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~ Maxwell's Cafe ~

PSST! Turn up the volume! The rhythm emotion midi is playing! ^_^

BE AWARE! There is an award for yaoi (male/male sites), but it is at the bottom of the awards page. You can avoid it, the same with the yaoi (male/male) wallpaper. Those are the only two signs of yaoi, nothing very bad.

Oi! Duo here! Welcome to Maxwell's Cafe. I hope you enjoy your stay and please sign J-chan's Dreambook. Enjoy!

J-chan here. I see Duo has already greeted you, so I'll just say hello. If you have any questions, please email me, but PLEASE, no flames.

::Duo nods:: Yup, J-chan and I hate flames.

Anyway, have a look around and feel free to order anything off of the menu. Later!

hey! how do you like the way cool star gifs? I got them from here- Full Moon Graphics

My Gatomon

Wai! How totally kawaii! Lookie at my adopted Gatomon pet! I'm not as big a fan of Digimon as Gundam Wing, but this is just way cute! If you'd like to help me keep her happy, move your mouse over the "feed, clean, and nap" buttons. Thanx! This'll help me out when I'm not online! ^_^

Click to get your own!

Vote! Anime Pitstop Top 100!

Vote for me! (please??) ;_;

approved by heero! approved by duo!

the above banner is a link to the site where I got the idea for 'Maxwell's Cafe'. Please check out the site. It's way awesome and better than mine!

Disclaimer--Gundam Wing images, info, characters, mecha, and story ,ect. belong to the Sotsu Agency and it's affiliates. I am not taking credit for their hard work, but what I am taking credit for are the buttons on the main page and the background image. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT steal the button OR the background! They were made by me! Thank you and have a nice day

~*~ home:: ingredients:: soup:: tossed salad:: main course:: mecha info:: shinigami's reading corner:: kawaii:: caught bishonen:: forum:: awards:: love test:: link 2 me:: polls:: links~*~