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  • 1. Kamehameha(deals 40 damage to each person in battle except yourself) **uses 18% energy &&&& must beat GOKU to learn move. that includes not being able to use and item to learn it)
  • 2. Final Flash (deals 30 damage to two target player)** uses 14 % energy)
  • 3. Solar Flare ( someone can't see for two turns. can only use once)** uses 5% energy
  • 4. special beam canon(hits target player for 35% damage)uses 20%
  • 5. (name)-punch deals 8 damage to target person ** uses no energy
  • punch(deals 12 damage) uses 3% energy
  • 7. energy kick( does same as energy punch)
  • 8. masankoha-(hits up to 2 target players for 15 damage or 1 for 30 damage) used 12% energy level
  • 9. (name) blast- hits target player for 12 damage uses 3% energy
  • 10. DEATH WARD KAMEHAMEHA ( advanced attack hits for 89 damage is used for killing only when a oppents energy level is lower than 15 ( must be tought to by goku and learnered by him) uses 30% energy level
  • 11. Big Bang frier ( advanced attack hits for 69 damage is used for killing only when oppents energy level is lower than 15 ( must be tought to by goku or vegeta) uses 22% energy
  • 12. Kioto- hits target player for 20 damage uses 8% energy
  • 13. mega block- can only use once per battle ( this move is an instant it lets you block any attack and half damage of a death attack "note if the death attack still kills you by -50,000 then you still die"
  • 14. Sprit of Omega- lets you dodge 5 punchs and kicks in anygivin battle uses 15% energy
  • 15. the light foot of the clouds( lets you fly in the air) this attack adds 5 damage to a regular blast uses 4% energy
  • 16. Countuied light foot( just like the other but you can stay in the air 3 turns instead of 1) uses 10% energy
  • 17. Kioken ( you reach a new level while in a match each turn you stay in kioken) uses 5% energy every turn must learn from king kia
  • 18. spirt bomb- 1st turn you power it up it hits 1 persib for 25% of your pl. If you power it up for a second turn and don't attack on the 1st it hits 3 people for 50% of your pl. For 3 turns 5 people for 75% of your pl for 4 turns 50 people for 100% of your pl. This move uses 10% is you use it on the first turn. 20% is you wait for the second turn. 30% if you use it a 3rd time. and 40% if you use it on the fourth turn. It takes no energy to power this move up only to throw it. It can't be mega blocked, and it goes stright through energy shields. You are vunerable while powering up this attack. can't learn with dragonballs.
  • 19. Distruckto disk can only use once per battle uses 15% energy( chops oppent in half hit for 25 damage) person returns toghter after they heal
  • 20. double Distruckto disk same as regular Disk just you can you it twice per battle it uses 17% energy and they it hits for 35 damage
  • 21. Abemachaboto- hits target player for 25 damage ( uses 15% energy)
  • 22. eye beam same as Abemachaboto
  • 23. rapid fire- hits up to 5 target players for 5 damage a piece for 1 person for 25 damage this moves maxium damage is 25 and can be divided in any way the person choses.
  • 24. power up- power up let's you raise your power level by 5% in battle you also lose 5% energy level.
  • 25. thrash- thrash lets you raise your power level by 15% in a battle you also lose 15% energy level.
  • 26. nion fly- you use this move you have to have light foot of the clouds or countious light foot. It lets you dodge any blast in TRAINING.
  • 27. energy shield- this protective layers lets you create a force field that blocks 50% of your energy for attacks (example- if your power level is 1,000 then your force field will block 500 of attack damage) you can attack while in the energy shield.Uses 30% energy level
  • 28. embodenment- hits target play for 18 damage uses 8% energy level.
  • 29. deomon ray- hits target oppent for 35 percent damage uses 28% energy
  • 30. truck bomb- Can hit up to 5 people a energy attack that hits goes for 5 turns first turn it hits for any amount of damge out of 17 then it hits for 19 then 21 then 23 and finally it can hit up to 25% damage you can divide the attack up any way you chose. Uses 18% energy
  • 31. Sward attack- need a sward. Hit for 20% damage uses no energy. must have a sward. does not kill people.
  • 32. FInalblade- need a sward. Hits for all members in battle for 59% uses no energy. death attack only. cuts each person in 1 piece for each time you use it.
  • 33. Instant transmission- You need a move learner, a great move learner, and dragonballs to learn it unnormal. If your on planet yardrat however, you can learn it in 2 weeks. let's you skip from place to place travling at 180,000 miles a second. Uses no energy. It's and instant and lets you fly away from attacks in battle.