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Welcome to Kattalina's SWAT Kat Museum's Sound Library. Notice that these sounds were placed on their very own page. I had so many off these, there wasn't enough room on the original page. So I made a serperate page for these. PLEASE NOTE: All of the files seen here were all recorded, and edited by me, if you use any all that I ask is that you give credit to me by adding a link back to Kattalina's SWAT Kat museum. Thank You! Enjoy!
Sorry about the files sounding kinda airy and bad, that's the tv/vcr's fault their pretty old and the volume's bad.I used to different type's of sound recorders to make these files I used Creative player, and the regular sound recorder, so there may be differences in sound on certain ones. never the less their all good files. Enjoy!

SWAT Kat Sound Clips
backoff.wavFeral: "Just what I need." Feral: "Backoff SWAT Kats the Enforcer's are handling this T-Bone:"Really looks like those bug eyed mosnter's have you pinned down!" Razor: "Yeah well, the KatsEye news team is trapped inside." T-Bone: "Don't worry will get them out!" Feral: "I'll get them out, but I can't afford to blow up a million dollars in space equipment doing it!"
finepilot.wavTurmoil: "His flying is magnificant it would be a waste to destroy such a fine pilot!"
firstnewsteam.wavT-Bone: "You two hold on too us!" Johnny: "Were jumping out!" T-Bone: "Unless you want too be the first News team in outerspace."
horrormovie.wavChance: "Jake you know how I feel about bugs!" Jake: {jake laughs} "Yeah I was suprised you came with me to see this flick!" Chance: "I thought hardshell was about a tank, not some giant beetle!"
katormouse.wav {wrench tapping} Chance: "Jake hand me a wrench" Jake: "You got it!" {Chance notices a spider on his arm} Chance: "Yah get this thing off of me!" {wrench hit's jake in the head} Jake: "Oww!! Hey Chance are you a kat or a mouse!"
letter.wav T-Bone: "Turmoil, thanks for the tempting offer, but it never would have worked out between us." T-Bone: "Guess I'll always be a good guy, and you'll always be a bad girl." T-Bone: "Keep your whiskers clean beautiful, your Top Gun T-Bone!" Turmoil: {rips up letter} "This puny prison won't keep us apart T-Bone!" {Turmoil laughs evil laughter}
missedthestory.wav T-Bone: "Looks we missed all the excitment." Ann Gora: "And I guess I missed the story." {villians van drives off} Razor: "Maybe not that's doctor bugeye and the big Ci-Kat-A."
neverget.wav {Manx shakes} Razor: "Take your best shot Mayor or you'll never get re-elected!" {manx's straightens up} Manx "Huh!" {missle goes off}
neverseen.wav Chance: "Ah, Jake haven't we had enough bug movies for one week!Jake: "Gee, I've never seen this one a giant Ci-Kat-A. Jake: "Wow, looks pretty cool!"
notmycamera.wav Johnny: "Anny not my camera!" Ann: "Uh!" T-Bone: "Come on let's get outta here!
outlawinlaw.wav Razor: "Good thing you left, before you had to meet you future outlaw in laws!" T-Bone: "he, he very funny!"
theslip.wav Razor: "Hah, looks I gave those girls the slip!" Razor: "Whoops!" Turmoils Gaurds: "Keep your hands up!" Razor: "Yes maam whatever you say!" {laser's go off}
whybugs.wav Razor: "We're going in!" {jet sounds} T-Bone: "Crud, why do they have to be bugs!" Razor: "Just like that movie, huh T-Bone!"
jakewannago.wav{tv commercial for next HardShell movie} Chance: "Hey Jake wanna go!" Jake "Nah, being katnapped and cacooned by a giant Ci-Kat-A has given me enough big bug action" Chance: "Roger that, handling the big ones, does make the little ones look tame though." {bug bites Chance} Chance: "Oww!"
goodreasons.wav Razor: "That should be dead center T-Bone." T-Bone: "Nah, it's off Razor!" Razor: "Well you tell me when!" T-Bone "You got it!" {alarm goes off} Razor: "Oh, that's Callie i'll get it!" {cement launcher whacks T-Bone outside the head} T-Bone: "I already did" Razor: "Yes, Ms.Briggs!" Callie: "SWAT Kats I hope you have good reasons for destroying half of MegaKat Labs." Razor: "Several Doctor Viper and the Creeplings were stealing stuff in there!" T-Bone: "Yeah, but Feral didn't believe us!" Callie: "He still doesn't, so be careful Ferals after your heads!" T-Bone: "So Razor!"
mettlewitme.wav Dark Kat: "Until you slithered in!" Viper: "Don't mettle with me Dark Kat!" {Viper knocks down dark kat} Dark Kat: "Dah,umph!Viper wait a little altercation has giving me an idea instead of fighting each other why don't we join forces against our real enemies!" Viper: "You mean the SWAT Kats!"
alwaysright_1_.wav T-Bone: "Crud! Why do you always have to be right Razor!" Razor: "This is one time I wish I wasn't!"
backup_1_.wav T-Bone: {crapling hook winds up} "I told you not to take this hero stuff to seriously Sir.Razor!" {Razor pants for a second}Razor: " We can't let her marry the PastMaster sunrise is only a couple of hours away, the TurboKat has gotta be operational by then!" {T-Bone sighs} T-Bone: "What ever happened to thanks for the backup!" Razor: "Oh and uh! Thanks for the backup buddy!"
darkagedimwits_1_.wav Callista's Gaurds: "Destroy the Sorcerer's!" T-Bone: "Listen you dark aged dim wits! Were pilots not wizards!" {gaurd gets wraped up in a net and falls down} Callista: "What magic is this?" T-Bone: "Callie!" Razor: "Mrs.Briggs!" Callista: "I am Callista Queen of Megalith city and you are the enemies!" {magic goes off} Razor: "And they called us sorcerers!" T-Bone: "Listen were not who you think!" Callista: "Silence! Finish them off!"
howto.wav T-Bone: "Couldn't control myself, just hope Razor forgives me." T-Bone: "Come on Razor say something! Ah crud, speak to me buddy!" {razor coughs} Razor: "I thought you didn't know how to swim!" T-Bone: "Hey I didn't know how to be a mutated frog either until today."
bringheraround.wav Razor: "Gotta get close enough to drop this stuff." Viper "How do you like the new me SWAT Kats!" Razor: "Ah nuts! T-Bone would have never let that slime to hit the jet, gotta bring her around!"
mybest.wav Callie: "SWAT Kats come in! We've got big problems it's Doctor Viper he's huge and he's heading this way! Razor, T-Bone you've gotta do something!" Razor: "T-Bone's a little tied up at the moment Mrs.Briggs, but I'll do my best!"
notyourself.wav {T-Bone growling} Razor: "I hate to do this to yah buddy, but your just not yourself!"
tbone.wav T-Bone: "Razor look out! Dah!!" Razor: "T-Bone!" Razor: "T-Bone if you drown I'm going to kill you!"
wishmeluck.wav Razor: "Wish me luck buddy, cause if this doesn't were all going to look like you!"
flies.wav T-Bone: "Come on let's get the TurboKat, and some flies for breakfeast!" Razor: "Flies!" T-Bone: " Ha! Just kiddin!" Razor: "Ha,Ha! Very funny!"
dontfire_1_.wav T-Bone: "Don't fire till you see the white of his eye!" Razor: "It's his legs i'm after rapper missles!
mrpersonality.wav {Razor laughs a little}Razor: "Well!Well! Look's who flying it's Mr.Personality himself!" T-Bone: "Commander Feral! Hey Commander what are doing out in this storm looking for a doughnut shop!" {SWAT Kat's laughing} Feral: "What The!" Razor: "Did you forget to shave this morning Commander!" {SWAT Kat's luaghing} Feral: "Grr!! I don't know how you can see me, but get of off my frequency you clowns!"
furball.wav {Razor chokes a little} T-Bone: "Razor talk to me buddy are yah hit!" Razor: "Uh!No! {Razor Spits} "Furball!" T-Bone: "Well, now that you've got that off of your chest, what about the crude dude!" Razor: "Time to cut him off!"
goody2kats.wav Dark Razor: "Chill out! This won't take long. So long you goody two kats!
farewell.wav Callista: "Listen to this spellbooks rythms send them back to modern time's! Farewell my hero's."
owndemention.wav Razor: "Guess were back in our own demention buddy." T-Bone: "Music to my ears!" Feral: "I don't care how many times you've saved this city! I'm going to string you up by your tails!
duhcommander.wav Feral "What The!" T-Bone: "Looks like the gangs all here!" Razor: "How do you explain that Feral?" Feral: "Than you SWAT Kat's were telling the truth!" T-Bone: "Duh Commander!"
SWAT KAT'S Sounds Clip's Page 2