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March 25, 2007

Hahaha, how odd that I would update almost exactly two years since the last update. And by "update" I really mean "delete a bunch of crap". This website is total crap. :P It's really poorly designed. I'd need to sit down and make it look like something that wasn't made by a middle school kid for me to bother with it anymore. I'll leave the doujinshi, though. In the future, I may put up more if I can find the webspace. And the motivation to scan it all. Look out for another update in another two years or so. X)

Doujinshi - The only thing here anymore

Disclaimer: Any anime, video games, etc. featured here are owned by their respective companies and creators. The content of this site has been created for entertainment and not for profit. So if you are a bloodthirsty lawyer, there's nothing here for you. Banner art by EvlBluDrgn.