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The Digiegg of Love:

Digimentals/Digieggs are used to Armor Digivolve.

Armor: Love

  • Owner: Yolei
  • Veemon > Setmon
  • Wormmon > Owlmon
  • Armadillomon > Pteramon
  • Patamon > Pipismon
  • Hawkmon > Halsemon
  • Gatomon > Swanmon


  • Setmon:Heat storm, Tusk Driver
  • Owlmon:Infrared Ray, Midnight Clutch
  • Pteramon:Sharp Wing
  • Pipismon:Crazy Sonic Blaster
  • Halsemon:Mach Impulse, Red Sun,Tempestwind, Eagle eye
  • Swanmon:Down Tornado, White Mirror Back