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9/22/2000  I had not updated this page, because I was busy getting used to school and work. However I am still doing orders and trades and I have gotten alot of new stuff, and I have gotten new tapes they have been updated to my new and coming section, check them out,

8/20/2000    I am back from my vacation, and for the week which I was gone I'm sorry. Anyway I received  a lot of trades this week, I have updated  my new and coming section but I'm still updating. 
I received 9 volumes of flame of recca\
I have the complete Berserk series now, and  Weib Kreuz volumes 1-6. but most important I recived  a lot of DB episodes. PLease check out my new sections of my fansub list.

8/10/2000 This past week I have received a lot of new tapes, especially Dragonball, and DBZ. For DB I have now eps. 132-135, and DBZ 119-140, and 200-211. Also all of the fansublist and the new and coming section of  Son Gokuhs Fansub Domain, has been updated.
Important News- On August the 11 I will be living for vacation for a week, request can still be made but I will not be able to respond until I get back. If you make a request, most likely I will responded and work on your tapes the same day that I get back.

8/7/2000 As you can see a new layout was given to all my pages, now  it will be easier for you to browse through out   the  gran variety of different kinds of fansubs available to you upon request. Also all of the fansublist and the new and coming section of  Son Gokuhs Fansub Domain, has been updated.

This fansubs are made by fans for fans and I will not be getting any 
profit by recording them to you. The money  that I receive from the orders will be used for the maintenance of the VCR decks. And also to make more anime  fansubs available to you.

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