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Diligent and unassuming, Kyo has worked hard since childhood to become a skilled shadow warrior. As a ninja, his self confidence and sense of destiny is unshakeable. Kyo wears a hooded black ninja suit with his Katana (which he named Xyna) strapped to his back, given to him by his father at childhood. This furre has gone through many hardships but learned from his experiences.

What is he like?

Kyo is a very shy person to people he doesn't know to well. If you got to know him then you would find out he is a really outgoing and friendly person that will try to make you laugh whenever possible. Kyo is also someone to confide in. He listens to what anyone says and will try to help them. As far as his love life goes he is looking for a furre that he can joke around and have nice conversations with (and cuddle o.O). [[By the way, he wants his mate to get on Furcadia a lot]]

Kyo likes to read mangas (Japanese Anime Comics) and trains in his spare time. In the future he hopes to spend a lot of time with his love ^^.

Where can you find him?

Kyo can be found wandering just about anywhere in Furcadia but he mostly hangs out either at the AI table or near the stone circle in the Imaginarium. So what are you waiting for? Come and get me! ;).

How is he IRL?

IRL I am an anime otaku and a gamer, rpger to be exact :). I started on Furcadia when it first opened and I have been on since with Kyo. I am mostly IC on Furcadia unless you whispher me. No, I am not a TWINK! :).



Kyo should have his own house done in no time. Too bad he has no one to share it with yet.... When he hasn't been working on his house, he has (like usual) been reading or training. Talk to him why don't you.