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Which Dork Tower Character Are You?

Which Dork Tower Character Are You?
It's game night and you are:

Rushing into battle with the first thing you see! Huzzah!
Being thrown at enemies by my so called friends.
Acting as the rational one... well... most of the time.
The Game Master of course!
Giving it a shot, it sounds like fun. =)

Time to go spend some cash! You buy:

Anime! It must be mine!
Something that will play on my Mac.
A brand spankin' new computer game.
Paper! Lots of paper! And some new books for game night! And maybe a new PDA! And maybe...
Something black.

When you aren't gaming you are:

Not gaming?!
Chearing people up

Lord of the Rings RPG gone awry. Whare do you do?

"I kill Gandalf."
(referring to Frodo) "I smite him with my mace of many hurts and mash that little freaks brains to mush!"
Sell the ring! "What's it worth on the black market?"
Weep uncontrollably at the madness.
Sorry, I'm off doing some vampire gaming.

Goths... (pick one)

Are cool to role play.
I'm wearing fangs.
"They're haughty and arrogant and ridiculous and will chose style over substance any day of the week."
They're gorgeous.

Pick a quote:

"Let's kill something! Huzzah!"
"If your spleen is left, does it still get experience points?"
"Nobody tells Brother Zork, acolyte of the Great God Zorbug, despoiler of worlds, ANYTHING!"
"Breasts! I remember those..."
"You have to throw yourself into life!"

Pick the description closest to yourself:

An obsessive, impulsive, loud death monger.
Optomistic and loyal, yet angry and abused.
Fairly responsible techno geek.
Nerdy and unhip, but it's hip to be square!
Cute and perky.

Your role in the game generally is:

The fighter
The thief
The cleric
The GM
The novice.

Sacrilage is:

Playing with unmatched dice.
RPG's without human interaction.
Touching someone else's dice.
Butchering a classic (like Lord of the Rings).
Being unhappy.

Pick another quote because I couldn't think of any more questions:

"I didn't know it was a nunnery! I didn't know it was occupied! I didn't know Bigby's Crushing Tactical Nuke could do that..."
"My new handheld! It rocks on toast!"
"I draw funny animals to make the world a better place... and to make the voices go away."
"Every rejection is just one closer to an acceptance."