:13:59 PM): ok Pain For Weezer (3:14:00 PM): er Prdctof80s (3:14:03 PM): uh sorry Prdctof80s (3:14:05 PM): bout that Prdctof80s (3:14:11 PM): so my names Meredith Pain For Weezer (3:14:14 PM): Hi meredith. Prdctof80s (3:14:28 PM): and i know this will seem really akward for u but i need to interview an emo child Prdctof80s (3:14:38 PM): ....and i hear through the grape vine ur the one to see Pain For Weezer (3:14:58 PM): Sure. What grapevine, though? Prdctof80s (3:15:01 PM): hah Prdctof80s (3:15:07 PM): katie , kelly , chris Prdctof80s (3:15:09 PM): u know Pain For Weezer (3:15:14 PM): Ah. alright. Prdctof80s (3:15:25 PM): yea im real close to katie she gave the word up Prdctof80s (3:15:27 PM): ok so Prdctof80s (3:15:57 PM): basically i need a basic overview of what u think emo's believe in ... Pain For Weezer (3:18:07 PM): I mean, I don't know that I'm such a good example because I'm not stereotypically emo. I mean, I don't know that you'll get the answers you're looking for. Personally, I'm emo because I put too much weight into romance/love. The concept of finding someone who you can love and be loved by becomes more or less your biggest goal in life. Pain For Weezer (3:18:25 PM): Though "emo kids" are typically defined by the music they listen to Prdctof80s (3:18:31 PM): ok Prdctof80s (3:18:51 PM): hey out of interview mode....thats really kool...i salute ur passion Prdctof80s (3:18:55 PM): ok back in..sorry Pain For Weezer (3:18:59 PM): haha word. Pain For Weezer (3:20:32 PM): Ok, I think emo kids are supposed to listen to Thursday, and Taking back Sunday, and such. Indie music about losing love. I don't really listen to all that though. The closest thing to emo I listen to is Bright Eyes. Prdctof80s (3:20:49 PM): i love bright eyes.. Pain For Weezer (3:20:56 PM): conor oberst is amazing Prdctof80s (3:20:58 PM): taking back sunday doesnt strike me as emo? Prdctof80s (3:21:01 PM): thats weird Prdctof80s (3:21:26 PM): so ...if i wanted to become emo...(which would b super sketch of me) what should i buy Pain For Weezer (3:21:27 PM): Honestly, I haven't listened to a single thing by TBS. I just heard that's what the standard emo kids listen to. Prdctof80s (3:21:34 PM): ok Pain For Weezer (3:22:04 PM): Um. Go to hot topic, get yourself some Rivers Cuomo glasses with the square frames. Get a sweater. A lot of sweaters. Corduroy pants? Converse All-stars for sure. Pain For Weezer (3:22:10 PM): Bracelets of any sort, but not spikey. Prdctof80s (3:22:45 PM): k Pain For Weezer (3:22:48 PM): For girls, I dunno how the hair works Pain For Weezer (3:22:52 PM): but for guys, shaggy hair is best Pain For Weezer (3:22:57 PM): sloppy and uncombed Prdctof80s (3:23:00 PM): short maybe cut slanted for bangs? Prdctof80s (3:23:05 PM): ok Pain For Weezer (3:23:32 PM): yes. slanted is totally emo. I dunno if you know cameron nelson, but his hair was a good example Prdctof80s (3:23:42 PM): ok Prdctof80s (3:23:42 PM): kool Prdctof80s (3:23:50 PM): did u know ryan Pain For Weezer (3:23:55 PM): Ryan who? Prdctof80s (3:24:00 PM): sumthin...he was a senior last yr Prdctof80s (3:24:04 PM): he looked pretty emo Pain For Weezer (3:24:09 PM): Knight? Prdctof80s (3:24:11 PM): yea Pain For Weezer (3:24:15 PM): Hmm. He's indie. Prdctof80s (3:24:23 PM): o ok may bad hah Prdctof80s (3:24:28 PM): is ther indie emo? Pain For Weezer (3:24:37 PM): Typically emo kids are all indie. Pain For Weezer (3:24:41 PM): the styles are almost interchangable Pain For Weezer (3:24:46 PM): It really comes down to personality. Prdctof80s (3:24:47 PM): ook Pain For Weezer (3:25:10 PM): indie kids and scenekids and straightedgers and emo kids all look the same. Prdctof80s (3:25:37 PM): hmm Prdctof80s (3:25:50 PM): whats the diff between scene and indie kids Prdctof80s (3:25:53 PM): if any Pain For Weezer (3:26:43 PM): I don't know that there is a difference, really. They all go to shows and such. I think for indie kids its more about the music and for scenekids it's about the show/the crowd. Prdctof80s (3:26:57 PM): is that website fucked up or is it good for info? Pain For Weezer (3:27:01 PM): man. I wanna gag just from using all these terms Prdctof80s (3:27:08 PM): yea Prdctof80s (3:27:09 PM): really Prdctof80s (3:27:18 PM): its so sick to classify all these people and shit Prdctof80s (3:27:24 PM): i feel so .... wrong Pain For Weezer (3:27:35 PM): yeah me too Pain For Weezer (3:27:39 PM): MESSENGER BAGS Prdctof80s (3:27:39 PM): like i felt so weird calling u and emo kid haha Prdctof80s (3:27:43 PM): yea Prdctof80s (3:27:44 PM): ok Prdctof80s (3:27:46 PM): with those pins Pain For Weezer (3:27:50 PM): yes. Pain For Weezer (3:27:51 PM): so many pins Prdctof80s (3:27:52 PM): from shows right Prdctof80s (3:27:53 PM): yea Pain For Weezer (3:27:57 PM): And random things Pain For Weezer (3:27:58 PM): haha Prdctof80s (3:28:01 PM): trucker hats? Pain For Weezer (3:28:03 PM): Ben made me a pin that says "feeling emo" Prdctof80s (3:28:07 PM): hmm Pain For Weezer (3:28:10 PM): Er. Not so much on the trucker hats. Prdctof80s (3:28:11 PM): right on Prdctof80s (3:28:12 PM): ok Pain For Weezer (3:28:19 PM): your shaggy hair can't be seen if it's covered by a hat. Pain For Weezer (3:28:22 PM): what year are you? Prdctof80s (3:28:28 PM): in a junior Pain For Weezer (3:28:36 PM): and what's your last name, meredith? Prdctof80s (3:28:40 PM): hah Prdctof80s (3:28:45 PM): thats undisclosed Pain For Weezer (3:29:01 PM): Don't make me look through all the sophomores in my yearbook looking for a "meredith" Prdctof80s (3:29:11 PM): how bout the live journal thing,,,thats big with this scene right Prdctof80s (3:29:14 PM): well ur gonna have to Prdctof80s (3:29:20 PM): if u wanna know me Pain For Weezer (3:29:21 PM): Yes. LJ is big Prdctof80s (3:29:25 PM): ok Pain For Weezer (3:29:29 PM): communities Pain For Weezer (3:29:30 PM): friends Pain For Weezer (3:29:32 PM): friends-only journals Prdctof80s (3:29:34 PM): ok Pain For Weezer (3:29:41 PM): MULTIPLE journals Pain For Weezer (3:29:43 PM): for different things Pain For Weezer (3:29:46 PM): poetry journals Prdctof80s (3:29:48 PM): lol Pain For Weezer (3:29:49 PM): picture journals Prdctof80s (3:29:51 PM): kool Prdctof80s (3:30:09 PM): have any samples of ur poetry if u write em Pain For Weezer (3:30:32 PM): I do... um... oi... ok gimme a sec Prdctof80s (3:30:36 PM): ok Prdctof80s (3:30:38 PM): no worries Prdctof80s (3:30:54 PM): i gotta tell u man that website i gave u is disgustingly cheap... Pain For Weezer (3:31:13 PM): yeah. Pain For Weezer (3:31:46 PM): Untitled Mmm Red lips and Flaming hair and Eyes that scream and I can only dream Of being that pretty Mmm Chiseled body and Structured jaw and Perfect smile and And skin so tan, who'd blame me For falling for such a man? Mmm Pouty smile and Legs like ivory and Curves that tease and Jesus, please just notice me No, don't look at me. Ugh Pointed nose and Infected pores and Seas of fat and Why does one eye go straight and the other goes right? Hah I look into the mirror And it drains me of any happiness The worst thing an emo kid can think is "God, who could love me? I'm so fucking ugly." Pain For Weezer (3:32:00 PM): But I mean it's not all like that Pain For Weezer (3:32:06 PM): I wrote one about how my tv died Pain For Weezer (3:32:11 PM): and one about my car dying Prdctof80s (3:32:38 PM): so that was good matt Prdctof80s (3:32:44 PM): mind if i use it Prdctof80s (3:32:45 PM): hah Pain For Weezer (3:32:58 PM): Sure. Pain For Weezer (3:33:20 PM): Coltrane? Prdctof80s (3:33:39 PM): so i see emo kids as not being into the whole drug thing....but then again i think if their emotional theyll react amazingly to lsd Prdctof80s (3:33:40 PM): hmm Prdctof80s (3:33:48 PM): tell me if my theorys right Pain For Weezer (3:34:02 PM): I haven't done LSD. Prdctof80s (3:34:19 PM): k Prdctof80s (3:34:21 PM): well Pain For Weezer (3:34:51 PM): I mean, I would Pain For Weezer (3:34:54 PM): if I could find it Pain For Weezer (3:35:09 PM): I do drugs, but I don't know if that's an emo thing Prdctof80s (3:35:13 PM): do u have stuff to do tonight im not wasting ur time right Pain For Weezer (3:35:16 PM): or if that's just that I like to do drugs Pain For Weezer (3:35:21 PM): I have to hop in the shower relatively soon Prdctof80s (3:35:22 PM): hah Pain For Weezer (3:35:28 PM): But we have time Prdctof80s (3:35:32 PM): well can we carry on later tonight Pain For Weezer (3:36:00 PM): How late will you be up? Prdctof80s (3:36:43 PM): real late Prdctof80s (3:36:54 PM): this projects due 1st period tomorrow Prdctof80s (3:36:55 PM): hah Prdctof80s (3:37:03 PM): i love to procrastinate Pain For Weezer (3:37:04 PM): I wont' be home until about midnight. Prdctof80s (3:37:07 PM): ok Prdctof80s (3:37:07 PM): hmm Pain For Weezer (3:37:22 PM): So if you have any more questions you NEED answerd, you should ask now Prdctof80s (3:37:26 PM): ok Prdctof80s (3:37:27 PM): um Pain For Weezer (3:37:33 PM): Just in case we don't speak later Prdctof80s (3:37:41 PM): places to go? Prdctof80s (3:37:45 PM): things to do Pain For Weezer (3:37:48 PM): New World Pain For Weezer (3:37:51 PM): Third Place Prdctof80s (3:37:51 PM): body language Pain For Weezer (3:37:54 PM): Cup-A-Joe Prdctof80s (3:37:58 PM): interaction habits Pain For Weezer (3:38:00 PM): COFFEE HOUSES Prdctof80s (3:38:11 PM): k Prdctof80s (3:38:22 PM): food habits Pain For Weezer (3:38:23 PM): Body language.... I dunno, I mean, I guess emo kids tend to physically apologize for their negative traits more than others may Pain For Weezer (3:38:35 PM): veganism and vegetarianism is common among emo kids Prdctof80s (3:38:36 PM): hmm Pain For Weezer (3:38:39 PM): but not neccessary Prdctof80s (3:38:45 PM): k Prdctof80s (3:39:09 PM): all of them r soo thin Pain For Weezer (3:39:21 PM): Not me! Pain For Weezer (3:39:23 PM): I'm a fatass. Prdctof80s (3:39:41 PM): i seriously doubt that ur a fatass Pain For Weezer (3:39:54 PM): Well, I used to be fatter. I'm 6'1, 217 lbs. Prdctof80s (3:39:59 PM): kool Prdctof80s (3:40:15 PM): it would be wierd if u weighed less cause ur soo tall Prdctof80s (3:40:27 PM): personally skinny guys r overrated lol Pain For Weezer (3:40:54 PM): I disagree, but *shrug* Prdctof80s (3:41:06 PM): i mean if there smaller than me its wird Prdctof80s (3:41:09 PM): weird* Pain For Weezer (3:41:09 PM): I dunno about interaction habits. Prdctof80s (3:41:14 PM): ok Pain For Weezer (3:41:19 PM): Um Pain For Weezer (3:41:21 PM): emo kids cry Prdctof80s (3:41:21 PM): common slang Pain For Weezer (3:42:10 PM): I don't know about slang. I could run through amy black's journal and probably find some. Prdctof80s (3:42:16 PM): k Pain For Weezer (3:42:31 PM): pretty much the same things most teenagers use Prdctof80s (3:42:54 PM): k Pain For Weezer (3:43:26 PM): Pain For Weezer (3:43:27 PM): my journal Prdctof80s (3:43:29 PM): k Prdctof80s (3:43:37 PM): thanx Pain For Weezer (3:43:37 PM): for reference or something Pain For Weezer (3:44:45 PM): yeah I'm not finding slang :-( Prdctof80s (3:44:52 PM): no worries Pain For Weezer (3:45:17 PM): oh Pain For Weezer (3:45:24 PM): we call eachother by our whole names often. Pain For Weezer (3:45:29 PM): It's odd. Prdctof80s (3:45:30 PM): k Pain For Weezer (3:45:39 PM): I'll call ben and be like "BENJAMIN ANDERSON KINCAID!" Prdctof80s (3:45:45 PM): lol Prdctof80s (3:45:50 PM): hes great Pain For Weezer (3:45:55 PM): He's my favorite person ever. Pain For Weezer (3:46:09 PM): emo kids tend to play instruments Pain For Weezer (3:46:12 PM): and write bad music Pain For Weezer (3:46:14 PM): about their sadness Prdctof80s (3:46:16 PM): in a band? Pain For Weezer (3:46:26 PM): either in a band or just by themselves. Prdctof80s (3:46:28 PM): k Prdctof80s (3:46:35 PM): typical day in the life? Prdctof80s (3:46:43 PM): i know that hard but try ur best* Pain For Weezer (3:47:21 PM): Stereotypical, or mine? Prdctof80s (3:47:55 PM): stereotypical please Pain For Weezer (3:49:47 PM): Ah. Wake up, shower, screw up your hair, get dressed, put on your converse all-stars, get in the car. drive to school or work or wherever, where you either don't socialize or only talk to your select group of friends. Not because you hate everyone else, but just cause birds of a feather or whatnot. Run by Schoolkids records after school/work to pick up a new cd. Pile your friends into a car and go to a show at the Brewery. Pain For Weezer (3:50:00 PM): Come home. Cry? go to bed. Prdctof80s (3:50:23 PM): hmm Pain For Weezer (3:50:33 PM): I dunno. That's all the stereotypical cheese I could put in there. Prdctof80s (3:50:36 PM): kool Prdctof80s (3:50:46 PM): so boy/girl relationships Pain For Weezer (3:50:46 PM): Because it's not like... a cult or anything... it's more a mood or a personality Prdctof80s (3:50:52 PM): are emos better at em or not so much Pain For Weezer (3:50:57 PM): hmm Pain For Weezer (3:51:27 PM): Well, we put all of our effort into relationships. we try and maintain them and make them as meaningful as possible Prdctof80s (3:51:37 PM): mhm Pain For Weezer (3:51:44 PM): and when they fail (as most do in high school) we cry about it and write songs and it takes us months to get over it Prdctof80s (3:51:55 PM): hmm Pain For Weezer (3:52:05 PM): there's a constant feeling of drama in an emo kid's life because of all the shit he or she is going through trying to fall in love. Prdctof80s (3:52:14 PM): yea Pain For Weezer (3:53:38 PM): Anything else before I shower? Prdctof80s (3:53:50 PM): uh Prdctof80s (3:54:00 PM): nah ne thing u wanna add in Pain For Weezer (3:55:26 PM): Personally, I think that emo is a form of depression, but it's our way of addressing the issue without CALLING it depression, because that means we're screwed up. We don't want to have to take drugs for feeling sad, so we try and put the blame on something in our lives. In this case, it's romance. I don't know if that made sense, or if any other emo kid agrees, but that's me. Prdctof80s (3:55:45 PM): thanx soo much matt was nice of u to take ur time out and inform me...i know u had bunches of better stuff to do. peace Pain For Weezer (3:56:18 PM): Before you go. Do you have mrs. panel/scioloscicoicicioi? Prdctof80s (3:56:22 PM): yea Pain For Weezer (3:56:25 PM): word. she's the shit. Prdctof80s (3:56:29 PM): haha yea Pain For Weezer (3:56:34 PM): Alright. I'll talk to you later. Prdctof80s (3:56:39 PM): alrgight Pain For Weezer (3:56:44 PM): bye Prdctof80s (3:56:45 PM): no cold showers and all will b good Prdctof80s (3:57:08 PM): omg Auto response from Pain For Weezer (3:57:08 PM): Shower. Prdctof80s (3:57:27 PM): i just deledted that whole conversation Prdctof80s (3:57:29 PM): SHIT haha Prdctof80s signed off at 3:57:55 PM.