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"Send me an angel to love
I need to feel a little piece of heaven
Send me an angel to love
I'm afraid I'll never get to heaven"

                Garbage 'My Lover's Box'

Portfolio:: Stats and some info
Photo Album:: 'Nuff said
Appearences:: Where to find Larva
Symphony:: Ear pleasers
Voice of the Voiceless:: Larva's seiyuu
Fanworks:: Fan creations
Desktop:: Lava-ize your desktop
???:: Who knows...
Leave:: Links
Support:: Link to Soul of a Servant
Sakura:: The humble Webie
Contact:: E-mail the humble Webie
Sign :: Read :: GuestBook by

All anime/manga characters & all song lyrics are property of their respective owners, I do not claim ownership of them. All web graphics are © of Sakura unless otherwise stated. This is a non-profit fan site created on Jan. 06/01. Last updated: Jan. 07/01