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  Guardian Saga 
  Final Fantasy

An Original Anime Review Site 

Welcome to my site.  This site is being established with the purposes of showing anime off to the world;  furthermore, for those who are already into anime and want to check out other animes it introduces the basics for various series.


Okay the FFRPG is in Alpha testing after the first tournament. SO start submitting characters.

News 3/20

Thats right DBZ follows up Sailor Moon in the reviews and we hope that won't be all.  Come back for more as Gundum Wing is next!

Popular Anime Reviews

Sailor Moon; Dragonball Z/GT;  Pokèmon; Digimon; Gundum Wing; Ranma 1/2; Tenchi Muyo

A Call

Think you can write a good review?  Want to give the world your input?  Well just send your reviews for various animes to, I'll review them and if I find them noteworthy (even if I disagree) then I'll post them with your email on the review page.  See the review page for examples.

Created by Guardians of Time.  Disclaimer:  The Guardian Saga belongs to Guardians of Time.  All other animes are the properties of their respective owners as will be displayedto the best of my abilites on the Review Page. Please note this site was created on a twelve inch monitor.  Once again I apologize if this effects the quality of the page.  Questions?  Comments?  Concerns?  Email: