DISCLAIMER: Most of the characters from Ranma1/2 is owned by or inspired by the works of Rumiko Takahashi and I don't own SailorMoon, or any other related characters. The copyright belongs to Naoko Takeuchi/ Kodansha, Toei Animation. SailorMoon is used under license by DiC Entertainment as well. C&C to Eric Oh Note: I didn't know where I was going to put SailorMoon timeline in. I mean if I set it after SailorMoon Stars they already beat everything they can possibly imagine. They beat Sailor Galaxia and she is suppose to be the most powerful solider in the Galaxy. So, I kept on thinking and thinking and decided to change the events so that it takes place during the SailorMoon Stars. So this takes place right after Mamoru goes off to America and Seiya starts to have feelings for Usagi this will be like the movies R, S, and SS you know how you can't really put them in the SailorMoon timeline. Ranma takes place after the failed wedding attempt. I'm just assuming that Usagi goes to Juuban High. < > Thoughts ( ) Chines [ ] Mental link Ranma1/2 and SailorMoon Crossover. Remembered Chapter 1. It was a strange day to be Ranma Saotome. It started off like any other day, which means that he was awaken by his father and had to fight his father this morning. What was so strange was that it was too easy this morning. It's true that Ranma surpassed his father long time ago, but he usually held back a lot so that the fight will at least look evenly matched. However this morning no matter how much he held back it was just too easy. Ranma thinking about what happened this morning didn't pay attention to where he was going and bumped into someone. "Excuse me can you tell me how to get to Tendo Dojo? Or the pig farm owned by..." That was as far as the man said when he took a good look at the person who bumped into him. "Ranma! How dare you bumped into me? It's your fault that we lost the water from the spring of drown man! I lost my only chance at being cured because of you! Prepare to die!" With that Ryoga, the eternally lost boy launched himself at Ranma. With that thought Ranma jumped at Ryoga, meeting him half way. What was really surprising was that when Ranma hit Ryoga, Ryoga went down hard. That thought was in both of martial artist minds. "Ranma! How dare you train to get stronger and pick a fight with me!!!! Now you die!" With that the enraged martial artist attacked Ranma Saotome of Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts. Ryoga was having a horrible time. He couldn't understand how Ranma was beating him so easily. It was not a big surprise that Ranma was dodging all of his hits, Ranma was fast, but today he seems like he wasn't even trying. "Ranma!! How dare you mock me!!!> With this Ryoga lunched a vicious attack and normally this would have at least come close to hitting Ranma but this time none of them looked like it would go anywhere near hitting Ranma. Ryoga was getting depressed and when Ryoga goes depressed, it was never a good sign. Ranma noticed that Ryoga was starting to glow in that green aura which means that he was about to go Shi Shi Hokodan. "Hey Ryoga cool it, this is a street we are fighting in, there are houses where people live!" Ranma knew that once Ryoga get to this point, it was basically useless to try to talk or reason with him but he had to try in order to stop Ryoga. Ranma didn't know what to do, Ryoga was built like a tank so just knocking him out was no good and if he didn't stop soon it looked like Ryoga was about to fire off one of his big Shi Shi Hokodan. That was as far as he went before Ryoga went off with the Shi Shi Hokodan. Ranma looked directly at the green ball of energy and all of a sudden his mind was transported to a different place. He was looking at a woman who was dressed in some kind of sailor fuku who was firing a green energy at him. Ryoga didn't understand why Ranma was just standing there on the path of his Shi Shi Hokodan but it looked like it was going to hit and the victory will be his today. Ranma was just coming out of that when he saw how close the energy ball was to him. That was as far as he got before things went white. Ryoga had to close his eyes because of sudden bright white light. "What was that? That never did that before?" When Ryoga looked at where Ranma was standing, he got the surprise of his life. There he was, unhurt, not even a scratch anywhere. "Ra..Ranma? How did you?" Ranma looked at himself, he looked at Ryoga and took another look at himself. "I'm not sure..." House in the area of Juuban... Setsuna was in the living room with Haruka and Michiru. They were sitting around talking about nothing in particular when she got the strangest feeling she ever had. Other's noticed her strange reaction and was little concerned. It was everyday that the mighty Sailor Pluto had some strange reaction and whenever she did something bad happened that was really bad. "Setsuna what's wrong?" Asked Michiru who was little concerned for her friend, her fellow Outer Sailor. "I'm not sure, but I felt something, some kind of power..." Now, all of them were worried. Pluto because she had no idea what it was and she hated not knowing. Haruka and Michiru because if it was something that Setsuna was worried about and not knew what it was, it can't possibly be good for them. Tendo Dojo... After that strange incident with that bright light and Shi Shi Hokodan, they both decided that it was enough and time to go. Ranma tried his best to lead Ryoga to his house, but it wasn't meant to be. Ryoga got lost after all of Ranma's best effort to keep him from getting lost. "I don't understand how he gets lost so easy. I mean he was right there, I turn my back for once and he is gone" Ranma walked in the Tendo home and as always smelled that wonderful smell that was Kasumi's cooking. Ranma held that thought for a complete minute before started to laugh. "Oh hello Ranma how was your day?" Kasumi asked Ranma with her usual calm manner. "It was ok. I don't know really, it started off really bad but something happened that made me think a little" "Oh my, hope you are feeling ok Ranma" "Yeah, I'm ok thanks" Kasumi was probably only person beside his mother that he said the word thank you and sorry and really meant it. "Ok than, dinner will be ready soon Ranma" With that Kasumi went back into her kitchen to prepare for the dinner which the family will be waiting for soon. "Well, I guess I'll just go and wash up" Ranma headed towards the bathroom to wash up for dinner. He wasn't looking where he was going nor was he paying much attention to anything around him. Things were bothering him. He beat his pop too easily today and Ryoga was no match for him either. He knew he was good and ever since the Mt. Phoenix events, he knew he was the best however it was just too easy today. Because of these thoughts he missed the occupied sign that was hung and missed the sounds of person already in the bathroom. When he open the door to the bathroom, he had a towel around his waist. That was fortunate for him, however unfortunately Akane did not have anything on beside some water, which was cascading down her body. For a while they both just looked at each other and didn’t do anything. Ranma was thinking he was dead and Akane was having conflicting emotion and thoughts. Akane was thinking if she should beat him up for seeing her naked or should she let him go and perhaps... "Umm... Akane I'm sorry" When Akane heard Ranma voice her thought were interrupted. She saw him and she saw that he was expecting her to explode at him. Akane was actually very sad that Ranma was expecting her to blow up at him. After all this time, Ranma was still expecting her to react to him violently, still expecting her to bash him in for every little thing. That last part got her angry enough to hit Ranma. "Ranma you PERVERT!!!" With that she made her ever-present mallet crash down upon her fiancee's head as hard as she could. However something strange happened today that has never happened before. As soon as her mallet made contact with Ranma's head, there was a bright light and Ranma was surrounded by it. After Akane got her eyesight back, Ranma was on the ground out cold. "Hmm... that's what you get for being such a pervert!!!" With that Akane went out of the bathroom. Of course she felt guilty about doing things and she thought that white light was kind of strange, but this was Ranma. Anything can happen and so she just dismissed that as some new kind of training that Ranma has been doing to avoid her mallet. Akane went out of the bathroom, and if she had bother to turn around to look at her fiancee one more time, she would have noticed that he wasn't moving an inch and there was a brief flicker of something on his forehead. Rei's Temple... "So Usagi-chan, what is going on with you and Seiya?" This was a question that was on the mind of all of the sailor soldiers that was gathered at the temple. It seems that Seiya, one of the three lights have taken a liking to the klutzy blonde. "There is nothing going on between Seiya and me. I already have a much better boyfriend than Seiya!" Of course Usagi didn't see anything of it. She would have dismissed it very early if it wasn't for the constant questions and comments by all of her friends. "Last time I saw he was getting pretty close to you Usagi-chan" "What are you talking about Rei-chan? I don't know what you are talking about!" Usagi was going to deny everything and anything her friends are going to accuse her of. How can they even think that? She was always thinking of her Mamo-chan and beside Seiya was just her friend. They were about to say more when the Pluto just appeared out of nowhere along with the Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn. "Pluto? What are you doing here?" The question that was asked by Usagi was in everyone's mind. "I think we have a problem. I felt something when we were just at the house and I'm not sure what it was. I can't tell if it's good or bad. I can't even see it from the Gates of Time..." That was as far as she got before she felt 'it' again and this time much stronger. Pluto staggered for a little before she regained her senses. "Pluto! Are you ok?" "I'm fine, it was the same feeling but much stronger. I'm not sure what's going on, but one thing is fore sure. There is a trouble and it's a big one" Tendo Dojo... "Akane could you all Ranma do dinner please? Dinner is ready" "Well, ok. I'll go get him" Akane didn't really feel like getting Ranma right now after what happened at the bathroom. It still made her feel guilty how she had hit him and how he actually expected her to hit him. Akane was sure that Ranma loved her, it wouldn't do for him not to love her because... because she loved him. She can admit it to herself now. She haven't told it to anyone, and she was keeping it to herself. She knew for sure that she loved him ever since China. When she was turned into that doll, and hearing Ranma telling her all that and when she first opened her eyes, and reached up and touched him. She knew for sure that she loved him. Akane reached Ranma's room and called him to dinner. "Ranma dinner is ready" She waited for some kind of response but she didn't hear anything. "Ranma did you hear me? Dinner is ready!" Akane was getting angry as well as little scared. Akane didn't know what she'll do if Ranma was really avoiding her. He was always there for her and protecting her. She really couldn't think about life without Ranma in it anymore. He has become such an important part in her life. "Ranma, I'm coming in" With that Akane open the door and walked into the room, which was dark. She turned on the light to find no one there. "That's strange, where is he?" Akane went out to search for him. She first came to the dining room to make sure that Ranma wasn't already there. "Have anyone seen Ranma anywhere?" "No Akane, didn't you see him in his room?" "No" With that Akane went outside to check the usual places that Ranma was most likely to be. She checked the dojo and the rooftop but he wasn't anywhere. "Where can he be?" Akane walked back into the house not finding Ranma. "Someone call doctor Tofu!" Akane ran to the bathroom to find her family there surrounding Ranma who was down and out cold, still haven't moved a muscle since she last saw him. Akane went to his side and started to shake him, with tear forming in her eyes, and looking ready to cry. "Ranma, stop fooling around and get up. Dinner is ready and you don't want your dad eating all of it" Akane said it trying to make her voice sound light, but she failed horribly. Ranma didn't even flinch. Usually you will most definitely get some kind of reaction when you mention food, but this time Ranma didn't even move. Not even his hair fell out of place. "Ranma get up! Stop playing and get up!!!" Tears were now flowing from her eyes as she was trying to get her fiancee back up. "Ranma, I'm sorry please get up!" Akane was shaking him violently now, trying to wake him up, but it wasn't working. "RANMA!!!! PLEASE... please get up... I.. I promise that I won't hit you anymore, just get up!" The Tendo's looked on as Akane begged her unconscious fiancee to wake up or show any kind of response, but he didn't move or show any other sign of movement. There was a splash of cold water. Genma threw it at Ranma hoping to wake him up, which showed no result at all. Ranma changed from boy type to a girl type and continued to be unconscious. "What did you do that for!!" Akane yelled at Genma getting the hot water necessary to change Ranma back and she did. "I was just trying to get the boy wake" Genma said quietly not able to stand up against the angry female. "Oh my, I think we should move him to the couch" Kasumi suggested and the family followed through with her suggestion. Ranma was moved to the couch but still didn't show any sign of waking up. Later... Doctor Tofu was just finishing his examination of Ranma. "Doctor, is he ok? What's wrong with him?" Worried Akane asked the doctor. "Well, I'm not sure what's wrong with him. Physically he is in perfect shape. However, there is something wrong with him. His ki is not right. It seems something about him is changing or has already changed. His ki doesn't match his previous ki signature" "What does that mean doctor?" Asked Akane who was now looking down at Ranma who hasn't even moved his eyelids. "Well, I'm not sure what that means. We'll just have to wait and see" "Wait and see? Is that all? Nothing we can do?" "Nothing we can do" Akane was looking at Ranma now, hoping and praying that nothing will go wrong for him. Ranma's mind... "Where am I?" Ranma has been wondering around for what seems like hours. The last thing he remembered was being malleted by Akane and than the bright light and he was here. "Now I know what it feels like to be Ryoga. I can't believe I'm lost" He continued to walk around when he finally saw something that looked like a building. He continue to walk towards it and when he got near enough he saw two figures. One was a woman in a sailor fuku, the same woman that he got a brief look at when he was fighting with Ryoga and the other was a man who was about in his early 20's. Ranma kept himself hidden and continue to look at the guy trying to figure out why he looked so familiar. The man was about early 20's and he had lean muscular built that told him that he was a fighter. He also had a black hair that was tied in a pigtail and had an air about him that radiated power. Ranma wanted to get a better look at the man when he saw the woman in the fuku launch that strange green energy ball at him with her staff. The man who she aimed it at just dodged it at the last moment and he was running towards the woman. He moved with grace and speed that was very impressive. Ranma was looking on with interest. It was obvious that the two were fighting. Although the guy was fighting a girl, he knew from experiences that there were some powerful girls that just don't take no for an answer and she did launch that green energy ball at the guy. The man closed in quickly and the woman in the fuku did something, which made a dark dome of some sort, which the man barely dodged being trapped in. Ranma was interested in the girl's moves and powers. It seems like she was some kind of weapons user from the way she was holding onto that staff of hers. Although it didn't look like it would do much good in a fight, she seem to be using it pretty well. Using it to throw those green energy things and such. Ranma was looking on intently when the man made his move, he dove for her but at the last minute he jumped to the side causing the girl to strike out and missing. She was off balance and he caught her easy. Ranma was about to go and stop this fight, I mean a guy shouldn't beat up on a girl too much when the guy helped the girl up and gathered her in his arms and kissed her. It seemed like those two are kissing. Now Ranma was really confused, they were fighting one minute and the next minute they are kissing. Ranma drew the most logical conclusion that he can from his own personal experience. This was when the world started to fade out and in was replaced by something that was very familiar to him. In front of him was his girl side. "What the! Who are you?" His girl side just looked at him with a smile, not a cocky smile but a gentle smile. "I am part of you" "What are you talking about? Where am I and what kind of game are you playing?" Ranma was confused and angry now, this girl was playing with him! Using his girl side! "Listen to me Ranma. I'm not playing with you or lying to you. I am telling you to truth when I told you that I am part of you" "What are you talking about!?" "Ranma, I am the spirit of the magic of spring which you fell in" "Huh?" Ranma didn't really understand what was going on. This type of thing never happened before and why now? "What are you talking about?" "Ranma, I am the spirit of the spring which you fell in. I was part of your spirit and part of you until very recently" "Huh? What happened recently?" His girl side looked little upset or sad when he asked the question. "You know, I always wanted you and Akane to end up together. I always tried to make you be nicer to her" "What are you talking about? Why are you bringing Akane into this? What happened recently!?" "Ranma, it seems that you from your previous life is trying to wake up" Now Ranma was truly confused and angry "What are you talking about?" "Ranma what you just saw wasn't some stranger. That was yourself from the past. It seems that part of you is going to wake up. It seems that your spirit joining with me has somehow prevented your waking up till now. It seems that there is something that is causing this part of you to awake and it's separating us" "What do you mean part of me is waking up and what do you mean by separating us?" "I'm not completely sure about why it is waking up now or how it will happen and what it will do to you. I'm not even sure what will happen if we separate. I'm pretty sure that it won't be good for me" "I don't know what you are talking about but this has to end. I'm not just going to stand around and listen to..." Ranma couldn't continue as the same woman whom he just saw fight that man appeared before him replacing his girl side. She smiled at him with a smile that was so familiar to him yet he had never seen it before. "Who are you?" It seems like she either did not heard his question or didn't care. She continue to smile at him. "I asked you, who are you!" Ranma was getting angry, things were happening and he didn't understand what's going on. He was in some weird place and he didn't like it. He was about to repeat the question when he heard a voice, very familiar voice. He knew the voice well, because it was his voice. "You know her well, remember" "huh?" And than the bright flash enveloped him again. Last thing he could recall was the woman's face and a name came to his mind. Tendo Living Room... Tendos were all watching Ranma for a sign of movement. Doctor Tofu had to leave because of another appointment, but he promised to come back to check up on Ranma. Akane was kneeling beside Ranma holding his hand. They were all looking at Ranma when Ranma was surrounded by a bright light again. They all had to look away because of the light and when the light was gone Ranma began to move. "Ranma!" Ranma opened his eyes "Setsuna?" End of Chapter 1. Authors note. I decided to write a SailorMoon and Ranma crossover fic. I've read lot of Ranma fic and because I've read almost all the Ranma fic out there I came across lot of Ranma and SailorMoon crossover. There were some good ones and there were some bad ones. After reading many fics, and also watching the end of SailorMoonStars I decided to write a fic about Ranma1/2 SailorMoon. I thought it would be interesting so I started to think how I was going to go about it and this is it. Please give comments and advice as to make the fic better. Send C&C to Jjang13977@aol.com DISCLAIMER: Most of the characters from Ranma1/2 is owned by or inspired by the works of Rumiko Takahashi and I don't own SailorMoon, or any other related characters. The copyright belongs to Naoko Takeuchi/ Kodansha, Toei Animation. SailorMoon is used under license by DiC Entertainment as well. C&C to Eric Oh Note: I didn't know where I was going to put SailorMoon timeline in. I mean if I set it after SailorMoon Stars they already beat everything they can possibly imagine. They beat Sailor Galaxia and she is supposed to be the most powerful solider in the Galaxy. So, I kept on thinking and thinking and decided to change the events so that it takes place during the SailorMoon Stars. So this takes place right after Mamoru goes off to America and Seiya starts to have feelings for Usagi this will be like the movies R, S, and SS you know how you can't really put them in the SailorMoon timeline. Ranma takes place after the failed wedding attempt. I'm just assuming that Usagi goes to Juuban High. < > Thoughts ( ) Chines [ ] Mental link Ranma1/2 and SailorMoon Crossover. Remembered Chapter 2. "Setsuna?" Ranma woke up with that name in his head. He couldn't really remember what the dream was about or what that named meant, but it was one of the only thing that he could remember very clearly. "RANMA!!!!" With that Ranma was once again knocked unconscious by very angry, very jealous Akane and her mallet. Akane was angry, well, more like she was really jealous and depressed. She waited for Ranma to wake up by his side holding his had and first thing out of his mouth was someone else's name. A woman's name. "Akane, I don't think you should have done that" Said Nabiki who also caught the name that Ranma spoke first thing he woke up. "Why not? He was being a pervert and he deserved it!" Nabiki decided that it would be a waste of time for her to talk with her little sister when she was like this so she decided to go up to her room and make plan as to how to use that little name that Ranma spoke up against him and make money out of it. "Well, I don't care if he dies here, I'm going to sleep!" With that Akane stomped upstairs angry and jealous. "I think that went well don't you Saotome?" "Sure did, she didn't even hit him out of the house this time. They must be getting closer!" With that both idiot of fathers walked out to get something to drink to celebrate Ranma and Akane getting closer together. Kasumi looked down on the unconscious Ranma for a while and walked away. Ranma's mind... "Where am I now?" Ranma was once again in a place he didn't recognize. He was in a shining place made out of something like a marble and crystal mixed. "Well Ranma, did you enjoy that little trip?" Ranma turned around to be face his female self. "I don't understand what's going on but if you are doing something to me and I find out later, you are going to be in world of trouble" Ranma was getting annoyed at the fact that he is being taken to all these strange places without his consent. Not that it ever stopped people from doing it. "Listen Ranma, I'm as much of a passenger as you are in this. I already told you, I'm not the one doing this, it's yourself who is doing all this. Well, not actually yourself, but yourself from the past from what I get. You do remember the voice that you heard before you woke up right? That was yours and you and I are getting more separated by the minute" After Ranma heard what the girl version of himself said he started to think. "Hey, what do you mean that we are getting separated?" "Ranma, I already told you that I'm not sure. You don't listen too good do you? That is probably the reason why you get into so much trouble. I don't understand, you are a smart person, I mean just the fact that you are able to keep up in high school without any regular school experiences proves that you are smart. You are intelligent, you are brilliant martial artist and you are a great straight. How can someone with that kind of ability come across as so stupid?" "Hey, I'm not stupid!" Only thing the girl could do was give off a loud sigh. Here she was trying to make him understand and make him think in a regular situation and not in some kind of a battle and she was failing and he was getting the wrong idea. "Listen Ranma, I'm trying to help, actually, I'm trying to figure out what's going on as much as you. I mean I still don't have any definite idea of what will happen to me if we separate and I kind of got used to living so I don't want to just disappear when we do separate" "Do you mean that you can die?" Ranma was shocked. Sure he hated the curse but he got used to it after almost year of living with it and it didn't really bother him that much anymore. Now something is happening and he realized that the curse had it's own spirit, that it was alive inside of him and there was a chance that it will die. "I'm not really sure if I will die, but that is one of the possibility of what will happen if our two spirit separates completely. You do know that there is part of your soul that is trying to reawaken don't you?" "Huh?" "Ranma! How could you have forgotten what you saw before and what you heard! Haven't you been paying attention!" The girl was getting really frustrated with Ranma now. She knew that he was smart and she knew that he could be incredibly observant, but there are also times when he could be dumb as a brick. "Oh, you mean that voice and visions and stuff. I don't know what's going on, but when I woke up, I guess that's what happened, I remembered a name Setsuna" When Ranma said the name Setsuna, the place that he and the girl was standing at which was pretty much quite and frozen during the time they were talking came alive. People started to appear and there were music and laughter and happiness all over the place. "What's going on?" Ranma ask the girl version of himself or the spirit of the curse. "I don't know, I'm guessing this is another part of your past that your past self is trying to show you in order to awaken your memory" The place which was already beautiful became even more beautiful now with color and activities of people who appeared. "It seems like some kind of a party let's go find out what's going on" Suggested the girl, she wanted to know what's going on as much as Ranma. She knew Ranma's past self was trying to awaken Ranma and that something is happening, but beyond that she really didn't know. Beside all these people were dressed in beautiful clothes and it looked like they were having a party and she wanted to go too. "Ah, ok, let's go" Ranma wasn't too sure about that idea but he decided to follow along for the minute. The fancy dresses that people were wearing didn't sit too well with him. Reminded him too much of a wedding. They walked for a while, following a group of people who were walking towards what sounded like a huge dance party or such. Strange thing was that no one seem to pay any attention to them. It seem like they couldn't see them at all and that was ok with Ranma. He and the girl he was with was certainly underdressed for the occasion. When they got to the place where they were headed, the girl Ranma was with gave off a loud gasp. It was the most beautiful place she had ever seen. Even Ranma was impressed, he who had been to the places where most people didn't even know existed. This place was huge and most elegantly decorated. Ranma looked around for a while when he saw that same woman from his previous vision or experience standing next to a woman who radiated warmth and kindness. "Hey, Ranko who is that?" Ranma asked the girl that he was with. He decided to call her Ranko since that was the name himself used when he was in girl form and he really didn't know what to call her. "Ranko?" "Yeah, that's the name I decided to call you since it was the name I used and I really don't know what to call you" "Well, ok Ranko will do fine. And to answer your question, I don't know. This is your memory not mine" "Oh, that's right" Ranma tried to remember who they were but couldn't really remember who the woman in white was. He knew that the woman he saw before, the woman who had what seem like dark purple hair to be Setsuna. Ranma kept on watching them as no one noticed him or Ranko. He watched every little movement they made and tried to read lips as they were talking but he really didn't know how so it was in vain but he could see that they were happy. He was so intent on watching Setsuna and the woman in white that he missed other people coming near the two women. There were seven others who were dressed beautifully who also radiated power, however there was one girl who had really funny hair style who radiated same warmth that the woman dressed in white gave off. While Ranma was intent on watching the group of women who formed some what of a group Ranko was busy looking around the place trying to find any clue and to see if anybody can actually see her or not. It seems that no one could see her and this was getting boring. She wanted to dance but no one could see her so no one could ask her. Ranko getting bored and not finding anything went back to Ranma, trying to ask him to dance so she won't be so bored when she saw that he was intently watching the group of women at the head of the ballroom. Ranko thought as she realized that one of the woman there was the one from before, a woman named Setsuna that Ranma remembered. They both started to get closer to the group, trying to hear what they were saying. As they got closer, they could hear bits and pieces of the conversation from the group. "So, Mercury have you invented anything new this week?" "No Mars I didn't, I tried to replicated the gravitational reaction of the black hole, but it seems like I am missing a vital information I need" "That's too bad. Although I don't really know why you spend so much time in your lab. I think you should go out and have fun, meet some nice guy and who knows..." "Venus!" Ranma was confused, by the conversation. They weren't talking about anything of importance and from what he heard they were talking about hitting on guys. Beside, their names were all funny. Ranko unlike Ranma paid attention to the news whenever Ranma actually set down in front of TV and watched the news along enough to get anything out of so she knew that these people had to be the Sailor Senshi. "Speaking of getting a guy, how are you doing with yours Pluto?" Asked the woman with short blonde hair. "Uranus, you know I'm not the kind of person to reveal anything too much" Ranma was confused, he was sure that the woman's name was Setsuna but that girl just called her Pluto. "Pluto please do tell, we are all curious about that young man of yours" "Queen, please..." Ranma thought that, he felt power emanating from her that no one else projected and she had an air of regalness about her. From this he deducted that the girl with funny hairstyle must be related to her in some way. "Pluto, he is coming to the ball isn't he?" "Yes my queen. He promised me that he will come to the ball tonight" "Good, I would like to see him again. My daughter seem to follow him like her own brother" "MOM!" "What is it daughter?" "Mom, you are embarrassing me in front of the Senshi" "I am not, besides everyone knows it already. It is no great secret" When Queen said it, everyone there started giggling and the princess turned bright red from it. "Well, Princess as long as you remember that you have your own man. Prince of Earth" From their talk become major discussion about guys and who was cutest and who had the nicest smile and who was the best dressed and such. Ranma tuned it out but still stayed close to the group looking at everybody closely and paying attention to Setsuna or Pluto the most. "Ranma?" "Huh?" "What do you think is going on here? I mean this isn't something important or anything, why would your past self show you this in order to make you remember?" "I'm not sure, I'm just not sure. I don't even know the names of these people. I thought that woman's name was Setsuna but it's Pluto" "Ranma, you can't be that oblivious to the outside world!" "Huh? What are you talking about?" "Ranma, even I know what they are talking about and I was part of your up until recently. That means you have to know about it!" "I really don't know what you are talking about" "Ranma!!! They are the Sailor Senshi!" "Sailor who?" Ranko wanted to beat Ranma with a stick. He was smart, but she finally realized the biggest problem with Ranma. If he didn't consider it necessary or if he didn't consider it to be important, he forget about it just put it aside and doesn't bother to recall it later. "Ranma, listen carefully, they are the Sailor Senshi, they protect earth from monsters and demons" "You mean these girls fight things like monsters and demons?" "Yes, they do and they are the reason why we still have place to live!" "I don't get it" "Huh? What are you talking about?" "Well, if they are so great, how come I've never heard of them? They don't look so tough. And beside, some of those monsters and demons are so weak even a basic martial artist can beat them" Ranko was about to beat him up herself when she realized who she was talking to. She was talking to Ranma Saotome. She should know him well, up until just couple of days ago, she was part of his spirit and she shared his memory. She better than anyone else, knew what he was capable of doing. He even beat a demi-god for crying out loud. "Well, I guess you have a point there, but they are still defender of love and justice that protects the weak" "Defender of love and justice? That sound so corny" Ranko was about to say something back when she realized that the ballroom became very quite and things settle down. "What's going on now?" Both Ranma and Ranko was paying attention now once again to the ballroom. It seemed like something was going on. Everybody lined up in either side so that there was a broad straight path from the doorway to where the queen and the Sailor Senshi were. "Presenting to you your highness and the Sailor Senshi the Royal Knight of the Golden Crystal!" With that announcement a door opened up and revealed a man dressed in black and gold. He was in some type of an armor that was cross between the armor of Prince of Earth and armor that Sir Ashram from Record of Lodoss war might wear. Ranma couldn't tell who he was because he was pretty far away but he could tell the guy was powerful. He generated enough power to light up the night sky, most people probably couldn't tell but he could. He saw the amount of power that he generated and was in awe. Ranma was so engrossed in looking at the waves of power that was coming out of the man that he was missing the most important thing. However, Ranko didn't miss it. The man walked closer and closer and it was Ranko who recognized him first. He walked up close to where Ranma and Ranko was standing and stopped. By now Ranma also recognized him and was just staring at him with his mouth wide open. "Ranma, I need you to wake up. There is a treat that might be bigger than the Sailor Senshi can handle and they need us. We are the Royal Knight of the Golden Crystal. We are the only one who posses the Golden Crystal and most likely the only ones who can protect the princess and her friends. Please, I need you to remember!" Ranma was confused, the man who was emanating such power was himself. He was asking him to remember and stuff. "What are you talking about?" Ranko was listening to his with interest, she also noted that the whole room as frozen up once again just like how it was when she first met up with Ranma. "Ranma, remember who you are!" With that the man produced a bright light from his hand that blinded both Ranma and Ranko. When Ranma and Ranko could see again, the ballroom was gone and everything was just plain white. However the man in front of them was still there now holding onto a crystal that was made of material that was of gold in color. It was shaped like a blooming flower very much like the silver crystal. "Ranma, take this, it will restore some of your memory and powers. You must find the counter part to this, the silver crystal. When the gold and silver crystal are together you will remember everything and you will rise once again as the Royal Knight of the Golden Crystal, the protector, the guardian, the everlasting guide of destiny of the universe" With that he handed the golden crystal to Ranma. Without even meaning to Ranma reached and grabbed the golden crystal and when he held it in his hand the man in front of him disappeared. He stared at the crystal in front of him but nothing happened. "Isn't something suppose to happen?" When he mentioned it, the crystal started to give off light and started to spin in his hand. It lifted off from his hand and attached itself to center of his chest and gave off even brighter light. When the light was gone, Ranma was in the armor that the other Ranma was wearing but the difference was that he was wearing a helm. "Now this is pretty cool. I remember things now, but not much, I don't even remember where I'm from and stuff, but I do remember how to use my powers. Some of it at least. I also know that I made some kind of oath to protect the princess and the Sailor Senshi" Ranko was standing there just looking at him in awe. Than she remembered something. "Hey Ranma, what's going to happen to me?" "Huh?" "I said what's going to happen to me now that you have your memory back and it seems like our two spirits are separated completely now?" "You know, I'm not really sure. I don't have all my memory back you know. I'm still the same Ranma, just more powerful and knows that I have to do something. But I have a strangest feeling that you are going to be all right and that we have to find the silver crystal in order for us to get the whole answer" "Well, than what are we waiting for, let's go find that silver crystal!" "I'm not sure where it is" "Ranma, haven't you been listening what I've been telling you?" "Huh?" "I can't believe this, you have that golden crystal thing and you have some of your memory back but you still act like a dummy!" "Well, it's not like I'm going to have complete personality change or anything. I'm still the same Ranma, it's just that I..." "Yeah yeah, you said it already. Sailor Senshi are at Juuban district. We should go there" "Juuban huh? How do you know?" "I pay attention to things that goes around you unlike you!" "Ok ok, you don't have to yell you know? Geez, what a tomboy" "What did you say?" "Oh no!" "Moko Takabisha!" Ranko shot a ki blast towards Ranma who was still in his knight armor. He was caught by surprise and didn't move and got hit full force by the ki blast. However, when the smoke cleared up Ranma wasn't even dazed. He was completely unhurt by the blast. "What!?!" Ranko was shocked, she knew she did that move right how come Ranma isn't even hurt by it? "This is so cool! I think this armor protected me from that blast!" Ranma was half-right. When he got the power from the gold crystal some of his powers as the golden knight was brought back, but not all. Still it was significant amount compare to what he used to have. He himself have gotten much stronger and must better and it wasn't just an armor, however Ranma didn't realized that. "That's not fair. Take it off so I can give you the beating you deserve!" "No thanks. Anyway, I think it's time for me to wake up" Outside of Ranma's mind... It was approaching morning quickly and Kasumi was out of bed to make breakfast for everyone so that they can go on with their daily activities. She was coming down stairs when there was a bright light from the living room where Ranma was. Ranma didn't wake up and they decided to leave him there for the night with a blanket covering him. Kasumi went to the living room where Ranma was to see if anything was wrong and what that light was all about but when she got there nothing was out of place and Ranma was still laying on the same spot that he was the night before. Kasumi was about to go to the kitchen to prepare for the meal when Ranma woke up. Kasumi looked at Ranma and gave him one of those patented Kasumi smile "Good morning Ranma, how are you doing?" "Great Kasumi, I couldn't be better. I'll be in the dojo if you need me" With that Ranma left Kasumi who was smiling. Dojo... Ranma was hurrying to the dojo. He wanted to try out his newfound powers and such. He was about to enter the dojo when he felt some kind of ringing in his head. [huh?] [RANMA!!!!!!] "OWWWW" "What was that?" [I can't believe you escaped me without getting your beating!] "Ranko?" [Yes it's me!] "But how?" [Don't talk a loud! You'll look like an idiot!] [Is this better?] [Yes] [How are you talking to me when I'm awake?] [Well, it seems like when we were separated I became my own entity, but my own entity that is trapped in your body. I guess that's why I can talk to you when you are awake. I seems like a good thing I guess, I can guide you and help you out] [Sure] [So, where are we going?] [I'm going to the dojo to try out my new power] [Ranma, are you sure you want to do that? I don't think that is a good idea. You should keep it a secret and try it out in a place more quite and alone] [Huh? Why?] [Don't you know you dope!? Super heroes always keep their secret identities secret!] [Oh... ok... Whatever you say...] Ranma wasn't too sure about that idea of Ranko's but she did seem like she knew what she was talking about] "So... what do I do now?" [Dope! I told you not to talk out loud when you are talking to me!] [Ok, I'm sorry. So, what do I do now? I mean I know I have to find the silver crystal and that means I have to find the Princess but where do I find her?] [Ranma are you really this dumb or are you trying to act like it? Haven't you been listening to what I have been telling you? They are at Juuban. I already told you that!!!] [Ok! You don't have to yell you know. It really hurts every time you yell inside of my head! Beside it's not that easy. I have to go to school and if I suddenly disappear people are going to look for me and that can cause lot of trouble for me and also the Sailors. I have to do this carefully. I might need Nabiki's and mom's help] [What are you going to do?] [Well, if they are at Juuban, I guess I'll have to go to Juuban to look for them. I think best way to do this is to go and live in Juuban for a while. I'm bound to run into them if I live there. Beside the craziness here has been too quite for a while but it started again with Ryoga yesterday and that's never good. I might need to get away from that and this is just a excuse to do it. I just need to get some help from mom and Nabiki and transfer to Juuban high, if they have one there] [You know Ranma, that was actually pretty good plan. It seems that you are brilliant when you want to be I mean most of the time, you come across as really stupid, but some times you come across as one of the most brilliant person around. What give?] [Well, I guess it had to do with getting some of my memory back, but mostly because when I think of things as battle, I think better. Beside what do I need to care for other stuff for, I'm a martial artist and now a knight. I don't need those other stuff] [Incredible] With that Ranma went back into the house to get ready for what was to come. Surely having him moving to a different district and different school was going to cause a major storm here and Ranma wanted to get ready for it. Juuban District... During the night Setsuna couldn't get to sleep well. She was in the state between sleep and being awake. It was restless night for her. She kept on remembering him. Only man ever to catch her eyes and only man she ever let close to her. It was happier time for her, being the guardian of the Gate of Time, she was always lonely and she never really had a visitor. Other royalties and noble men avoided her as much as they avoided the Sailor of Saturn. She was the Sailor of Pluto, guardian of time but she was also the Sailor of death. That really didn't sit too well with anybody but the queen and the sailors. However, this man, this wonderful man didn't care about any of that. It pained her to see him die when the Crystal Palace was under attack. She knew that the queen managed to save the sailors and few others using the silver crystal, but she doubted that even the queen could have saved him. Beside if he was saved why wasn't he back already? Others have all been brought back and all have returned their memories and such. It was hopeless but she didn't know why she was having this dream all the time. She just wanted him back, but... Setsuna got up early so that she can watch the rising sun and know that another day has passed and they were getting closer to achieving the goal that she set before them. Rebuilding the kingdom and Usagi becoming the Neo-Queen Serenity. She was watching the sun rise as usual when she felt some strange power. It wasn't evil power like she felt so far, this was familiar power but different. She couldn't tell what it was from but she knew another powerful entity has entered the picture. "I must warn the Sailors!" Sailor Galaxia's place... "I feel it. I feel the power of a star being born. I must have this power!" She just felt incredible amount of power from the rural planet earth which she was staying at the moment. She knew that there was true star seeds here but what she just felt was incredible. It could very well match her power. "Sailor Iron Mouse!!!!" "Yes Ma'am Galaxia?" "I have just felt the birth of a star! I want you to find that star and bring me that star seed now!" "Yes, Ma'am Galaxia" With that Sailor Iron Mouse left the place in a hurry. She didn't want to displease her and... "I must have this new power" Tendo House... "Mom, I need your help" "What is it Ranma?" "Mom, do we have anything or anybody we know in Juuban?" "Why are you asking this all of a sudden Ranma?" Ranma was moving on with his plan now. He was advancing with his plan to move to Juuban. "Well mom, it's like this. You know how the wedding attempt went. You were there and there are still people here who have not gave up on me. They have been quite so far, but I'm sure they are going to come back and harder than before. They saw me and Akane almost getting married and they are going to be desperate" "Yes Ranma, continue" "Well, I think it would be good for me to stay away from here for a while" "Ranma?" "Well, think about it mom. I think it would be good for me to stay away from here for a while. Let things cool down and perhaps give people chance to think without coming after me all the time. It would also give Akane a chance to think about us. I think it's because we are so close, I mean it's because we live in the same house and because we see each other every day that we are not sure what to do with ourselves. By me going away for a little while, it might help us with some of the problems we have" [Ranma, that actually sounded pretty good] "Ranma, what brought this on?" "I don't know mom. I just been thinking a lot since the failed wedding attempt and when I was out for a while yesterday. It just made me think that's all" "Well Ranma, it seems that you are finally becoming the true man among men. You are making things happen and not wait for things to happen to you. You are finally making a stand for yourself. I'm proud of you son" "Really?" Ranma was actually quite shocked. He thought his mother would have to be further convinced and that was why he prepared at least 2 hours of an argument. However, it seems as though his mother was convinced with his opening lines. "Of course Ranma. Man makes his own decisions and man makes up his own mind. I've been waiting for you to do so, now you are and I am proud of you son" "Ah mom..." "Well, actually we do have a house in Juuban, but why Juuban?" "I don't know, it seem like a good place and it is not too far away from here but not too close. I don't think anybody would think to look for me there" "Hmmm... interesting. It seems you did think about this for a while son. When would you like to start?" "I don't know, as soon as possible I guess" "Soon as possible? Are you sure about this Ranma? Isn't it too soon? What about school?" "Well, actually I don't think it's too soon. I think it's actually late. About school, can't you do anything about it mom? I mean if you can I would like to transfer to a high school there, but if you can, I can take the year off it's no problem it's not like I went to school regularly with dad anyway" "Ranma Saotome, you will get proper education!" "Yes mom" "Well of course I can do something about it Ranma. I do have some friends in Juuban district and I can have you transfer to Juuban Tenth Street high school by the time you get back from school today" "That early?" "Yes Ranma, in our society if you know the right people and know the right way, you can achieve most anything" "Uh... sure mom. Thanks!" Ranma walked away after giving his mom one quick hug. [Ranma, that was pretty easy don't you think? I thought your mom would have put up more of a fight] [Yeah, me too, but you know mom does have some weird sense of man among men thing so I'm not too surprised. Now to take care of things after I'm gone. I'll have to go see Nabiki] Ranma walked up the stairs to Nabiki's room and knocked. "Who is it?" "It's me Ranma" "What do you want Ranma? I'm getting ready for school and I don't want to be late" "Nabiki I'm coming to you because of a business" "Business? You know Ranma you really shouldn't joke with me, my time is expensive" "I'm not joking. I really do have a business that I need to talk to you about" "Well, come in than" Ranma open the door and walked in to the room with full battle plan ready. Little Later... "You want me to do WHAT!!!" End of Chapter 2 Next Chapter... Ranma transfers to Juuban high school. The girls from Juuban high school is introduced to Ranma Saotome and Ranma is introduced to the girls of Juuban high school. How will the girls react to the handsome martial artist? Would they leave the idol threelights in favor of Ranma or would they leave Ranma alone in favor of the idol threelights? Things in Nerima hits the fan. Authors note. First of all, thanks too all my pre-readers who have gotten back to me with suggestions and encouragement. I tried to fix things that you told me to like spelling and grammars and such unless if I did them on purpose. If you look at it, Ranma does speak horribly in the manga, but I'm mostly going with the Anime so it will be toned down. This one people might be confused as what's going on. Well, what's going on is that I decided to make Ranma some kind of super knight from back in the silver millennium. I also made him the Royal Knight of the Golden Crystal. I really couldn't think of a really cool title so I decided on that one. I read that in the manga that Mamoru has the golden crystal, but I'm going with the Anime so he doesn't but I gave it to Ranma so I guess that makes up for it. I decided to write a SailorMoon and Ranma crossover fic. I've read lot of Ranma fic and because I've read almost all the Ranma fic out there I came across lot of Ranma and SailorMoon crossover. There were some good ones and there were some bad ones. After reading many fics, and also watching the end of SailorMoonStars I decided to write a fic about Ranma1/2 SailorMoon. I thought it would be interesting so I started to think how I was going to go about it and this is it. Please give comments and advice as to make the fic better. Send C&C to Jjang13977@aol.com DISCLAIMER: Most of the characters from Ranma1/2 is owned by or inspired by the works of Rumiko Takahashi and I don't own SailorMoon, or any other related characters. The copyright belongs to Naoko Takeuchi/ Kodansha, Toei Animation. SailorMoon is used under license by DiC Entertainment as well. C&C to Eric Oh Note: I didn't know where I was going to put SailorMoon timeline in. I mean if I set it after SailorMoon Stars they already beat everything they can possibly imagine. They beat Sailor Galaxia and she is supposed to be the most powerful solider in the Galaxy. So, I kept on thinking and thinking and decided to change the events so that it takes place during the SailorMoon Stars. So this takes place right after Mamoru goes off to America and Seiya starts to have feelings for Usagi this will be like the movies R, S, and SS you know how you can't really put them in the SailorMoon timeline. Ranma takes place after the failed wedding attempt. I'm just assuming that Usagi goes to Juuban High. < > Thoughts ( ) Chinese [ ] Mental link Ranma1/2 and SailorMoon Crossover. Remembered Chapter 3. "You want me to do WHAT!!!" "Easy Nabiki you didn't have to yell out so loud!" "Ranma, let me get this straight, you want me to help you disappear from Nerima without anybody following you is that what you just asked me to do?" "Yeah, that's about right" "I think you have gone completely crazy. First of all, why would I do something like that for you? Second, what good would it do? Third, even if that is possible, how long before they track you again? Forth, don't you think they will cause me bodily harm when they find out? Fifth..." That was as far as she got before Ranma put his hand on her mouth to quiet her down. "Nabiki, I know it's a hard thing to do, but you are smart, smarter than most people I know and you are good at things like that. I'm sure you can come up with something, and of course I will pay for your service" Ranma said it while keeping his hand covering Nabiki's mouth. At this point, Nabiki was thinking various thoughts. She was thinking about how dare Ranma do this to her, how dare Ranma touch her, to take her now. Contrary to what most believe, Nabiki liked her man to be forceful to take control. She was in control in almost all things in her life, and she liked strong men and she wanted someone to take control of their love life. With that thought, Nabiki batted his hand away from her and stared at him with that look of ice. "Ranma, what you are asking me to do is hard. Besides we are in a school year and it's not going to be easy to have you disappear from school and such" "Oh that, don't worry about that, I already talked to mom about it and she said she can have me transferred to a different school by the time I come back from school today" "Ranma, it seems that you have thought about this, but are you sure you are doing the right thing?" "Huh? What are you talking about Nabiki?" "Ranma, you know what I'm talking about" "Actually I don't, what are you talking about?" "Does the name Setsuna ring a bell?" [Ranma, I think you are in trouble] [I know that!] "How?" "I pay attention Ranma. I heard that name you whispered the first thing you woke up. Of course Akane heard it too and that's why she pounded on you again, if my guess is correct, you are probably going to go see her" [Busted Ranma] [Shut up Ranko. Beside I'm not going to see her, I'm going to find the Princess] [Sure you keep telling yourself that] "Ranma? Hello? You there? I didn't mean to shock you so bad" "It's not that Nabiki. Well, what you said might be true, but it's not the whole truth. I just need to get away from here, get away from all the craziness for a while" "What do you mean?" "Well, you know what happened up till now don't you? All the fiancee problems and all the enemies and trouble that I seem to attract left and right?" "Yes Ranma, it has been very entertaining" "Well, the last one was just the worst, I mean, me and Akane could have died a couple of times. I don't know, it seems things get harder and harder and I don't know what I can do. I just need to get away from it all for a while and it might give people time to think about things too, without the danger and excitement" "Hmmm... That makes sense, what about Akane though?" "What about her?" "With you gone, what do you think will happen to her?" "I don't know, I'm not sure how she feels about me, but I'm pretty sure she'll welcome the peace and quiet that will come after I leave. Besides it will give her time to think about us. We almost got married if it wasn't for all the troublesome guests. I'm sure the only reason that she decided to go through with it was because she was talked into it with the water of spring of drown man. I know she considers me her friend but nothing more" [Ranma, is that what you really think?] [Of course, when I got some of the memory and powers back as the knight of the golden crystal, I began to think differently on certain things and this is one of the things that I got out of. Akane doesn't love me] "Ranma, are you sure that's what it is?" "Yeah, I'm sure. Beside the time that we are going to be apart will give us some time to think about what we want to do and how we want to live and such" Nabiki thought about it for a while, she wasn't sure if she should do it, but Mrs. Saotome was in on this and Ranma really seemed to want to do this. Only thing was that Ranma thought that Akane didn't love him when it was clear, since they got back from China, that Akane was deeply in love with him. "Ranma, you know this is going to cost you" "I know that, and I think I can pay you for it too" "What are you talking about. I know for a fact that you don't have that much money" "Well, I can ask mom and I'm sure she'll support me" [Is that your great plan? Ask mommy?] [Shut up!] "Ranma, you are going to ask your mom? Would she view that as being manly?" "Hey, leave that out of it. She already said that I was man enough and that's that!" [Ranma, why are you getting angry about that?] [Because she is questioning my manhood. I hate it, especially with this dammed curse!] [RANMA!!!!!!] "Owwww" "What's wrong Ranma?" "Nothing..." [Hey!!! I told you not to do that, it really hurts when you yell like that!] [Ranma, I am that curse. How could you say that?] [Oh... I forgot, sorry] [Beside I don't think you have anything to worry about with the curse. I'm not sure but I think you are cured] [Really!!!! Are you sure!!!] Nabiki was watching Ranma with interest now. Right after that exclamation, he became quiet. However, it seemed like he was getting excited and happy for some reason. "Ok Ranma, I'm intrigued, however, where will you go? You know they will just track you down until they find you again. You don't think they'll just give up when you just leave do you? The Amazons came after you all the way from China and they haven't given up yet. Ukyou came after you and waited for you for 10 years, just you running away will not stop her" "Hey! I'm not running away, it's sort of like a training trip or a revised Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts Final attack, retreat and think and come back with better things" "Hmmm... It's clear that you have put a lot of thoughts into this... I'm not sure... Ok, I guess I'll help you, but you better come back" "Sure, I'll come back" "Now Ranma, I'll have to plan this through out the day since you seem to want leave as soon as possible. You said your mother will have everything ready for you when you come back from school today correct?" "Yeah" "Than I'll need to know where you are going and where you will be staying" "Huh? Why?" "Because I need a plan as how to get you there without people noticing and how to keep those people away from that area" "Oh, well... I guess that makes sense" [Ranko, that made sense to you right?] [Yeah Ranma, I think you are safe with this one] "So Ranma where are you planning on going?" "Well, I talked with my mother and I think I'm going to go to Juuban district and attend their high school there" "Hmmm... Why Juuban?" "Why Juuban? Well, I heard that Juuban district has just as much craziness there as here and just in case some craziness from my life follows me there, it won't look totally suspicious" "That is actually a pretty good plan Ranma. Where will you be staying?" "I'm not sure yet. Mom said we have a house there and I'll be staying there, but I'm not sure where that is, I didn't ask her" "Fine, we can always find that out later. We need to leave for school now, come talk to me after school and I'll have everything ready for you" "Thanks Nabiki" With that Ranma got up and left the room leaving Nabiki to get ready for school and think about what happened just now. Nabiki deep in thought got ready for school and went out the door. Outside... [Ranma, do you trust her?] [Huh?] [Dope! Do you trust her to keep your location secret!] [Yeah, why not?] [I don't believe this, this is Nabiki we are talking about. She sells naked pictures of your female side, she sells erotic pictures of her own little sister. She'll sell anything just to make a buck!] [Hey, calm down. I don't know why you are getting so mad about her. I mean, yeah sure she did all that, but the money goes to keep the place intact and put food on the table. Beside, I don't care if she sells pictures of my girl side naked, she can post on the giant billboard for all I care. It's not mine anymore, it's just a simple curse] [RANMA!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!] "OWWWWWWW" [YOU HAVE GONE TOO FAR YOU INSENSITIVE JERK!!!] [STOP!!! I told you it really hurts when you do that!] [Well, you deserve it!] [What did I do? I don't understand you at all!] [Ranma you moron, listen carefully because I'm going to say this just one more time] [Ok sure whatever] [Ranma, I am that curse, and that body that Nabiki has been selling naked pictures of is MINE!!!!!] "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" [Do you understand now? I don't want all those people seeing me naked!] [Oh, I forgot about that. I guess that kind of sucks for you huh?] [That's an understatement] As Ranma and Ranko were having their private chat, Ranma made his way down to the breakfast table waited till everybody was there and started to eat as fast as he could without even paying much attention. Genma seeing that his son was distracted tried to take food from his son. Of course he had done this many times under the guise of training. But in truth it was just him trying to eat more and fill his stomach trying to make it more justifiable. However, today wasn't his day, as he was reaching for the morsel of food that he targeted, his chopsticks vanished from his hand and he felt burning pain in his hand. "Owwww" Everybody stopped to look at Genma when he made that pained sound. When Genma realized that everybody was staring at him, he looked sheepish and asked for another chopsticks and started to eat again. After another minute, Genma not having learned his lesson, being the naturally stubborn and stupid and selfish person that he is, he tried again and met with the same results but this time with more intense pain. "OWWWWW" Once again the family stopped to look at Genma who was just making himself look stupider by the minute. Once again with a sheepish smile he started on his food again. Genma was now angry, he wanted Ranma's food and he wasn't getting any and he didn't like that. How dare someone, even his own son, keep him from something that he wanted! (People might complain that Genma is not really that kind of person, however I have proof that he is. Look at the Manga where Nodoka finally realizes that Ranma is her son. Genma to take Nodoka's family treasure away from her, for 2000 yen drink money, tries to steal it from her even attacks Nodoka and attacks Ranma. If that's not proof enough ask me for more and I will give you more) Genma now setting himself up for a final attack against Ranma, went to grab him and throw him into the pond and take all his food. If he is not there, he can't do anything about it, now can he? Genma went to grab Ranma when he felt intense pain flaring up his arm then his stomach, then his head and was flung to the pond himself. When this happened, no one in the family cared at this point. Most already knew that Genma was an idiot and that Genma wasn't someone who you should care much about so they all went as nothing happened. Genma emerged from the pond hurt and angry, however he couldn't do anything for he was confused as well. He didn't see Ranma move but Ranma had disabled him quickly enough that until he hit the water he didn't even know what was going on. Genma started to plot revenge on his own son Ranma. (Once again people might tell me that Genma is not that kind of person, email me and I will give you more than enough incidents where Genma is that kind of person) While this was happening, Ranma was not even paying attention to Genma at all. He was eating and chatting with Ranko in his head that he didn't even notice his body working of it's own accord to defend itself against the outside threat. When Ranma was done, he got up and ready to leave for school which shocked Akane. Ranma has always, when he was awake or he was here, walked her to school and back, but for some reason he was ready to leave for school without her. Akane wanted to speak up and ask him to wait for her but she couldn't get her voice to work. She thought it was rather strange that he was so quiet during breakfast and didn't even look at her once throughout the meal and now he was going to leave for school without her. Akane was having all types of thoughts in her head and half of them had a name Setsuna in it. The name she heard Ranma mutter the first thing he woke up. Akane repeated to herself in her head, watching Ranma very closely as he prepared to leave for school, not even turning around to look at her once. As timed passed it became clear that he was intent on leaving without her, she became angry, sad, and desperate. For some reason she had a feeling that when Ranma walked out that door today without her she might not see him again for a long time to come. She was about to get up and go after him when Nabiki got up first and got to where Ranma was. They talked for a while and after talking with Nabiki for a while, Ranma left the house with slight smile on his face. With that Akane had a full steam of anger going and she got up and went after Ranma to school. Later... Akane was no longer angry, but getting really worried and now getting more desperate. It became clear that Ranma was angry with her and was now avoiding her with all his efforts. When she went after Ranma to get to school, she didn't see him the whole entire way there. She at least expected to meet up with him along the way but she didn't see him at all. When she got to the class he wasn't there either that got her worried, but just before the bell rang, he came through the window and took his usual seat. She would steal glances at him through out the class. First it was to glare at him, give him the evil eye to show him how angry with him she was and it would have worked too, if he looked back. She continue to glance at him every chance she got but got nothing in return. He wasn't even falling asleep and it seem like he was either thinking hard or actually paying attention to the class. When the lunch bell rang, he just jumped out of the window without even word to her. By this time she was worried and heavy feelings settled down on her heart, this feeling that something was wrong came over her. Although she had the feeling, she still went to the spot where Ranma and her usually ate lunch, hoping that he would be there, but it was in vain as well. When she got to the usual spot he was no where to be seen. She looked around for him but couldn't find him at all. She even went to ask her older sister Nabiki but even she didn't know where he was and that was something that didn't happen often. That was when she finally realized that he was truly angry with her. He had never done this before, it was always her who made it clear that she was angry with him and did something like this. However, the situation was reversed now and she knew how he must have felt. Akane felt like crying but she couldn't. Without having touched her lunch, she got back to the class when the class bell rang and saw Ranma in class already. Even when she was coming in, he didn't even look her way, he acted as though he didn't care if she was there or not. Akane promised herself that she would get Ranma alone and talk to him and find what why he is doing this and if he was mad try to make things better. She waited for the class to be over so that she could go over to Ranma and talk to him. When the end bell rang, Ranma went out the window, she called for him to wait but he acted like he didn't even hear her. Akane was angry at first at being ignored, but that was for a short minute, she had better things to do, get home and talk to Ranma. Find out what is going and hopefully get things better and then she can beat him up for putting her thought this. Tendo Dojo... Ranma was busy packing everything he would need at Juuban. He didn't have much and packing wasn't all that big of a deal for him. He had the huge backpack where he can carry all his stuff and he also had the speed of the chestnut technique to pack things with. Through out the day he thought about his current position and what he had to do. He thought about it, he thought about it more and he thought about till he couldn't think about it anymore. He was making plans in his head. He decided to look at this as a battle and he started to draw battle plans in his head. During this time, Ranko would occasionally say something to him but he didn't pay attention to her at all. He needed to think and concentrate and he needed to do it without any red head talking to him. He found out that if he really got into his own thinking and concentration, that he can kind of block out Ranko. It's not like he can completely ignore or block out Ranko, but it was more like he knew Ranko was saying something to him but he really didn't hear it, just knew that Ranko said something to him. Ranma was done packing at no time, put his stuff on the roof just in case anybody saw the pack and starts to suspect something. He was ready, all he had to do was wait till Nabiki gets home and talks to her and hears what she has to say and after that talk to his mother and find out where he will be living and where he will be going to school and such then he would be out of here. Ranko was not a happy camper, somehow Ranma figured out a way to shut her out. She tried to get to him that Akane was staring at him all day and she tried to tell him that Akane seems like she wanted to talk to him. But no, he had to shut her out. Ranko saw through Ranma that he was already done packing and was waiting for Nabiki in her room. She half wished that Nabiki would charge him for being in her room without her permission. Later... Nabiki was a little worried about her little sister. She had been looking for Ranma during lunch and even she didn't know where he was. Nabiki saw the look in her eyes and she could tell that Akane knew something was wrong. Nabiki went into her room and was surprised to find Ranma there. "What!?" "Hey Nabiki" "Ranma, this better be good, what are you doing in my room?" "Well, you told me to come meet you after school, so I am" "Who told you that you can be in my room without my permission?" "I don't know, it seemed like a good idea" Indeed Ranma wasn't acting like his usual self at all. Of course some of it had to do with the fact that he has gained some of the memory and knowledge of the Knight, and other had to do with the fact that Ranko was inside his head now, but mostly it had to do with the fact that Ranma was now looking at everything like it's a battle. He will continue to look at it like that until he was safely away from Nerima. "So, you have a plan ready Nabiki?" "Well Ranma, I thought about it all during school and on the way over here and the best thing you can do is to leave and do nothing. I think you should leave a simple note saying that you will be back that you are just going away to settle a problem that your father made. That should get some problems off your back. I will take care of the rest. Oh, when you write a note, write two notes, one made out to the family and other one made out to me. By doing this, we will be creating a diversion. People will think that I know more than anybody else and that you confided in me. This will get some heat off of you and they will come after me and I of course will provide them with information, with charge" "Hmmm... that sounds ok, but what if they threaten you?" "Threaten me? Why of course they will, but that will never work and they know that. They know who I am and how I work. Threatening me will not get them what they want and they will have to play my way" [Ranma, that sounds like it might actually work. Nabiki is one smart cookie] [Yeah, she is a smart one] [Ranma, I was going to tell you something...] That was as far as Ranko got. She wanted to tell Ranma what happened with Akane but he cut her off again. "Well, when should I leave? I have everything ready now. My stuff is on the roof. All I have to do is find mom and get the stuff I need" "Well, you should do it soon, before dinner. When you don't show up for dinner I will volunteer to come get you and I will happen to notice you gone and find the notes" "That's good. What should I write on the two notes? I think I know what I should write on the note for the family but what should I write on the note for you?" "Make it simple and mysterious. Write bunch of times and dates, and also locations, places. Nothing that will give off clues but mysterious enough for people to get suspicious" "Ok, thanks. I'll get on that right away. If I'm going to leave before dinner, I'll have to do it soon" "Ranma, I think you should leave now, but hang out till night time before going to see your mother. People won't be expecting it, they will be too busy going around looking for you to come here again. I will have your mom here with me. Got it?" "Got it" Ranma was about to leave through the window again when Nabiki grabbed a hold of his arm. "Ranma, remember, you promised to come back" "I know, I'll be back sometime" "Good, you can go" With that Nabiki let Ranma go and Ranma proceeded to leave through the window. When Ranma was out the window, Nabiki stared at the spot for a while. "Ranma, please don't hurt Akane, you have to come back" Outside on the roof... "Well, I better get started on that note. Hmmm... seems like Ranko want's to say something" [RANMA!!!!!!!] "OWWWW!" [Ranma!!! How dare your ignore me for so long!!!!] [What are you talking about? I talked to you when I was making a deal with Nabiki remember?] [That doesn't count. That was so little. I know you know that I was trying to talk to you all day and you ignored me. HOW DARE YOU!!!] [OWWW, calm down ok? I needed time to think and concentrate that's all] [Don't do it again!] [Ok, I heard you. So you going to help me with the note that I'm going to write to the family?] [I'm not sure if I should Ranma. You ignored me and now you need my help?] [Come on, I told you I won't do it again. Beside, I'm not good with this writing stuff] [Ok, fine. What are we going to write about] [Well, Nabiki said to make it simple so, here we go] Ranma got pen and paper and wrote something which made Ranko want to yell at him for being so stupid. [Ranma, I can't believe you think that's enough!] On the note, which was a very short note, all it said was 'I'm leaving, I'll be back. Ranma' [Isn't that enough? Nabiki said to make it simple] [Listen Ranma, I don't think she meant that simple. I'll tell you what to write and you write it ok?] [Sure] Little later the note was done, but it wasn't smooth sailing, because there were a few disagreements between Ranma and Ranko in what to write. It seems that Ranko wanted to include on the note about Ranma's love to Akane and Ranma didn't want anything like that in the note. However, the note was done and the second note was easier to finish. It was for Nabiki and it wasn't all that hard to write. They wrote down, bunch of dates and times and a few places that they know and some they don't know. [Well, it's done, I'm going to drop this in my room and I'm going to leave] [You know, I'm going to miss this place Ranma] [Yeah, me too. This was first place that I could call home and I am going to miss this place and everybody] [Well, there is no time, let's get this over with Ranma] [Ok] With that Ranma went into his room, dropped both of the notes on the table and left the Tendo house to go to somewhere where he can hide out till evening when he can come back and meet with his mother. Inside the house... Kasumi was done preparing the dinner and was ready to serve. "Dinners ready everyone" When she said it, people started to come into the living room to eat the delicious dinner that Kasumi made. When everyone was settled down, it was clear that one person was missing from the table. Akane looked at the empty spot by her side that was usually where Ranma sat. She waited for dinner so that she can talk with Ranma or at least let him know that she wanted to talk to him later. After all Ranma never missed dinner and never when it was Kasumi who was cooking. Akane really couldn't understand what Ranma could be so mad at her about. She hasn't done anything that she hadn't done before. Ranma never got mad like this before. "Oh my, it looks like Ranma isn't coming down to dinner, Akane will you go get him?" "I'll do it sis" Nabiki volunteered for Akane. This action caused everybody to look up. Nabiki was actually volunteering to get Ranma without anybody having to mention payment for the service. "What's everybody looking at!?" "Nabiki are you feeling all right?" "Yes daughter, are you feeling sick?" "What are you all talking about?" Nabiki was not too happy with her family's reaction. She knew what everybody thought of her, but to see this kind of reaction wasn't very good. "Nabiki, if you are having some kind of problem or if you feel sick you should tell us" "I'm ok, all I said was I'll go get Ranma ok!" With that Nabiki made her way up stairs. All Akane could do was stare at Nabiki as she was leaving. As she was watching, an unpleasant feeling came to her. Akane remember this morning Nabiki and Ranma talked a little before he left for school. And now Nabiki was volunteering to go get Ranma for dinner. Akane shook herself and beat the thought down when Nabiki came down with shocked expression on her face with a paper in her hand. "Nabiki isn't Ranma coming down?" Asks Kasumi who didn't see Nabiki's face expression. However when she looked up from serving dinner, she saw that something wasn't right. Matter of fact everyone at the dinner could tell something was wrong. Akane got the most horrible feeling in her heart and she didn't like it. She stared at the paper that Nabiki held and she could feel that she wasn't going to like that paper one bit. "Nabiki where's Ranma?" "Where is that worthless son of mine?" Nabiki wordlessly handed the paper to Akane who took it with shaking hand. When she took it the family gathered behind her to look at the note with her. Dear Tendos First I would like to say not to worry about a thing. I know this looks bad, but its not like I'm going to be away forever. I'm leaving because there is a problem that my pop started somewhere that needs solving. I always knew that my pop was selfish and worthless but this time he has gone over the line and I have to fix this. So don't worry about me and I promise that I'll be back when I can. Thanks a bunch. Ranma Saotome. When they finished reading the note, the family reacted the way people might expect them to. Soun burst out saying something like the son-in-law ran away or such. Kasumi just looked at the note and looked at Akane making sure that she wasn't too broken down by the note. Genma was looking at the note and trying to think of what he did, but he really couldn't think of any but decided to hide for now as seeing that it might not be safe for him seeing that his son wasn't here to pass the blame onto. Nodoka who was over for the dinner was looking at the note with unreadable expression on her face. Akane was looking at the note with disbelieving expression on her face. She started to stare at the note, hoping that it will go away if she stared at it long enough. She started to think and she ended up with the conclusion that Ranma left because of her and that Ranma left because he was angry with her. This caused her to see another time when she thought that someone left because she was a bad girl. When her mother died she didn't really understand why she left and that she couldn't see her again. It took a long time for her to get over it and now it was happening again. Akane's emotion could not handle this and she broke out in a silent weeping that was different from Soun's but carried much more emotional message than his. When Akane started to cry which seem like with her whole body, Nabiki almost broke down and told her that this was pre-planned and where to find Ranma. However, she didn't, because this just proved that Akane loved Ranma and hopefully when Ranma comes back he would have learned that he loves Akane as well. With that Nabiki and Kasumi went to Akane to comfort her and Nabiki to carry out second part of the plan. As Nabiki and Kasumi was taking Akane up to her room to get her more comfortable, Nabiki dropped the note that was meant for herself and she made sure that Akane and Kasumi saw this. "Nabiki, what is that?" "Oh this, it's nothing" However, when Akane saw this, she recognized Ranma's handwriting. She'll recognize his handwriting anywhere. No one had quite so distinctive handwriting. "Nabiki, let me see it" Akane said it in a low tone that actually surprised Nabiki. Nabiki thought that Akane might shout at her to let her see it but Akane was being very quiet. This cased her some concern. "Akane, it's nothing and it's private" "Nabiki, let me see it" Akane repeated in that same tone which made Nabiki feel more uncomfortable. Nabiki was about to protest again for good measure when Akane just lashed out and took the note. She moved so fast that Nabiki didn't have time to move. Akane moved with the speed that was borne from depression and desperation. Akane was repeating it over and over again in her head as she opened the note and took in what was on the note. First she couldn't make sense of it, there were bunch of numbers and places on it. Than she got it. Akane came to completely wrong conclusion which to her and her state of mind seem like the only logical one. "NABIKI!! How could you? You are trying to taking Ranma from me!" "Oh my!" "What!?!?" Nabiki was expected Akane to react somewhat violently but she didn't expect Akane to react this way and jump to that conclusion. This caused her to be caught unexpected when Akane charged at her with her mallet in her hand. "BOOM" Akane connected with Nabiki which caused her to drop like a sack of potatoes. Nabiki had no where the endurance or the resistance of Ranma and one shot by Akane and her mallet was very devastating to her. "Oh my" After connecting with her sister, Akane dropped the mallet and ran up the stairs to her room where she could cry herself out thinking about Ranma and how to get him back. Little later... "owww... what hit me?" Nabiki woke up to the faces of her family. Everyone of them was there looking down at her with different expressions on their faces. She saw that Akane had a look of anger and determination. Kasumi had worried look in her eyes. Soun was crying, and Genma looked, well Genma looked stupid like how he looks always. Nabiki could not read Nodoka's expression but she knew that Nodoka was thinking something behind that mask of hers. "Daughter, is it true that you and Ranma were planning on running away together to get married?" "What!" "Nabiki you shouldn't have done that, he was after all your sister's fiancee. You should have told us" "What!!" "Nabiki I can't believe you!! How could you!! You probably talked him into it with your blackmailing ways!!" "What!!!" Nabiki was getting angry but she knew that the situation was quickly getting out of hand. Her family, even Kasumi, was accusing her of stealing Ranma away from Akane. She was looking for a way to get things back in track when Nodoka spoke up. "Now, calm down everyone, I'm sure that Nabiki has a perfectly good explanation for all of this" When she said it, some looked like they wanted to argue and go on, but two were convinced by the katana that Nodoka was holding and one was just a naturally non-aggressive type, and the other saw that everybody was backing down, backed down herself. "Ok, now that everybody is calm. Nabiki dear, would you mind explaining to us why my son left you a personal note that has what seems like information on where he will be heading?" Nabiki looked at Nodoka trying to read her, but she really couldn't get anything out of the older woman. "Well, Mrs. Saotome, this all happened few days before. Ranma came to me asking for help" "Why would Ranma go to you for help Nabiki? He knows well how you are a mercenary bitch!" Nabiki couldn't help but be hurt by that comment by Akane. She knew that Akane was hurting and that she was lashing out at a target which happened to be her, but those words still hurt. "Ranma needed my help and he knew that I was the only one who could give it to him" Akane looked like she wanted to say more, but Nodoka stopped her by putting gentle hand on her shoulder. "Go on" "Ranma came to me, and we talked. He said that he was getting tired and he was about to go crazy because of all the craziness that surrounds and follows him around and this last problem that Mr. Saotome created for him was the last straw" That earned Genma a glare from most people in the room, even from Kasumi. Nabiki knew that she had most people convinced. She was a good actor and she never lied, just told selective truth. However, she could see that Akane would need convincing and she couldn't get anything out of Nodoka, but that was ok. She knew that Nodoka was in on this plan with Ranma. "Well, he had no idea what to do, just that he needed to get away from the craziness for a while and solve this problem before it got any bigger. That gave me an idea as what he needed to do. I gave him some instructions as what to do. He left town to take care of this problem and clear his head and settle down. He will be back, this paper and what's on it is just some schedules and places he will be while away so I can keep track of him. That's all" When she finished both Soun and Genma started to smile, Kasumi had an understanding look on her face, but Akane still looked angry. "So, are you telling me that you helped Ranma leave?" Akane said it with anger in her voice, and Nabiki was pretty sure that if Mrs. Saotome wasn't here, Akane would most likely have inflected as much pain as she could on her. "Well, Ranma did pay me well and he did promise to come back" "Oh my, but you know where he is headed don't you Nabiki?" "Yes Kasumi, I do have an idea where Ranma is headed" "Well, that's it then. First thing tomorrow, we are going after him" Akane stated with such authority and determination that Nabiki thought no one will disagree with her. "I don't think so Akane dear. If my son wants to think things through and clear his head, I think we should give him a couple of days to himself to do just that" Nabiki wasn't really surprised that Mrs. Saotome jumped in, but she was surprised to actually see Akane disagree with her. "No, no Mrs. Saotome, we have to go get him. I have to tell him something and I might be able to help him with this problem" "No Akane, this is something that my son has to do by himself and we should let him. You heard Nabiki, he will come back he promised. Don't you believe in him?" That shut Akane up. She looked like she wanted to say more, but when the issue of trust came up and because it was in front of the mother of her fiancee, she couldn't disagree with her. "Now, we will just with a couple of days until Ranma is done with his problem and clear his head and come back to us" With that Nodoka finished and went out of the living room where everyone was. Nabiki really had to handed to Mrs. Saotome. She knew perfectly well that Ranma won't be coming back in 'couple of days'. She is the one who made the transfer and also is providing him with place to live in Juuban. Nabiki knew that it would be a very bad idea to get in Nodoka's bad side and vowed never to do that. With that thought, Nabiki walked out of the living room to go to her room to think. Later... [Ranma, are you sure people won't notice you coming back? I mean they could be staying up or something you know] [Don't worry about it Ranko. When I got some of my memory and powers back, I got some extra sensor things. I can feel that all the Tendos are in their rooms and pop is in deeeeeeeep slumber. I can also feel that mom is in the dojo] It was well into the night and Ranma was coming back in order to meet up with his mother so that he can find out where he will be staying and where he will be going to school. He was lucky because Akane had just fallen asleep. She half cried herself to sleep thinking about Ranma. Even after Nabiki and Mrs. Saotome said that Ranma will be back soon, she just had this feeling that Ranma won't be back for a long time. Ranma quietly made his way inside the dojo where his mother waited for him. "Mom?" "Here son. You caused a quite a stir tonight with those notes" "Oh" "I take it that it was Nabiki's idea to leave her a note?" "Yeah, it was her idea to do it. I don't know, it seem like a good Idea at the time" "Don't worry son, I believe it was a good idea, however, it most likely will put Nabiki in somewhat of a danger and she might not be able to put up with the act for a long time. You should expect people to come for you" "I guess mom" "Ranma, my son, here is what you need in order to get to Juuban and find the place to live and go to school" With that Nodoka handed him an envelope that contained the address of the place that he will be staying, and also the address and name of the care taker of the place. It also held the transfer papers and the address of the school which Ranma will be attending from now on. "Thanks mom" Ranma took the envelope and he just stood there for a while. "Well son, you better get going" "I know, I'll be back you know" "Of course son" With that Nodoka turned around to hide the tears from her son. It won't do good for her son to see her cry. It wasn't as if he was going away on another ten year training trip. However, Nodoka just couldn't shake the feeling that her son had just grown another ten years, she also had a feeling that she will once again miss out on a major part of her son's life. Ranma wanted to do something, he wanted to go over to his mother and give her a hug or some other comforting move. However, he didn't know what to do, and he didn't know if she would think if it's manly of him or not. He just stood there for a while, and finally turned and left. [Ranma, you should have given her a hug or something] [I know, but I didn't know how she would have reacted] [She did look really sad...] [I know.] Nodoka, who had her back turned to her son, knew that he left. It wasn't that she felt him leave, but she knew instinctively part of her has left with him. "Good bye son, and good luck" End of Chapter 3 Next Chapter... Ranma transfers to Juuban high school. The girls from Juuban high school are introduced to Ranma Saotome and Ranma is introduced to the girls of Juuban high school. How will the girls react to the handsome martial artist? Would they leave the idol threelights in favor of Ranma or would they leave Ranma alone in favor of the idol threelights? Things in Nerima hit the fan. Authors note. I'm sorry, I know that I said that this chapter will have Ranma going to Juuban high and that he will meet the girls of Juuban area. However, I felt that going right to that part will skip lot of ground and decided to write this part first then move on to the Juuban high. If anybody is disappointed by it, I'm sorry, but the next chapter should come out pretty early. I would like to thank all my pre-readers. Thank you for corrections and also comments. This one people might be confused as what's going on. Well, what's going on is that I decided to make Ranma some kind of super knight from back in the silver millennium. I also made him the Royal Knight of the Golden Crystal. I really couldn't think of a really cool title so I decided on that one. I read that in the manga that Mamoru has the golden crystal, but I'm going with the Anime so he doesn't but I gave it to Ranma so I guess that makes up for it. I decided to write a SailorMoon and Ranma crossover fic. I've read lot of Ranma fic and because I've read almost all the Ranma fic out there I came across lot of Ranma and SailorMoon crossover. There were some good ones and there were some bad ones. After reading many fics, and also watching the end of SailorMoon Stars I decided to write a fic about Ranma1/2 SailorMoon. I thought it would be interesting so I started to think how I was going to go about it and this is it. Please give comments and advice as to make the fic better. Send C&C to Jjang13977@aol.com DISCLAIMER: Most of the characters from Ranma1/2 is owned by or inspired by the works of Rumiko Takahashi and I don't own SailorMoon, or any other related characters. The copyright belongs to Naoko Takeuchi/ Kodansha, Toei Animation. SailorMoon is used under license by DiC Entertainment as well. C&C to Eric Oh Note: I didn't know where I was going to put SailorMoon timeline in. I mean if I set it after SailorMoon Stars they already beat everything they can possibly imagine. They beat Sailor Galaxia and she is supposed to be the most powerful solider in the Galaxy. So, I kept on thinking and thinking and decided to change the events so that it takes place during the SailorMoon Stars. So this takes place right after Mamoru goes off to America and Seiya starts to have feelings for Usagi this will be like the movies R, S, and SS you know how you can't really put them in the SailorMoon timeline. Ranma takes place after the failed wedding attempt. I'm just assuming that Usagi goes to Juuban High. < > Thoughts ( ) Chinese [ ] Mental link Ranma1/2 and SailorMoon Crossover. Remembered Chapter 4. It was a beautiful day and three good friends were walking toward their high school. Their place of education and the place where they hope, someday, to meet the guys of their dreams. Actually, one had already met the guy of her dreams, but he was over seas. One would never admit that she was looking for a guy, that she is too focused on her studies and the last one just couldn't really get over her old "sempi" "Ami-chan, can I see your note book before the third period?" "What for Usagi-chan?" "My cat ate my homework!" "Usagi! Really, coming up with such a lame excuse!" "Yes, Usagi, you know Luna doesn't do things like that" "Ami-chaaaann!! Please???" It seems, as always, Usagi has forgotten to do her Homework last night and is now asking one of her best friends Ami for it. Sometimes, it pays to have the class genius as one of your best friends, not to mention an ally in the fight against the darkness and evil. Ami was in a moral dilemma. She wanted to help her friend and her princess but she also knew that just giving Usagi her homework was cheating and cheating was bad. But, she had to help out her friend, she had to help out her princess..... Makoto could see that Ami was having a mental battle inside of her head. She saw this enough times to know what Ami was thinking and at the end,what will happen. Usagi saw that Ami was having that internal battle within her head, and decided to use her most powerful weapon of all. "Ami-chan....please.....I need your help.....I thought we were friends..." Her eyes got big, and started to tear up, and her voice was small....it was her patented "I'm cute and I need your help" attack. When Ami saw this, she knew what Usagi was doing, but once again, the attack left her feeling evil and she couldn't help but agree with Usagi. "Ok, Usagi, you can borrow my notebook before the third period" When Ami said it, not too surprisingly, Usagi's face cleared up and she was all smiles again. "Thank you!" As they were getting closer to the school, the gate's to their school were crowded. That wasn't all that surprising anymore, ever since the popular idol group, ThreeLights transferred to Juuban high, there was always a crowd in the morning. "Look at the crowd, they are getting bigger each morning. I hope we don't get late for our classes" "Ami-chan, you worry too much" They were about to make their way to the school, when Makoto saw something that made her heart jump. Actually, it was more then a jump, it was more like an "I have to make this jump or I'm going to die" kind of a jump. Makoto was just completely frozen into the place. Her two companions who were walking noticed that Makoto wasn't following them any more and back tracked. "Mako-chan?" "Mako-chan?" The both called out her name to receive no response. Usagi waved a hand in front of Makoto's face, and finally snapped the girl out of her frozen state. "Mako-chan, what is it?" "I just saw..." Makoto has just seen one of the most gorgeous men she had ever met. Sure the Threelights were good looking. However, Threelights were singers, although they were athletic and have lean builds, what she just saw was really amazing. Makoto being a natural athletic type, usually is attracted to other athletic types, and what she just saw was the perfect man for herself. He held grace and beauty and his body was the perfect type, as if though it was made for her. "I thought I just saw a ghost" She finished lamely, which Ami just looked at her strangely and dismissed it, however, it got a big response out of Usagi. "GHOST!?" Usagi, always hated ghosts, she never liked them, and she wanted nothing to do with them. "Calm down Usagi-chan, I'm sure it was nothing...let's get to class before we are late" With that Makoto started to walk into the school, which Ami followed with a look that said, she knew that Makoto was hiding something, and Usagi looking around frantically trying to find the ghost so she can avoid it. In the school office... In the school office building, the very same man that Makoto saw was being helped by a young secretary. "So, you are a new transfer student?" "I am, and here are my papers" "Ok....Ranma Saotome from Nerima, Furinkin high school. It will just take couple of minutes to process this, could you please take a seat and wait?" "Of course" The young secretary went to process the paper and to admit the young man to the school. When Ranma first entered the office, he caught the eyes of many of the young secretaries that work in the office, who were just doing the job because they had to, and others doing it before going to grad schools. At first, the young secretary thought that he was a new teacher or something, but when he said he was a transfer student, she was rather shocked. He was so good looking... Meanwhile, Ranma having no idea what's going on in the minds of the ladies around him was having a conversation with his private friend. [Hey, we are finally here huh?] [Yeah, so you think you can handle going to a school without getting into any fights or troubles?] [Come on Ranko, you know as well as I do, I don't start any fights. And trouble seems to come looking for me. I would love to live a normal life you know] [Liar] [What did you say?] [I called you a liar. You are, you are lying to yourself and trying to lie to me. Who do you think you are talking to Ranma? You are talking to me. I know all about you, hell, just couple of days ago, I was practically you. Anyway, I know you love all the action and adventures. And I know, without them, you'll die of boredom within an hour!] Ranma thought about what Ranko just said. And he knew them to be true. Of course he would like some quiet time, but without all the fun and adventures that he had all the time, he would most likely be bored, and might even go out to look for them. [I guess you are right. How about that place we are living in] [I know what you mean Ranma, I didn't expect something like that. Your mother must be rich!] Yes, indeed they were both surprised. Being raised by Genma and having constantly to fight for food and such, they didn't expect to see a house so big. The place itself was in the rich part of town, and it was about 3 times bigger then the Tendo house. [I never knew mom was so rich] [Maybe that's why she could get you transferred and such in such short notice Ranma] When Ranma thought about it, that it was probably true. I mean, Kuno get's to do basically anything he or she want's because they are rich. "Ranma Saotome?" "Yes?" "Your paper work seems to be in order. Welcome to Juuban High!" "Thank you" With that he smiled, which made the secretary's knees weak from the force of it. "Umm...here are your paper works....and here are....." [Ranko, do you think something is wrong with her? She's turning red and she's sweating a lot!] Ranko decided to keep quiet about this. She still had hope that Ranma will finish what he came here for and will end up with Akane. What Ranko didn't know was that she was thinking that last part out loud. [Ranko, what about the birds and the bees?] [NEVER MIND!] [OW!] Secretary broke out of her weak state of mind, when she saw Ranma make a pained face. She just handed him his class schedules and she was thinking that she might have messed the up somehow. "Is...is everything ok?" She asked in timid voice, which, was quite weak and emotional. "Oh, yeah, everything is ok, I just had an annoying headache that never goes away!" When he said it, he made another pained face again, then he turned and smiled at the secretary again, thanked her and left. "Wow, I hope he comes back" Outside... [RANMA!] [Calm down Ranko! It was just a joke!] [Don't joke about me like that!] [Ok, ok. I got you] [That's good. Now, let's see about your classes 2-5 seeing you're a second year student... Hmm...you have lunch 4th period, and I know that's the most important thing to you] [Hey, come on, eating is important you know] [Whatever. You have History first, math second, English third, LUNCH, Computer lab fifth?] [Huh?] [Ranma, since when did you sign up for computer lab?] [I don't know, mom made up that schedule I think] [Do you know anything about computers Ranma?] [Aren't they like TV?] [Great.....so computer lab fifth, physical education 6th, singing 7th] [Singing?!?!] [Yeah, it's right here, singing] [What do I need singing for?] [Don't know Ranma, but it might be interesting to see you try to sing!] [Very funny Ranko] [Ok, and 8th period is Japanese literature] [Ok....ok....that's not bad...except for singing....oh man!] Ranma was so into the conversation with Ranko that he wasn't really paying attention to where he was going, and bumped into a blonde girl. "Oof!" "Huh? Oh, I'm sorry, are you ok?" "I'm....." The reply from the girl's mouth just died there. She was walking, and knocked down and now was looking into the most deepest blue eyes she have ever seen. "Hey, are you ok?" Ranma just help the girl up, but the girl seem to be in a daze Ranma was about to ask her again, when the girl broke out. "I'm fine!! Thank you for asking! How are you? My name is Minako Aino, but my friends call me Mina sometimes, what's your name?" Was a thought shared by both Ranma and Ranko. The girl who seem to have been dazed all of a sudden started to ask many questions really fast, but Ranma caught the gist of it, and it sounded like she was introducing herself. "I'm Ranma, Ranma Saotome. Nice to meet you" "Oh, nice to meet you Ranma! Where are you heading now?" "I'm going over to classroom 2-5" "Oh? Are you a second year student here?" "Yeah, I just transferred" "Oh a transfer student! That means you don't know your way around here?" "I guess" "Ok then I will lead you!" With that Minako took his arms and started to lead him towards the second year student class hall. 4th period lunch... It was lunchtime, and people can either eat in the classroom, go to the dinning hall, or eat outside. Usagi, Makoto, and Ami was already making their way into their usual table in the dinning hall, when they heard her. "YOU GUYS!!!! YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS!!!" It was Minako and they knew that voice well. It means that she met a guy. Of course with the Threelights in their school, Minako had been spending all her energy into getting one of them, so they didn't hear this voice for a while. "What is it Minako-chan?" Usagi asked, knowing full well the answer that Minako will give. "I just met this most incredible hunk!" Thought shared by three. "Well, we are glad for you, what's his name?" "His name is Ranma, he's a second year student and he just transferred here" "Really?" They were all listening to Minako talk, although not really interested. Usagi already had Mamo-chan, and Makoto was thinking about her hunk that she saw this morning, and Ami....Ami was thinking about what she usually thinks about. "There he is!" When Minako pointed out to the line where people were getting food, they all were shocked. Usagi was shocked with incredible familiarity of the guy, it was really strange but she felt that she knew the man. Ami was shocked because the guy was really, really, good looking. Contrary to what some people might think, Ami noticed guys. Ami noticed guys, and good looking guys like him were hard not to notice. Makoto was truly shocked that the guy standing in line was the same guy that she saw this morning and now was really jealous over Minako. "Minako, what did you say his name was?" Asked Usagi, before Makoto can voice that same question. "His name is Ranma Saotome, and his a transfer student. He's in class 2-5" "HOW?" "huh?" "What's wrong Mako-chan?" Makoto, had to take a breath to calm herself. That was an out burst that she usually does not do. "Minako, how do you know so much about him?" "We bumped into each other, and I showed him around. It was so romantic, it was like we were a match made in heaven!" Minako went on and on without even noticing that Makoto was now getting upset. In the line.... [Ranko, look at all this food! Furinkin didn't serve half as much, and not as good either!] [You know, only you would be impressed by such a thing. You probably didn't even notice that the buildings are much cleaner, better, and students here actually learn] [Huh? What did you say?] [Never mind] Ranma was so focused on food, that he forgot almost everything else. Although, he had gained some powers and memories of the golden knight, almost 10 years of training, and thought process, and such does not change over night. Ranma was still Ranma. He might be more intelligent, or better equip to deal with social problems now, he was still Ranma Saotome, who was raised by a social idiot named Genma. Ranma got as much food as he could, and finally got out of the line to look for a table or place to sit. He was looking around, when he saw a group of girls looking his way. Actually he noticed that almost all the girls were looking his way. [Ranko?] [Yeah?] [Do I have something on my face?] [Ranma, how am I supposed to know?] [Oh, yeah!] He looked around and saw his reflection off of the metal casings, but didn't see anything on his face. [Ranko, why are they all staring at me?] Ranko knew why, but she didn't want Ranma to go after other girls or know how much power that he had over women in general, so she decided to tell him something else. [It's probably the amount of food that you have on your tray, they probably never saw someone who eat's so much as you] [Oh, I guess that's true] [And wait till they see how you eat] [Hey! What's wrong with the way I eat?] [Nothing, if you are low class, unmannered, demon] [Hey! It's not that bad!] [Whatever] Ranma was about to make his way out when he heard his name being called out. He looked and saw that blonde girl sitting there with bunch of other girls, who were looking at her like she was crazy. Ranma started to make his way over to that table. Table... "Minako!! Are you crazy!?" It was Makoto who hiss that question. "What Mako-chan? I'm just inviting him over to our table. He's a transfer student so he probably does't know anybody, so, let's make him feel welcome. And beside, don't you guys want to meet him?" Of course Makoto wanted to meet him, but not like this! It was too late, however, as Ranma made his way to that table. When he got there he smiled, which made all the girls' heart flutter and started to talk. "Hey, Minako. Mind if I join you and your friends?" "No Ranma, of course not!" With that Ranma sat down. He started to look over each and everyone carefully when his eyes met with the girl with funny hairstyle. Usagi was having the same feeling, but she couldn't figure out where. [Ranko....do I know this girl?] [I don't know Ranma, although she does look kind of familiar] What they didn't know was that they were sitting in front of the moon princess that they both were looking for, the princess who was in possession of the silver crystal. It was because she was slightly different after being reborn. Of course their reincarnated bodies closely matched their original bodies, but there were slight differences. Besides, Usagi didn't have the moon symbol on her forehead. When the other girls saw that Ranma and Usagi had both locked their eyes onto each other, they were in a panic mode. It seems that almost every guy for some odd reason, ends up falling for Usagi, and they didn't want that to happen here. Besides, Usagi had Mamoru! "Usagi-Chan!!" "Huh?" "Aren't you going to eat?" "Oh, yeah!" With that Usagi, looked at Ranma one more time before starting to eat. Ami, Makoto, and Minako was slightly embarrassed by how Usagi ate, specially in front of Ranma, however, it was Usagi and they decided that Ranma will get used to it...everybody does. Meanwhile, Ranma was amazed at the girl and her eating style. It almost matched his own. With that Ranma started to eat his own food with his traditional Anything-Goes Style! When Ranma started to eat like that, everyone was amazed to say the least. Here was someone who was matching Usagi's eating style! However, they started to notice that Ranma's food was going faster and sometimes, part of Usagi's food would disappear as well. Once again all three were amazed! Usagi who was eating with her usual style, started to notice something strange. Part of her food, which she didn't even touch, started to disappear. So she watched and it happened again, and she knew that Ranma was taking her food! "WHAT!? DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!" "You are too slow dumpling!" "How dare you call me that name and steal my food!?" "If you are too slow, you don't deserve to have your food, dumpling!" "I'll show you!" With that those two went back to their food, much to the amazement of the three girls there. It looked as though Usagi was now really trying to protect her food, but still it was no use, part of her food will be taken by Ranma no matter what she tried. Finally she decided to pay him back and attacked Ranma's food, however she was blocked and twice as much as her food was taken, and she decided to go back on the defensive. This was when Seiya decided to come into the dinning room. He doesn't have 4th period lunch, but he decided to skip the class so he can come see his "dumpling" and ask her to come see the musical that he practice so hard to finally master. He walked into see really strange event going on. It seems like dumpling was fighting with some guy over food, and she was losing. With that Seiya made his way over to the table to put a stop to it, when he felt it. He felt strong power, it was hidden but he still felt it. It was more powerful then anything he ever felt before. He didn't know where it came from, but that stopped him. Seiya started to look around to find that power when a loud voice got his attention back to dumpling. "I won't let you take all my food!" It was Usagi, and her battle cry. "You can try to stop me dumpling!" Now Seiya was not a happy camper. Some guy was moving in on his girl. Well, not his girl yet, but she is going to be, as soon as she get's over this boyfriend over seas. "Look here buddy!" That stopped the fight over food, as both Usagi and Ranma looked over to find Seiya standing next to Ranma. They were both so into the food fight that they didn't notice him. Of course Minako, Ami, and Makoto was so into the fight that it was surprise for them to see Seiya standing there as well. "Seiya!?" "Who is this dumpling? Is he bothering you?!" "Hey, who's the tall skinny guy?" "What?!" "Look here, whoever you are, me and dumpling we are just having fun, so why don't you take your tall, skinny, and lanky self out of here huh?" When Ranma said it, they all were shocked. Ranma just told off Seiya, one of the threelights, the most popular idol group. Seiya was angry, never before in his life had anybody said those things to him. "You are going to pay for that!" "Is that a challenge?" "After school, you and me, we are going to have something to settle!" "Whatever, why don't you give up now? You can't handle me, you are too weak and skinny" "WHAT!?!" Ranma was using the Anything-Goes Style of insult your opponent until they make a mistake attack, which he was very good at. He had 10 years to practice on his father, and of course last year against Ryoga, Moouse and other enemies. "Guys, please don't do anything stupid" Asked Usagi, and other girls agreed. "Skinny here started it" "WHAT!?!" "Seiya, please!" "Ok, because dumpling asked me. I'll let you go now, but you better watch out" "What out or what?" Ranma said it with his cocky grin that annoyed the hell out of all his opponents. "I'll make you regret it" Seiya said it in a low and very dangerous tone that actually scared the girls, but it seem to make Ranma enjoy this more. "Better men then you have tried and failed skinny" "My name is Seiya! Seiya Kou, you better remember that, because, one of these days, I'm going to put you in your place" "Whatever" "Ranma!" It was Usagi, she had enough. "Huh?" "Please don't fight with Seiya, none of you have to do this!" "Ok, although if skinny there wants a fight, he's going to get one" "Seiya, don't fight Ranma" [RANMA!] [OW!!] [What do you think your doing!?] [What? I'm just having fun with this kid!] [Ranma, we are not in Nerima anymore. You can really hurt that kid if you two actually fought!] [Ranko, I won't really hurt him, embarrass him a little but..] [Beside, you are suppose to keep a low profile so the people from Nerima won't find you!] [Oh yeah, that's right. Sorry] Seiya already didn't like this guy. He was almost as good-looking as himself and he was annoying as hell. He couldn't wait till put him in his place, but not here. He would have to get him alone and he will have to do it without actually resulting to fist fight, or else he might look bad in front of dumpling. "Dumpling, don't worry, unless he starts the fight, I won't fight him" Seiya finally told Usagi, which put him at ease. It was rather funny, Ranma and Usagi and rest of the girls just met today but they were already acting like they have been friends for a while. However, if they actually thought about it, from the moment they met, they didn't feel like strangers. It was because of the bond that they all had during the silver millennium. "I'm going to go, oh and dumpling, here" With that Seiya handed her some tickets. "What is it Seiya?" "It's tickets to my musical, you are coming. See you in physical ed." With that he just walked away. "Wait!" Usagi called out, but it was too late, Seiya was already out the door. She looked down to see, 6 tickets on her hands. "Umm...guys so I guess we are going to see the musical?" "Yeah!" "Hey, nice to meet you guys! But I have to get going! It was fun dumpling" With that Ranma left even before any of the girls could say anything. The girls just watched Ranma walked out of the dinning room and finally looked at each other, each thinking about what happened today. "Wow, that was something, Ranma and Seiya" "Yeah, I almost thought that they were going to fight in here" "It's a good thing they didn't, they might get into trouble" "Well, what do we have next? "Well, we have European history and physical education with the second year students" End of Chapter 4. Next Chapter.... "What is going on here?? Why is our gym look like it's going to break down?!" Confrontation! Seiya verses Ranma! Authors note. I would like to thank all my pre-readers. Thank you for corrections and also comments. This one people might be confused as what's going on. Well, what's going on is that I decided to make Ranma some kind of super knight from back in the silver millennium. I also made him the Royal Knight of the Golden Crystal. I really couldn't think of a really cool title so I decided on that one. I read that in the manga that Mamoru has the golden crystal, but I'm going with the Anime so he doesn't but I gave it to Ranma so I guess that makes up for it. I decided to write a SailorMoon and Ranma crossover fic. I've read lot of Ranma fic and because I've read almost all the Ranma fic out there I came across lot of Ranma and SailorMoon crossover. There were some good ones and there were some bad ones. After reading many fics, and also watching the end of SailorMoon Stars I decided to write a fic about Ranma1/2 SailorMoon. I thought it would be interesting so I started to think how I was going to go about it and this is it. Please give comments and advice as to make the fic better. Send C&C to Jjang13977@aol.com My new and improved web page! http://www.angelfire.com/anime2/ericheeohfic/index.html DISCLAIMER: Most of the characters from Ranma1/2 is owned by or inspired by the works of Rumiko Takahashi and I don't own SailorMoon, or any other related characters. The copyright belongs to Naoko Takeuchi/ Kodansha, Toei Animation. SailorMoon is used under license by DiC Entertainment as well. C&C to Eric Oh Note: I didn't know where I was going to put SailorMoon timeline in. I mean if I set it after SailorMoon Stars they already beat everything they can possibly imagine. They beat Sailor Galaxia and she is supposed to be the most powerful solider in the Galaxy. So, I kept on thinking and thinking and decided to change the events so that it takes place during the SailorMoon Stars. So this takes place right after Mamoru goes off to America and Seiya starts to have feelings for Usagi this will be like the movies R, S, and SS you know how you can't really put them in the SailorMoon timeline. Ranma takes place after the failed wedding attempt. I'm just assuming that Usagi goes to Juuban High. < > Thoughts ( ) Chinese [ ] Mental link Ranma1/2 and SailorMoon Crossover. Remembered Chapter 5. Ranma was headed to physical education after he was finished with his 5th period computer labs. His mind was baffled by what he had just seen and done. [Ranko, did you know that computers can do things like that?] [Yes Ranma. Unlike some people, we tend to know what’s going on around our lives beside martial arts] [Oh, ok. But that was really cool! I didn’t know you can do all that with something that looks just like a television!] Ranma was thinking back to what he saw in the computer lab. There were things that looks like televisions except these things had lot of stuff attached to it. He had no idea what he was suppose to do until he was told to sit in front of one of those things and were instructed to do something with it. He basically had never touched a computer before in his life so he didn’t know what to do. Luckily Ranko had some idea what to do with it, and she helped him. End result was that Ranma had gotten into the worldwide web. From there, he saw many different things and information. He was also surprised to see that Nabiki had open up some kind of shop over this worldwide web and was selling merchandise about him. Both in male and female form in America, and the continent of Europe. Besides that, Ranma had learned many thing about what he can do with the computer and he was amazed. After this initial discovery, he spent all of his time, ignoring the teacher’s instructions, and looked for various martial arts forms. And surprisingly he had found many of the martial arts forms and style and how to train for them online. It seems that some people have studied into many of the martial arts form in the world and posted up on the net, but no one tried them because they were just too crazy. Who in their right mind will try to pull out a Chestnut out of burning fire, or tie themselves up and smash themselves into a boulder. However, there were other unbelievable martial arts techniques that Ranma found on the net that he can learn and he will. While Ranma was thinking back to the computer class, Ranko was thinking back to the lunch period. She couldn’t shake the feeling that she knew that girl that Ranma was having a meal duel with. Somehow, this really bothered her. Something about that girl was important and she couldn’t think of what it was. While both Ranma and Ranko were deep in their own thoughts, they arrived in front of the locker room. Ranma went into get changed into his gym uniform, when Ranko told him to stop. [Ranma stop!] [What Ranko?] [What are we doing in here?] [To get changed for the gym class] Ranko was having trouble. Before she was only part of Ranma and didn’t have a feelings or mind of her own, but now she was an individual that was trapped inside of Ranma’s mind. Now she had feminine modesty and she also had her own feelings, which caused her to get embarrassed by the idea of her seeing all those naked boys in the locker room getting changed into their gym uniform. [Ranma, don’t you dare go in there!] [Ranko, what’s your problem? I don’t want to be late for this class] With that Ranma, much to Ranko’s protest went inside. To no one’s surprise, there were lot of boys getting changed into their gym uniform and Ranma casually walked in to get changed into his own uniform. Ranko however was not being as casual as Ranma. She tried closing her eyes, but she didn’t have eyes of her own, and she tried to ignore the images that were coming in, but she couldn’t. She tried to talk to Ranma about closing his eyes, but it seems that Ranma was ignoring her. Ranko couldn’t handle this and her mind temporarily shut down. It seems that she saw the image of Ranma taking his own clothes off reflected off of the mirror on the wall. Ranma felt that Ranko went unconscious, but he didn’t think much of it. He thought that maybe Ranko needed a nap and went to sleep. He was too focused on this gym class. This class would tell him what this school had to offer him in the ways of physical challenge. He was done changing and was ready to go out when he caught that sight of familiar looking long hair. Indeed it was Seiya. He was there getting changed with two of his friends, Yaten and Taiki. Ranma studied all three of them and noticed that they were all built pretty nice, not as impressive as himself and not even Ryoga or Mouse, but they were built better then the most average high school kids. He could also tell that they were pretty fast, but once again not as fast as himself. He was about to leave the locker room to go out to the gym, when Seiya saw him and look in Seiya’s eyes changed. “YOU!” With that Seiya started to make his way towards Ranma. “Yeah? What about me skinny?” “What are you doing here!” Yaten and Taiki couldn’t do anything but stand there and watch their friend argue with this new kid. “Hey Taiki, do you know what’s going on here?” “No Yaten, I don’t know. But you know Seiya is rather childish and short-tempered. It’s probably nothing” While Yaten and Taiki were talking, Seiya had made his way and was now standing in front of Ranma. Although most of the people would have been intimidated by the way Seiya was standing in front of them and staring at them, this was Ranma. Ranma had faced raging Ryoga, Mouse, Soun’s demon head, Herb, Saffron and many other things that were more impressive and scarier then this teenage boy. “I have gym next here skinny, what’s it to you?” Seiya was just about to let lose on this guy in front of him. First, he picked on his dumpling, then now he was calling him names. He was preparing to let lose with a punch to the jaw and knock this guy out, when an idea hit him. They were after all about to go to gym class. They could settle this there and it won’t look like he was fighting with him. After all dumpling told him not to fight this guy. “We are going to settle this!” “Anytime skinny” “You and me, gym class, we are going to settle this in there in the game of basketball” Ranma, although one of the best martial artist in the world and also the one of the best athletes in the world, had never done anything except martial arts. He didn’t even watch basketball on television. He was trying hard to remember how to play basketball, he saw Akane play basketball when he went to Furinken High. “You are on!” Although, he didn’t really have any idea how basketball went, he wasn’t about to turn down a challenge. When Ranma accepted the challenge, Seiya left him with smile on his face. It was a smile that said, you are going to get it. After all, Seiya had confidence in his own skills. He did beat the whole basketball team when he first got here. And beside, basketball can get physical, and if he happens to knock him down couple of times trying to get the ball or trying to get to the basket… Yaten and Taiki couldn’t do anything but watch the event unfold before them and look at each other in confusion. It seems like Seiya had just issued a challenge and that other guy just accepted. They followed Seiya out of the locker room, wondering what was going on. Ranma was still trying to figure out how to play the game as he walked out of the locker room to the gym. Furinken high… Girls were playing basketball today but surprisingly, the team that Akane was in was losing. Usually, Akane has impressive defense and offense that helps her team to victory. However, today Akane wasn’t doing too good. She seems like she was too distracted and depressed. Word had spread that Ranma left Nerima and that she was no longer engaged to Ranma. Although it wasn’t true, because the rumor stated that she was no longer engaged to Ranma the mob had shown up once again in front of the school. She went through them like a tornado. What was worse was that Shampoo and Ukyou showed up during lunch and was all in her face about what she did to their darling “Ranchan” or “Airen”. What was even worse about it was that Akane couldn’t argue with them. Everything they told her they said that she did to Ranma, she did. She did indeed beat him for little things, and she did indeed force fed him her cooking, and she did indeed called him names and such. Thinking about it made her even more depressed that she couldn’t concentrate. For what seem like the hundred times, she turned her head and look towards the side where Ranma would usually be there with couple of his friends and watch her play basketball. Back in Juuban… Everybody who were in the gym class was already in the gym class. Today the boys were to be inside of the gym and the girls outside where the track and field equipment are. Gym teachers had decided that putting boys and girls together can cause them to distract each other what with the outfit the girls wear for gyms. So they have decided that for the first half the guys will use the gym and girls will use the outside track and field equipment and for the second half girls will use the gym and guys will use the track and field equipment. So here they were getting ready for their class when they saw that Seiya and the new guys getting ready to play basketball. When the gym teacher saw that, he was about to put a stop to it, he had planed that they will play something like a volleyball, but one look at Seiya’s eyes, he had to back down and let him do what he was doing. He saw something in his eyes that scared him. There were fires in his eyes and there were determination and something else. The look in Seiya’s eyes caused others to back away slightly as well, all except Yaten, Taiki and Ranma. Yaten and Taiki was getting slightly worried. It seems that Seiya was really angry. They have not seen him this angry since they thought that the princess had died but it got better after they found out that she merely left their planet to go somewhere else. Ranma on the other hand wasn’t even bothered by it. He seen that kind of look before. It was something that he had dealt with multiple of times with Ryoga, Mouse, and other challengers and such. “Are you going to start or just stare at me all day skinny?” “Here I come!” With that Seiya, went straight for the basket that Ranma was suppose to be guarding. And because Ranma had no idea what was going on, followed his movements but didn’t do much. So it wasn’t all that surprising that Seiya charged him and bumped him with his shoulder and then threw up a shot to score a point. Ranma had no real idea what was going on, but he knew two things. Skinny bumped into him on purpose and that the ball going into his basket meant that he lost that one. With that, Ranma got the ball and he decided to show that skinny guy something, and he started to take steps when someone stopped him. “What?” “You traveled” “I what?” “You took more then three steps without dribbling the ball” “Huh?” “That’s illegal, so it’s Seiya’s ball” With that, Taiki took the ball and handed it to Seiya. Seiya then with the ball, charged to Ranma’s court again and this time, did a complicated spin move on Ranma and caused him to look like a fool and once again scored a point. Seiya had a smile on his face as he was now winning 2 points to nothing and both times he caused this arrogant fool to look like a jerk that he was. Ranma on the other hand was not liking this. But this time, he was prepared. He was watching Seiya as he was dribbling up to him. And slowly he was beginning to recall what basketball was and remembered watching Akane play. With that, Ranma started to make his move. He dribbled the ball and went up to Seiya, then he pulled a break and pulled out a fade away jumper that Seiya did not expect and therefore caught unaware. Seiya couldn’t do anything but look on flatfooted. The ball went in and when Seiya look back to where Ranma was, there was that annoying smirk on his face. Yaten and Taiki saw that the smile that Seiya had on just a second ago was gone and was replaced by the determined look. Both Yaten and Taiki thought. Although, it wasn’t all that strange for Seiya to be competitive about things, it was strange for the fact that Seiya was going all out against this guy now. This caused Yaten and Taiki to study this new guy. This time, Seiya went up to Ranma, tried double pump which he thought was going to fake out Ranma, however, this time, Ranma wasn’t faked out. Ranma was one of the best martial artist and he wasn’t about to be faked out so easily. Seiya seeing that the pump fake didn’t work, decided to go for bump and jump shot. Seiya made contact with Ranma, he gave almost everything he had in what look like an innocent bump, but in fact, he put almost all his power into it. Seiya expected Ranma to have gone down, except things didn’t turn out as he expected. Somehow, Ranma took the brunt of the force, but returned much greater force that Seiya was knocked down. Seiya hit the ground on his back. He looked up to see that annoying smirk again and this got him even more mad. He was about to get up when Taiki called foul. He was waiting for something like defensive foul when Taiki called for charging on him. He turned and stare at Taiki, with look of disbelief, but it didn’t do any good. This was Taiki and he knew Seiya pretty well. “Seiya, you charged” With that, Taiki handed the ball to Ranma. Everybody around was watching this intense game with sweat running down their faces. This game was more intense then anything they have ever witnessed. Seiya seems like he was about to commit murder and that new guy was not even caring. Ranma on the other hand was looking at Seiya with interest. Ranma decided to give this skinny guy a taste of his own medicine. With that Ranma went up to where Seiya was and did a spinning move, which made Ranma to end up behind Seiya and he did a fade away move which caused him to bump into Seiya. Ranma had put some power into this and this caused Seiya to fall down again, this time he had to brace the fall with both his hands. Seiya was getting angry and everybody here could tell. And Ranma was having fun. Score was tied, but in the minds Seiya, Yaten, Taiki, and Ranma, Seiya was losing. Seiya got up, determined to win this time. Went up to Ranma and attempted a spinning fade away. This usually causes him to win, except that Ranma read the move perfectly, and even before the ball left Seiya’s hand Ranma blocked it. Because Ranma blocked it before the ball left Seiya’s hand, and because Seiya was up on the air, in the middle of fade away jump, he lost his balance and ended up on the ground once again. Ball bounced out of bound, and once again it was Ranma’s ball. Seiya was losing face and losing this match in general and he didn’t like it. With that Seiya decided to put everything he had on this defense. Ranma, was having great fun. Ranma charged and this time, Seiya gave out a battle cry as he came out to meet Ranma head on. Later… The girls were coming into the gym to get their chance to use the gym. It was really too bad that the teachers decided to split the girls and boys and have them use separate facilities. Something about being a distraction to each other. So, it was really surprising when they came in and saw that their gym which was kept with care looked like monsters attacked it. It was completely trashed and there were cracks and holes everywhere, and one basket looked like it was about to fall off. “What is going on here?? Why is our gym look like it’s going to break down?” It was said by Makoto, who liked gym class and who really liked the gym. Same thought was shared by many of the girls. However, they soon saw the cause of the destruction of their gym. There near the basket that was looking much better, actually it looked like it wasn’t touched at all, where two playing very physical basketball. One looked like he ran through a minefield where the other looked pretty clean. Makoto wasn’t the only who was surprised. Minako, Usagi, and Ami all looked around in shock and stare at the two who were playing basketball. On closer inspection, they could tell that they were Ranma and Seiya. What was more surprising was that it was Seiya that looked like he had run through the minefield. “Seiya?” Usagi was socked, Seiya and Ranma were fighting. Although, they were playing basketball, she was sure that those two were fighting. “STOP!” Usagi yelled, much to the surprise of Makoto, Ami, and Minako as well as Yaten and Taiki who could not believe that Seiya was losing by so much. When Usagi yelled stop, all attention was focused on her, even Ranma and Seiya who was not noticing anything but each other, specially Seiya who couldn’t believe that he was losing so much and was thinking about transforming just to teach him a lesson. “Hey dumpling, how are you?” It was Ranma who greeted the distressed Usagi. “How am I doing? I asked you both not to fight and you two are fighting!” “Huh?” “How could you?” “Dumpling, we are not fighting, are we skinny?” Seiya wanted to yell at his face, but he couldn’t. Dumpling was watching them and he remembered that he promised her that he wasn’t going to fight him. “Of course not. We were just having a friendly game of basketball” “Friendly!!!” It was said at the same time by 4 different voices. “Yes, friendly” “Look around you Ranma” Ranma did and noticed the distractions. “What about it?” “What about it? What about it? The place is trashed!” “And?” “And? And? You call this friendly!!” “I guess we did over do a little?” “LITTLE??” Ranma was not liking this, and neither was Seiya. For some reason being reprimanded by Usagi wasn’t something that they liked and it felt really bad. “Usagi, it’s ok, at least they didn’t hurt anybody” It was Ami who said it, trying to calm down the princess. “Yeah, at least they didn’t hurt anybody” This seem to lesson the Usagi’s distress a little. Ranma was about to let out a breath of relief seeing how Usagi was about to let up, when Ranko finally woke up. [OH MY GOD!] [Oww…don’t do that!] [What happened here?] [Ah…ha ha….just a friendly game of basketball, nothing much] [Ranko saw the destruction that surrounding them. And also how badly Seiya was looking] [You picked a fight with him didn’t you?] [No! He started it, he was the one who wanted to play basketball!] [Yeah right Ranma. He is the one responsible for this huh?] [Yeah!] [Ranma, I told you, we are not in Nerima anymore and things like this is probably not normal for these people. You can’t go around doing things like this!] [I know, I know] Ranko was about to say more when the teacher who were in charge of the girls came in and saw what happen to the gym. “MY GOD! What happened here!” End of Chapter 5 Next Chapter… “Well, it’s like this…..it’s skinny here's fault!” “What!!!” Authors note. I did not send this to pre-readers. I haven’t updated for so long that I decided to send this out right away. However, next stories, I will send out to my pre-readers. I have been busy because of the midterms and LSAT but since it’s over, I will have more time to update and stuff. This one people might be confused as what's going on. Well, what's going on is that I decided to make Ranma some kind of super knight from back in the silver millennium. I also made him the Royal Knight of the Golden Crystal. I really couldn't think of a really cool title so I decided on that one. I read that in the manga that Mamoru has the golden crystal, but I'm going with the Anime so he doesn't but I gave it to Ranma so I guess that makes up for it. I decided to write a SailorMoon and Ranma crossover fic. I've read lot of Ranma fic and because I've read almost all the Ranma fic out there I came across lot of Ranma and SailorMoon crossover. There were some good ones and there were some bad ones. After reading many fics, and also watching the end of SailorMoon Stars I decided to write a fic about Ranma1/2 SailorMoon. I thought it would be interesting so I started to think how I was going to go about it and this is it. Please give comments and advice as to make the fic better. Send C&C to Jjang13977@aol.com My new and improved web page! http://www.angelfire.com/anime2/ericheeohfic/index.html DISCLAIMER: Most of the characters from Ranma1/2 is owned by or inspired by the works of Rumiko Takahashi and I don't own SailorMoon, or any other related characters. The copyright belongs to Naoko Takeuchi/ Kodansha, Toei Animation. SailorMoon is used under license by DiC Entertainment as well. C&C to Eric Oh Note: I didn't know where I was going to put SailorMoon timeline in. I mean if I set it after SailorMoon Stars they already beat everything they can possibly imagine. They beat Sailor Galaxia and she is supposed to be the most powerful solider in the Galaxy. So, I kept on thinking and thinking and decided to change the events so that it takes place during the SailorMoon Stars. So this takes place right after Mamoru goes off to America and Seiya starts to have feelings for Usagi this will be like the movies R, S, and SS you know how you can't really put them in the SailorMoon timeline. Ranma takes place after the failed wedding attempt. I'm just assuming that Usagi goes to Juuban High. < > Thoughts ( ) Chinese [ ] Mental link Ranma1/2 and SailorMoon Crossover. Remembered Chapter 6. "MY GOD! What happened here!" When a loud voice asking what happen to the gym rang, all turn to look to the girls gym teacher. The girls gym teacher's loud voice alarmed the other teachers that were outside and they all came into what looked like a battle ground. "Could someone tell us how this happen to our gym?" "We had it cleaned up, waxed, and re-equipped just yesterday!" "Did a monster attack it?" "It can't be a monster, we didn't see the Sailors!" Teachers and girls were all talking among themselves and boys of the gym class refuse to say anything in case the new student Ranma and Seiya decide to take revenge if they reveal anything. If they can do this to the gym, then it was better to stay on their good side. [Ranma, I think you should confess!] [Confess? Confess what?] [Ranma! You did this to the gym!] [I did not! Well, at least not by myself!] "I'm still waiting! SOMEONE better tell us what happen to the gym!" The gym teacher was waiting and it was making everybody uncomfortable. It was then Usagi was having a moral dilemma. She didn't wanted to tell on her friend Seiya and her new friend Ranma, but the gym was destroyed. People started to look around, they looked at almost everywhere except for the teacher who was demanding to know what happened, and Ranma and Seiya. [Ranma, you really should tell them. It's not like it's your first time in trouble or anything. These are good kids you know, don't get them all in trouble for something you did] [Ok....well, whatever] With that, Ranma took a step forward to tell the teacher. At the same time Seiya saw that Ranma was about to tell the teacher. No one could have told him that his thinking was irrational at this point but he was young man in love, so who could blame him. "It was me" "It was me" Said same time by Ranma and Seiya. They both looked at each other while the teacher looked at both with rather surprised and curious eyes. Here it was, one of the new student and also one of the idol group member trying to say that it was them. "Would either one of you like to explain what happened?" Ranma was as surprised as the teacher as well as Ranko. [Hey, Ranko, what do you think he's doing?] [I don't know. It looks like he actually has a conscious and is trying to take the blame] [I don't know....I don't think that's it, maybe he's trying to play the nice guy and look good in front of the girls or something] [Ranma! How could you even think something like that!] [Whatever, since it came to this, I'm going to have fun] [What are you thinking?!] [You'll see] [Ranma! Ranma! Oh!! How dare you shut me out again!] "Well, teach let me explain what happened" When Ranma volunteered, Seiya didn't know what was about to happen. However, when he looked at him, he saw the look in his eyes and knew that it wasn't anything good. "Well, it's like this.....it's skinny here's fault!" "What?" Repeated by 7 voices. Usagi couldn't believe that Ranma would do that to Seiya. Ami, Makoto, Minako, Yaten, and Taiki couldn't believe what they heard either. Seiya was furious from what he just heard. Sure he was going to take the blame to look good in front of Usagi, but now Ranma was going to shift the whole blame on him and he gave him the perfect chances to do that. [Ranma, how could you do that! When you pay attention to me again I'm going to give you the headache of the century!] "So, you are telling me that it was all Mr. Kou's fault?" "Yes" "Mr. Kou!" "Wait! Let me finish explaining please" When Ranma said it, people didn't know what to expect. Teacher thought that the whole thing was weird, Usagi didn't know what to expect as well as anybody else. Then Ranma smiled and started again. "Well, if skinny here was better basketball player and didn't bounce around more then the ball, then things wouldn't have gone this bad" "Excuse me?" "WHAT?" "What I mean is teach, is that, skinny here hit the ground so many times that he did most of the damage here with his body falling on the ground. Honestly, he's just so darn clumsy!" With that Ranma started to laugh with his right had behind his head. Seiya could not believe what he just heard. He was starting to get really mad. Somehow Ranma made him look like a fool again, but this time in front of dumpling and made him look clumsy and incompetent! Yaten and Taiki was at first shocked to hear such an explanation from this new student they learn was Ranma, then they were having a hard time from trying not to laugh. They saw Seiya's mad expression and were having even harder time. Oh, they knew all about Seiya's competitive nature and they all loved him as friend and siblings and stuff, but the situation was just too funny. Makoto and Minako were trying hard to not laugh either. The description that Ranma gave was just too funny. Ami didn't see much humor in it, but knew that it was funny and held tiny smile on her face. However, she rarely found humor at other people expenses and this time was no different. Usagi didn't know how to feel. Seiya was her dear friend and Ranma was her new found friend. For some reason they seem to not like each other and this time Ranma made Seiya look like a fool. It was funny, but she saw Seiya's face and knew that he was very angry. Teacher didn't know what to do. The new student just gave an explanation if to be belief, all this was caused because of some basketball game. But the gym looked like it was trampled by a monster. "Is that the truth?" Teacher asked a random student that was in the gym to confirm the story. The kid looked from Seiya to Ranma and Ranma to Seiya. They both gave him fierce look which convinced him to go with the story. Little did he know that Ranma was giving him the look to go with the story and Seiya was giving him the look because he was just plain angry. "Yes teacher" "Well then...I guess it was just a P.E. activities that caused this...and it can't be really blamed on anybody....but next time, don't play so rough" "Sure teach!" With that Ranma gave the teacher one of the Saotome smile which the girls caught and started to feel light headed and ran outside for the second half of the P.E. leaving rest of them behind. Later... Nothing happened in the second part of the P.E.. The girls couldn't do much because of the state the gym was in and the guys....they all decided to just stay away from Ranma and Seiya. Seiya was held back from going for Ranma by Yaten and Taiki. However, Seiya was thinking of way to pay back Ranma. Seiya was already trying to come up with something to get back at the new student, and who he considered to be his rival now. Yaten and Taiki was looking at Seiya with interest. They had never seen Seiya this fired up about a person before. Now, Ranma was walking towards his 7th period which was music and he had a large headache thanks to Ranko. [Ranko, I already said I was sorry!] [That's not enough! I told you again and again not to do that again and you did it again!] [Listen, I sometimes need my own to think and stuff you know] [I don't care! Do you have any idea what it feels like to be just ignored and put a side!] [Yes...yes I do] When Ranma replied, Ranko had to calm down and think again who she was talking to. She was talking to Ranma, one person who almost all through out his life, had things done to him, his life lived for him and almost always ignored, thrown aside, and looked at as nothing more then just something to be taken advantage of or used and no one ever listen to what he said or cared how he felt. [Ranma...I'm sorry...I was out of line, but I hate it when you ignore me like that] [I know...I'm sorry too, and I'll try not to do that again] [Ok] Ranma had arrived in front of his 7th period, but he was hesitant in going in. It was music after all, and he didn't see the reason why he had to take music. Ranma was thinking about skipping the class when he heard the familiar voice inside. "Today, we are going to learn how to sing in each of your individual voice part" It was the voice that he learned to recognize and it was only his first day. It was true. The voice did belong to Seiya. Seiya was teaching the music class, along with Yaten and Taiki. The school decided since they have a popular idol group in their school, they should make best of it and have them teach the music class, which was greatly welcomed by the student body. [Oh no! Ranma, what are you thinking!] [You know Ranko, I think music class won't be too bad after all] [Ranma, please! You already did enough as it is today!] [Ranko, don't worry, would I do anything?] [YES!] Ranma made his way in the class, and the people turned to look at the person who was making his way into the class. Seiya, Yaten, and Taiki turn to look at who was coming in to welcome the person when they saw who it actually was. Seiya saw it was Ranma and once again the fire in his eyes started to burn. Thought by Taiki and Yaten. "What are YOU doing here!?" "What am I doing here? I'm here to take music class like it says on my course paper, what are you doing here skinny?" "My name is Seiya! And I teach this class!" "Oh really? I guess the school is desperate enough to let someone like you teach a class here" "What did you say?" "And you can't hear very well either, how do you teach music here?" "Why you!" "That's enough Seiya" Seiya turned in surprise to look at Taiki who said that. "What?" "Seiya, it's class time and you shouldn't let your personal feeling get in the way" With that Taiki walked towards Ranma to welcome him to the class told him where to sit and what to prepare. Seiya couldn't do much but to stare at Taiki's back. With that Seiya started the class along with Yaten and Taiki. They asked the class to separate by their voice section which they started to do except for Ranma. Ranma had sang before, but only in his girl form and didn't really know what voice range he was or what that was even. "Ranma, why aren't you going to your voice section?" Asked Taiki who was trying to prevent another fight between him and Seiya. This was as much as his class which he was responsible as with Yaten and Seiya and he wanted to do a good job with it. "Um...what's voice section?" "You don't know what voice sections are? What a joke!" That was comment made by Seiya, which made Ranma's eye brow twitch. Seiya was finally little happy with the shot that he got in. Finally something that he was better then at this arrogant new guy. "Ranma are you telling us that you don't know what voice sections are or you don't know your own voice range?" "Um...I guess I am" When Ranma told them that, Seiya came up with an idea to embarrass him even more. "Could you come down here so we can find out what voice range you belong to?" "Huh?" "Seiya want are you doing?" "I'm going to make him sing so we can find out what voice range he belongs to" "Oh, that's great idea" Of course Taiki and Yaten kind of knew that Seiya was doing this to embarrass the new kid who embarrassed him again and again. One would expect a person who does not even know the voice range or voice section to be a bad singer and they could tell that Seiya was going for that angle. "Ranma, could you come down here?" "Uh...sure" Ranma came to the front of the class and stood next to Seiya now. "Now, we are going to find out what voice range you are now, I want you to sing after me, do you understand?" Seiya was talking to him like a child and Ranma knew that he was doing that on purpose. [Ranma, do you even know how to sing?] [Sure, I sang as my cursed form, couple of times remember?] [Ranma, I meant in your normal form!] [Huh?] [Have you ever sang in your normal form?] [Now that you mention it, I don't know] [Oh great, well we are about to find out if you can sing or not] Seiya got ready and he looked at Ranma one more time before going into a song. It was one of the Threelights song Search for your love. After Seiya was done singing, Yaten and Taiki looked at him funny. Yaten seem to get angry now at Seiya, he used a song that was meant to be a message to their princess just to show off this new kid. Yaten was about to say something to Seiya when they heard Ranma started to sing. Ranma started to sing at first somewhat shaky voice, but he started to get into it. However as he was singing, he started to feel strange feeling, strange feeling as thought song held a message of some kind. Yaten, Seiya, and Taiki all felt it when Ranma started to sing. Ranma's song held a message as well. It seems that Ranma's song gave off the same message that they were trying to send to their princess. Then they felt it, something that Seiya felt at the dining center, the feeling of power, feeling of bright star. Seiya, Yaten, and Taiki shared a look and looked back at Ranma. They were sure that the wave of power, which was short but powerful was coming from Ranma and the song that he was singing. The whole classroom was mesmerized by the way Ranma was singing. The way his voice carried out the song, different from Seiya but just as beautiful and soulful. Yaten, Taiki, and Seiya got closer together and started to whisper to each other. "Do you feel it?" "The power of a star" "Power of message" "Yes" "Who is he?" End of Chapter 6 I did not send this to pre-readers. I haven't updated for so long that I decided to send this out right away. However, next stories, I will send out to my pre-readers. This one people might be confused as what's going on. Well, what's going on is that I decided to make Ranma some kind of super knight from back in the silver millennium. I also made him the Royal Knight of the Golden Crystal. I really couldn't think of a really cool title so I decided on that one. I read that in the manga that Mamoru has the golden crystal, but I'm going with the Anime so he doesn't but I gave it to Ranma so I guess that makes up for it. I decided to write a SailorMoon and Ranma crossover fic. I've read lot of Ranma fic and because I've read almost all the Ranma fic out there I came across lot of Ranma and SailorMoon crossover. There were some good ones and there were some bad ones. After reading many fics, and also watching the end of SailorMoon Stars I decided to write a fic about Ranma1/2 SailorMoon. I thought it would be interesting so I started to think how I was going to go about it and this is it. Please give comments and advice as to make the fic better. Send C&C to Jjang13977@aol.com My new and improved web page! http://www.angelfire.com/anime2/ericheeohfic/index.html