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Babbit is babbit... what is there to say?

What... is... it...?
Babbit is a cross between a bat and a rabbit. Hence the long bunny ears and white fur along with the purple bat wings. Babbit's gender is unknown, so you must forgive me as I will refer to Babbit as "it".

What does Babbit do?
Babbit has varied roles, all stemming from being a narrator and commentator. Babbit acts as an usher by introducing the segments within the show. It makes commentary (usually unheard) about something someone has done or has said. In this way, Babbit is often used as comical reflief, yet one may wonder: relief from what? Babbit is also a running gag unto itself, its image appearing in different places (such as on school supplies, Sana's burracha machine, and other objects). Sometimes the characters in the show even interact with Babbit, so it's hard to say whether it really can be seen and heard or not, as this aspect constantly changes. Babbit also helps keep people caught up with what is going on so a viewer isn't confused.

Babbit is Babbit!!
Babbit is a very cheerful being and has a real personality whether or not it is interacted with during the show. It can be sympathetic, encouraging, embarrassed, and joyful. Babbit is a very interesting being to watch and is never dull, often reflecting the audience's own thoughts and feelings by expressing them itself.
Babbit is a great part of Kodomo no Omocha, and without it, Kodocha would be lacking.

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