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This is the Travel Section.This is all the different ways there are to travel.You start off with foot which takes you three days to get where ever it is your going.

Capsule Corp. Car-Cost:1000-Travel Time:2 Days
Motorcycle-Cost:1000-Travel Time:2 Days
Fly-Cost:1000-Travel Time:2 Days
Magic Carpet-Cost:1500-Travel Time:1 Day
Airship-Cost:1500-Travel Time:1 Day
Boat(water travel only)-Cost:1500-Travel Time:1 Day
Nimbus(any travel except space)-Cost:1500-Travel Time:1 Day
Teleportaion(works for any travel except space)-Cost:2000-Travel Time:1 Minute

Space Travel
Capsule Corp. Spaceship-Cost:1000-Travel Time:4 Days
Rocket Ship-Cost:1500-Travel Time:3 Days
Saiyin Space Pod-Cost:2000-Travel Time:2 Days
Namek Space Pod-Cost:2000-Travel Time:2 Days
Super Saiyin Space Pod-Cost:3000-Travel Time:1 Day
Space Teleportation-Cost:4000-Travel Time:1 Minute

When traveling in space you can either go to Planet Namek to search for the Dragon Balls,A Planet if your relocating there becuase your Allience Leader won enough battles or is at a high enough level (25 for both) or a planet for a battle or a tournament.The only time you have to pay for a space ship is when your going to search for the Dragon Balls.