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Norman Irving the bulldog

Hello for those of you that don't know me my Name is Norman. The reason why people call me bulldog because I am very popular Now lets begin with me as you know I told what my name is now I will tell you what I am going to major in colleage which that will be Networking with computers. Now I'm here at Hinds community college which is a very Nice place to be. The Reason Why you never saw any updates non what so ever because Nothing has happend but you will probblay see that on another page. Well I am back and this time You will be seeing some major updates in this site so hang on Tight Because October is going to "Rock" so for right check out this Toonami site its not done but check it out but you don't have to take my word for it updates of Toonami The days are Drawing near for BSU which is good because just the day before are Family groups went to a friends house to watch Angus it turned out to be a really good movie I enjoyed being with jermy Also as if Today There is a clue game going on at the BSU which sounds like lots of Fun More updates as they occur well Today is a another day over at the BSU so we are not sure if we are going to a speaker Today. Well Here I am Back from The Fall Retreat I had a very nice Time out at Kyle State Park I meet lots of cute Girls from Differient Campuses and I also went down to the Dam other words known as the Durn If happen to get pictures Developed I will post them up until then Later Oh I almost For got Halloween is Drawing Near so be Ready until Next update ok Halloween is now gone and has passed I hope you had fun as much as I did trick or treating so now this month there is going to be some important updates but I will have a section for later on Oh for you Transformer fans out there like me the Three part mini series of Beast Machines Starts this Saturday with Endgame Pt 1:Downward spiral. Alright this Saturaday End game Pt 2:When legends Fall and then Next Saturday the Victory you will have to see which is End game Pt3:Seed of the Future hey hey I'm back but just for 5 days until I get back from Xmas Break Wed will be the Final Update so Be a ware. Ok. So I Said there will be a final update on Wed. But it couldn't happen because I was moving out on Tues. thanks to dumb kids who love to pull FIRE ALARMS Well here I am back at Hinds for another semester Which is good because also I back in the Dorms

Well people I sure have been behind on the updates becasue school has kept me busy but not to wory you will be seeing lots of updates
Well kids and kittens looks like I will be gone for spring break but not to worry I will still be updating over spring break so until then Have a nice one Well i know it has been a while since i updated this page so now i am back so get ready for somthing that blow your mind. Well it looks like i am back you probaly haven't seen any updates hardly but now i am back so lets start things off with the new stuff for instance there is a new show coming to Foxkids which is Transformers Robots in disguise that will make the public very happy also the New season of Dragonball Z will be Starting as well so it looks like this will be a good year Well ladys in gents i am back once again with more stuff to come i am at a new school in Hot springs only to get my grades back up so i can get back into college but nver fear there will be more updates on the way Well kids and kittens have a got a new slogan for 2002 and it is NO HATTERS IN DA KMA DANCE CLUB
This is somthing you might see Here is A great link that you might likeTransformers Network here is an awsome linkThe Transformers Resource here is another link

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