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Secrets Of The Tendou Dojo

"Tendou Doujou No Himitsu!!" ("Secrets Of The Tendou Doujou!!") For those of you who don't read Japanese, I'll try to keep things simple, ne? ^_^

Irasshaimase! Welcome!

TOP: The first thing you will see here are the massive walls (which always seem to be under repair!) for the Omoya (Mother House) and the actual Doujou (Training Hall) itself. MIDDLE: You can now see the layout for the Omoya and Doujou. BOTTOM: The entranceway into the Omoya. Please be sure to remove your shoes! Tatami floor mats wear out very quickly when wearing Western-style shoes! We usually just wear our socks, or sometimes uwabaki (indoor shoes), but I like to go barefoot! ^_^


TOP: "Ma no nakama" ("the family room") In the centre of the room is the chabudai (tea table) that also serves as the dining table. Akane-Chan broke our original one the day that Ranma-Kun arrived. MIDDLE: Kasumi no daidokoro (Kasumi's kitchen). My kitchen is very antiquated in some ways because this is an old house that dates back to the turn of the century, but I do have a few modern things, including a denki-gama (electric rice cooker), a denshi-renji (microwave oven), and a reizouko (refrigerator). Unfortunately, all the modern conveniences in the world still couldn't help Akane-Chan's cooking! ^_^ BOTTOM: The Otearai (the toilet) and the Ofuroba (the bath room). With a sex-changing martial artist who's metamorphosis is activated by water, this is a room that sees a lot of use! ^_^

The Girls' Rooms

TOP: Akane no heya (Akane's room). Ran-Chan keeps all of her female clothing in Akane-Chan's closet. MIDDLE: Nabiki no heya (Nabiki's room). This was before she had gotten her computer, of course! ^_^ BOTTOM: Kasumi no heya (Kasumi's room). As you can see, we all have different personalities. Akane-Chan is perhaps the more artistic, Nabiki-Chan is no-nonsense, and I have many plants and flowers in my room where my younger sisters do not.