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Konnichiwa! and welcome to my Sailor Moon Pagoda.
Here you will find loads of information, pictures,
and more! Oh! and don't forget to sign my guestbook!
This page is constantly being updated, so be sure to
check back often for the latest updates. Ja Ne!

-Mad Melvin ^^;;

P.S. SMU and The Pagoda are merging! That means
twice the pics, twice the info, and twice the cool stuff!

.::this page best viewed with Internet Explorer 5.0, 1024x768 resolution or better::.

scout profiles & image galleries
Moon| Mercury| Venus| Mars
Jupiter| Saturn| Uranus| Neptune
Pluto| Chibi Moon| Chibi Chibi|
Star Fighter | Star Healer| Star Maker

fan & fun stuff
.::UPDATES::. | Main Image Gallery
Fan Fiction | Fan Art Gallery| Original Sailor Scouts
The Legend of Sailor Galaxia | SM Music| Melvins's Poll Booth
YKYWTMSMW... | My Pocket Bishonen!| Links

:: scented // cherries n' cream ::

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