Info on Haruka/Amira/Sailor Uranus

Sailor Name: Sailor Uranus, Super Sailor Uranus
Japanese Name: Ten'ou Haruka
English Name: Amira
Age(at beginning): 15
Age(at end): 17
BirthDay: January 27
Height: 5'8"
Astological Sign: Aquarius
Gemstone: aAmber
Blood Type: B
Kanji Used: Heaven King
Hobbies: driving, running
Favorite Color: Gold
School: Mugen Gakuen High School
Favorite Subject: Physical Education
Worst Subject: modern japanese
Favorite Food: salad
Least Favorite Food: natto(a soybean dish)
Strong Point: strategy, brute strength
Afraid of: Confessing
Dream: To become a world champion racer
Qualties: weak, has healing powers, small
Amira is really respected by the inner senshi. She is very talented, especially at racing, and is also smart and strong. Her opinion of the girls used to be that they are cute, but when she learned they are inner senshi she became more critical. For instance, Amira was very nice to Serena when they first met, but she was very critical of sailor moon. She considered Sailor moon immaturn and week. In the S series she treated the inner senshi pretty bad, in SuperS she disappeared along with the other outer senshi, and in Stars she acted very protective of Sailor Moon. Apparently she inherited the desire to protect Sailor Moon that all the inner senshi had (although I think she tries to Protect sailor moon a lot more:)
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