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~Final Fantasy 8~

~Squall Leonhart~

Name: Squall Leonhart

Age: 17

Height: 5'8

DOB: August 23rd

Weapon: Gunblade

Special Skill: Renzokuken

A cadet in SeeD,(which is the special combat unit of Balamb Garden Military Academy)Squall is a young mercenary in training. His aloof and anti-social behavior makes him appear selfish and lacking a sense of team unity. Squall dislikes having others involved in his affairs, and is pretty much a loner. Squall uses a sword called the Gunblade, which is a rare weapon that takes many, many years to master and is therefore rarely used... Currently, there is only ONE other Gunblade master in Balamb Garden ---Seifer Almasy... With the Gunblade, Squall can unleash his limit break, Renzokuken, a deadly series of punishing attacks sometimes followed by a powerful ending move. In the eyes of others, Squall is seen as a silent, cold person and having this image is fine by him..

Personal Note: Squall is cool.. he needs to stay away from Rinoa tho... shes psyco.... she probably stalks him and keeps a shrine to him made out of his old toenail clippings.... (^~^BLEEECH!!!)

~Rinoa Heartilly~

Name: Rinoa Heartilly

Age: 17

Height: 5'3

DOB: March 3rd

Weapon: Blaster Edge

Special Skill: Angelo

Open and honest with her feelings, she speaks her mind without reservation.(shes WHINY!) Driven by her ambitions she can be difficult at times.. (AND WHINY) A member of the Timber resistance group "Forest Owls," Rinoa Fights against the Galbadian President, Vinzer Deling, whose dictatorship has caused great suffering in her homeland for far too long. Rinoa is very emotional,(and... whiny?) and tends to go with her gut feeling when acting. Her best friend is her dog, Angelo, who often rushes into battle to help Rinoa when she's in trouble. (because no one else wants to save her whiny annoying butt!!!)

Personal Note: i dont like Rinoa too very much.. i think you might be able to tell.... SHE NEEDS TO STOP COMPLAINING!!!!!

~Seifer Almasy~

Name: Seifer Almasy

Age: 18

Height: 6'2

DOB: December 22

Weapon: Gunblade

Special Skill: Fire Cross

Though Seifer is a naturally gifted soldier, his inability to take orders and control his temper has earned him the label of "problematic". Although recognizing and praising Squall's abilities, Seifer regards him as his ultimate rival and tries to best him at whetever he can .

Seifer has gained a reputation in Balamb Garden as a show-off and a bully. With his friends Fujin and Raijin, he acts as the head of the Garden's Disiplinary Committee. Seifer is the only other Gunblade master at Balamb Garden besides Squall. The two have a heated rivalty that leads them both into trouble at times.

Personal Note:Seifer is SOOOOOO HORRIBLY COOL! he has a BIG SWORD and he's gotta cool name, and he is umm.... uh... i cant think of anything else... BUT HES COOL!!!!! YEAH!! GO SEIFER!!! YOU RULE!!

~Selphie Tilmitt~

Name: Selphie Tilmitt

Age: 17

Height: 5'1

DOB: July 16th

Weapon: Nunchaku

Special Skill: Slot

Selphie seems out of place in a military academy because of her innocent appearence and light-hearted personality. Her happy-go-lucky disposition and laid-back attitude tend to catch others off guard.

Selphie is a recent transfer student to Balamb Garden. She grew up in Trabia Garden, located deep in the mountains on the northern continent. Her outgoing personality and sincerity have earned her many friends at Balamb and Trabia Garden. Currently, she is busy trying to orginize the Garden Celebration between training sessions. When fighting, Selphie uses giant Nunchaku and special magic that includes several unique spells.

Personal Note: Selphie is a ditz.... yep.... like me...

~Quistis Trepe~

Name: Quistis Trepe

Age: 17

Height: 5'6

DOB: October 4

Weapon: Chain Whip

Special Skill: Blue Magic

A SeeD cadet when she was only 15, Quistis now instructs Squall and his companions at Balamb Garden. Contrary to her cool exterior, she occasionally has a difficult time coping with frustration, and as a result can become depressed over trival matters.

The whip is Quistis's weapon of choice. But when faced with a dangerious situation, she relies more upon Blue Magic. Quistis is much admired in Balamb Garden, and her admirers have even formed a fan club known as the "Trepies." She's a bit of a child prodigy considering she's the youngest insructer at Garden. However, her actions toward her students sometimes betray her age and undermine her authority, as she lacks the stern demeanor of most Garden staff.

Personal Note: if I had a band of followers like the Trepies... id take full advantage of it....

Sara-ipies-- "we built the giant ray gun you asked for..."


Sara-ipes--"the ray isnt that big..."

Me-- "okay then ... change of plans... *begins walking off with the giant ray gun* ... is it big enough to do some damage to a city though??"

Sara-ipies--"yes... where are your plans now that you have that giant ray gun??"

Me-- "Im going to Disneyworld... heh heh heh..

(Sorry bout the corny-ness of the above.. couldnt help myself....)

~Irvine Kinneas~

Name: Irvine Kinneas

Age: 17

Height: 6'0

DOB: November 24

Weapon: Gun

Special Skill: Shot

Irvine is known as the "Best Gunman Galbadia Garden". His reputation for chasing women is almost as well known as his accuracy with a gun. Although he seems to be uncaring and frivolous at first glance, in reality he is sensitive and serious.

Irvine is considered an expert marksmen who can use special ammo to attack enemies. He puts on airs and attempts to convince those around him that he's a misunderstood loner,which is an image he uses to his advantage when chasing female students. However, when he is placed in a pressure situation, he tends to shed his tough exterior and quickly loses his composure .

Personal Note: I love Irvine's outfit.. hee hee!I want one... not sure why....

~Zell Dincht~

Name: Zell Dincht

Age: 17

Height: 5'5

DOB: March 17rd

Weapon: Glove

Special Skill: Duel Zell, a master at close-combat fighting , uses kicks and punches to defeat his enemies. Zell also has a love for the hot dogs that are sold in Balamb Garden's cafeteria. Never one to cause problems to others, Zell's endless energy, temper, and reactions sometimes get him into trouble. People in his hometown of Balamb view him as a a klutzy, poorly behaved person

Personal Note: Hot Dogs contain pidgeons... its true.... isnt that right pidgeons??

Pidgeons-- cooooo coooo cooooo....

Me-- yeah.. i thought so...

~Laguna Loire~

Name: Laguna Loire

Age: 27

Height: 5'9

DOB: January 3rd

Weapon: Machine Gun

Special Skill: Desperado

Laguna is a strong willed man with a kind heart. His compassion for the unfortunate drives him to help the weak and bring down their oppressors.

Although a bit of a klutz , he's a strong leader who inspires a great deal of loyalty and respect of those around him (such as Kiros and Ward). His weapon of choice is the maching gun, which he can fire multiple shots at enemies posing a threat to his party members. Although he dreams of someday starting a writing career, he's currently serving in the Galbadian Army