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Welcome to my page! This is where most of my art, shrines, my webcomic, and various oddities can be found. ^_^ Have a look around, and don't worry: nothing here bites. Hard. ^_~

Has it really been 3 months since my last update? Hm, well, anyway, not much to say. I was just in Spain for 2 weeks, that was fun. I may put some pics up if I get them developed any day soon. ^_^;; Anyway, when I returned, my Hotmail account was just about dead. Evil junk mail! I have decided, therefore, to retire my hotmail account. From now on, use my Otakumail account, at least until I find another e-mail addy that has a lot of space. ^_^ New addy will appear in place of the old one on my pages. Any e-mail sent to the Hotmail account from this point on will not be answered. Thanks! I'll have a real update for you soon. ^_^

Wore my bunny ears at work today. ^_^ I even managed to keep them clean! Uh, well, it's hard to keep ANYTHING I wear clean when I'm working at the bakery... o.O;; So yeah, this was an amazing feat for me...
ANYhoodlies, I FINALLY updated the FTLY page. *cheers* Got new fanart and illustrations up. ^_^ Also, finally took down the polls. Results announced on the FTLY main page. ^_^ So go check it out!
That's all for the day. Toodles, and Happy Easter! ^_~

Part 6 of FTLY is up. Go read now. *falls over* Will attempt updates of other things, like fanart and illustration gallery, by Easter Sunday. No promises, though... *_* Did I mention that I'm dead right now? Whee, I need caffiene...

It's been nearly a month since I've updated. >.< Well, lately school has been taking up all my time, especially with that 10-page English research paper and Senior Contracts... I am very sick and this is the third day I've been home from school this week now... >.< Oy vey. Part 6 of FTLY is in the process of getting inked. I should (hopefully) have it up by the end of this month. The Keenspace page for FTLY is working... sort of. It'll post the comics, but usually a day late, and none of my non-comic images seem to work. o.O Oh well, I'll work out the bugs... Voting for the FTLY fanart contest will be open until Good Friday, March 29th. Then I'll notify the winners sometime before Easter, and start sending out prizes. Hopefully. ^_^ In other news, I added a new sign-up box for a fantasy RPG I joined recently, called "RPG of Dreams". It's at the bottom of the page. If you like online fantasy RPs, then please feel free to join! ^_^ It's a lot of fun. Added a sign-up box for FTLY Yahoogroup, too, on the FTLY page. Whee! *falls over*

For those of you who would like to see my latest fanfiction, go here for a great fanfic page. No, it's not mine, but you can search for "PsycoCatGirl" under "author" to find me. ^_^ Or go here for a direct link to my personal profile with a list of my fics. ^_^ Just a few so far, as I'm new there, but I've got some Card Captor Sakura and Lord of the Rings for those who are interested. ^_~ Eventually I'll post my Slayers fics...

That's all for now! Toodles! ^_~

I moved all my old updates HERE, if anyone REALLY wants to read them... Otherwise, I'll be updating when I can, and putting all the old ones in that backfile for whoever wants to see them. Only the most recent updates will show up on the main page. Saves space. ^_^


Created 7/25/01 Nightcrawler Shrine A little mini-shrine to my favorite character from X-men, especially the new version on E-Men: Evolution from Kids WB. ^_^ Hey, I had obsessions before anime, so sue me. ;P Pretty much just fanstuffs here, since there are so many other good info sites on Nightcrawler already, so I just put those info sites in the links. ^_^ If you like X-Men, Nightcrawler, or weird fanstuffs in general, I recommend you check it out and tell me what you think. Thanks! ^_^

Created 6/20/01 For the Love of Yaoi
My new online comic featuring fantasy/comedy fun and plenty of bishounen to go around (or maybe not... we'll see ^_~). Got the main page, archives, character bios, and some other goodies so far, so take a looksie! ^_^ Installments may take a couple of weeks, months, whatever to be posted, so stay tuned for more details as they become available. ^_~

Created 4/15/01 LINK PAGE! Where are all my links, you wonder? Wonder no more! Here they are! ^_^

Created 4/11/01 Art Requests For those of you who have been e-mailing me for special custom pics and so on (you know who you are), I have created this page. Read carefully, please! ^_^

Created 4/8/01 If I Ever Become a Bishounen... Send in your submissions today! ^_^ (Note! As of 1/4/02, this page is officially put on hiatus. Yes, I know I wasn't doing anything with it anyway, and my apologies and thanks to those who sent in those shibby suggestions.)

Created 4/8/01 The Cat-Girl (and Boy) Sanctuary! Send in your submissions today! ^_^ (Note! As of 1/4/02, this page is officially put on hiatus. Yes, I know I wasn't doing anything with it anyway, and my apologies and thanks to those who sent in those nice cat-person piccies.)

Created 3-18-01 [VIEW MY SLAMBOOK!!!] [SIGN MY SLAMBOOK!!!]

My NEW Master Image Directory!!! Okay, so it isn't finished yet, but I have all (or most) of my Slayers and Gundam Wing art up already! More will be added over time, like the miscellaneous artworks, hosted art, and the original anime pics I've scanned or filched from other sites (with permission, of course! ^_^).

The Real Psyco Cat-Girl, Maria Lorimer A rather pointless little page that rambles incessantly about me, the REAL me... It's pretty scary... No, scary isn't the word... Silly, yes, that's it... ^_^

Join the Fantasy RPG, "RPG of Dreams" today! ^_^

Subscribe to RPGofdreams
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Alright, here are my other sites... *grumble*

My Slayers Page, hosted by yours truly ^_^
My Harem of Tasy Bishounen, also hosted by me, as yet under construction... *sigh*
My Gundam Wing site, also under construction, hosted by Kiana DelRey (one of my multiple personalities ^_^)
My OLD Slayers page, now collecting dust... *sigh, again*
