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The Negabarn

The Poll Shows The Top 3 Villains Are (as of 6/21/03):

6/21/03- HEY GUYS!!!!!!!!! After a long time we're updating this place again. We're going to try and keep the whole thing up while we do this but random pages might get updated while other remain the same and we'll notify you if that happens. Thanks for sticking with us and please get the word out there, THE NEGABARN LIVES AGAIN!!!!!!!!!

Last time it was completely edited: 10/26/02

*note* Sorry that we haven't (and still haven't) updated our site! But we have fixed the email so you will be able to reach us!

NOTE--It is now safe to click the home icons, on all the pages. And if there are spelling errors...oops. #^_^#

Well, after problems with Angelfire and constant delays. We finally did it. It took brains. It took courage. It took all our effort. It took a heck of alot of Starbucks trips but it was worth it!! After two months of construction, the Negabarn is back!

Rubeus: Huzzah! (throws ticker tape).

Um...yeah. All the pages (except requests) have been updated and most have a whole new look.

We just ask three things here, participate, particIPATE, PARTICIPATE!!!!!!

We have two whole new pages, the comments page (which we ask all of the viewers to go to), and the sounds page wich has over 40 English dubbed wavs for your enjoyment. We were working on huge picture galleries but, unfortunatly, Angelfire deleted all our pictures so the galleries are a no-go unless someone would like to do them for us. PLEASE GO TO THE COMMENTS PAGE, PARTICIPATE, AND SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!!!!!! Your opinion matters here at the Negabarn.

Ja Ne and enjoy!!!!

Or, if you can't see the image... just click here

And please sign the guestbook! (It's free for those who don't know)