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Other Anime

Summaries, pics, and reviews of other cool anime series and movies.

Lets start of with a classic, shall we?
Vampire Hunter D. If you're an Anime fan you've see it if not heard of it. It's a classic! Released in the 1980's Vampire Hunter D is a great example of just how good an anime from the horror genre can be. It takes place in the future after a nuclear war has almost wiped out mankind. In this time evil lords rule over the small villages which humans inhabit. Doris (the blonde girl in the picture) gets bitten by the local vampire lord and the towns people wish to lock her up. This is when The Vampire hunter known only as D comes to town to save Doris from the lord and from the villagers.
Vampire Hunter D has that grainy and dark feeling to its animation which I really love and lots of neat action. Most vidoes stores should carry it and I've seen it on t.v. a couple of times of Showtime Beyond. It was the dub version but it was rather good (but i'm sure the subbed is better) So check it out, even if you dont like horror I'm sure you'll enjoy Vampire Hunter D.