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<bgsound src="sounds/Wufei.wav"> Nataku







Hey guys the explanation for the music is... it's too cool. Actually I couldn't find a coolone for Wufei with out having music that was unerving. Besides it's the techno version of cantina song. What could be better? ^_^
The Gundam "Nataku".
Nataku is actually the nick name that piolit Chang Wufei, gave to his Gundam. It was originally called Shen-long then it was upgraded to Alto-long, then to Alto-long Custom. In every phase Nataku had weapons that were simular. In the first phase Shen-long had on one hand a singel dragon fang with flame thrower, also a single sided beam glave. When it was upgraded to Alto-long it gained the help of an extra dragon fang and a double sided Beam Trident. In the last phase the armament stayed basically the same, but in each phase the dragon fangs look differnt.
The Gundam Nataku changes apperance the most of the Gundams.It ges from having the base color of white to green then to black.

Gundam "Nataku" Shen-Long

  • Fighting:160
  • Weapon:110
  • Power:140
  • Armor:120
  • Speed:130
  • Armament:
  • Vulcan Gun x 2
  • Beam Glaive x 1
  • Dragon Fang x 1
  • Flamethrower x 2
  • XXXG-01S-2
    Alto-Long "Nataku"
    Twin Beam Tridentx1
    Back Mounted Beam Cannonx1
    Dragon Fang With Flamethrowerx2

    Armament Descrition

    Dragon Fang
    Probably the most memorable things about Nataku is the Dragon Fangs. These weapons are awesome and the design is ingeinous. They are made to fold around and enclose the hand. This makes it able for the "mouth" of the dragon to clamp on. Also they are able to just be used as projectiles. Crashing into objects and dealing substantual damage. Acompaning these Dragon Fangs are the flame throwers. Not effective in space (because fire needs oxygen) they are deadly on earth.

    Beam Glave/ Twin Beam Trident
    Now these weapons are prime examples of the hand to hand combat that Nataku enjoys. It's obvious that they arn't long range weapons. It should also be obvious that they are used for slashing, like a beam scyte, sowrd, or saber. This is a persise weapon used for peircing and stabbing. It would take a skilled piolit to work this in the heat of battle. Imean anyone can slash, but peircing? The Twin Beam Trident is a great improvement over the old Beam Glaive, it is able to kill twice as many opponents.

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