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Mwa ha ha... welcome to Nira no Kamo's Nest, recently aka the Duck's Depravity and my excuse for going through 20+ liters of Code Red in about four days. Here's what I managed to gett off my ass and make from scratch the night before I went to Pennsic...

Update 9/02/2001 -- Due to the fact that I've been bouncing up and down the Eastern seaboard for the past month or so, and have actually been at home for a total of a day and a half since I put the site up, I have not actually beaten myself to death for not putting up more of the site. I have, however, been torturing myself massively, and that'll have to suffice till I'm actually home for a good chunk of time.




MtRP and Oscar United in Love!

Lina is the Devil!

About Me:

Answers to Surveys

Anime and Manga

Why? (FAQ)




My LiveJournal

All site design and original content copyright Jamie Haven 2001 unless otherwise stated. None of the anime series or characters mentioned are the property of Jamie Haven, nor does she claim them to be. Individual credits will be forwarded upon request or when Jamie has a bit more time to put them up. Nobody really reads this anyway. A moose once bit my sister, you know... mind you, moose bites can be pretty nasty. If you haven't figured it out already, both of the shrines are jokes. Though we really do think Oscar and Michael would be cute together.

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