Name: Osanai Torikkusuta
Name Meaning: Childish Trickster
Astrological Sign: Aries
Bloodtype: O
Age: 15
Likes: tricks, having fun, and Kodoko (he's so cute)
Dislikes: school, working, and Kakumei-chan
Favourite Food: Apple Pie
Least Favourite Food: Broccli (yuck)
Favourite Animal: Rat (Its best to get around the city with!)
Favourite Subject: Recess
Least Favourite Subject: Anything else
Armor: Pooka
Colour: Brown
Item it comes from: Ring
Powers: creates illusions and transforms into animals
Weapons: Nunchaku
Additional Information: Pooka is meant to be a totally passive armor.. Because of Tori-chan's strength and speed he doesn't need a powerful armor.
Mecha: Satyr
Weapons: Machine Guns placed in chest and armors. An electro magnectic shock comes from the left arm to disable enemy machines.
Additional Information: The Satyr is the fastest and lightest mecha. It can move up to speeds of over 200KPH (Kilometers per hour). It also can climb extremely well with out any problems.