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Have You Ever Noticed???

Have You Ever Noticed???

Thanks to all the people who have sent me thier opinion on what they think is the reason why the animation goes funny. The most common and the reply that makes the most sense is that they had a change in staff during prodution. I still dont have any evidence of why this happened. none the less Outlaw star continues to be one of the best animes out there!

Have you ever noticed during the series, sometimes the characters just dont look right. They are drawn differant...and it just looks BAD! Well for the longest time I couldnt figure out just what it was. Then the other night I was watching one of the fucked up episodes where they are drawn differant, and I think I may have got it??? I was paying real close attention trying to spot the differances.

1. Their faces are longer and more pointed.

2. Their necks are longer and thicker.

3. The outline of thier eyes is thinner plus they have little triangle things under thier eyes.

4. Thier mouth and eyes look smaller.

5. Their skin has an unnatural shin that just dont fit.

If any one can tell me WHY this happened OR if I didn't get something right E-Mail me I would greatly appreciate it. I'll post it. Its just something that makes me curious. Why would they draw it good then draw it bad? Its beyond me? Also if i can find pictures I will post them showing the differances.