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Gohans' DBZ Pics

Below are my picture links


THE PICTURE PAGES TAKE A WILE TO LOAD BUT IT IS WORTH IT.( I suck at spelling,so please dont be mad or think im a dumb ass if you see something wrong)

SORRY IM NOT GOING TO UPDATE MY SITE ANY MORE. the reason is that angelfire let me get more space to put shit on my site for free and i used that space but now they took it away... so basicly i am running my site with no extra room. that is why when u come to my site every once in a while or actulily every god damn day it says like expansive badwidth consumption or some bull shit like that. so angelfire isnt making me happy. so sorry for the bull shity problem, but i cant do anythng about it without costing me money. and hey i am in high school so i dont wana deal with the bull shit like paying bills for some thing i dont wana do. so sorry and if u have any questions or need help with your site just E-mail me and i will respond.

NETSCAPE that is all thet i know of is not working with animated gifs it i pissing me off so you just will have to deal with it netscape users sorry. Thanks for visiting, please take my poll and SIGN MY GUESTBOOK PLEASE!!!!!!!!, thanks. This site is currently under construction and always will be updated every now and then. This is my first site and I am trying my hardist to make it the best picture site possible. I love DBZ and I love their pics. You can take whatever you need.

I wanted to tell you all to go to my links page. It has there two of my best friends' sites(the simpsons one and the sayler moon one) it and I want you to please go there. I know they dont have any thing to do with Dragonball Z but they helped me with my site so much just go there for the hell of it PLEASE!!! It also has a few DBZ links but if you would like to link to this site please E-Mail me.

Well, thanks for stoping by my site.

LAST UPDATED:7/31/02 my good bye.

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